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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2021 in all areas

  1. A link on reddit that doesn’t go to Rick Astley singing “Never gonna give you up”? It had to happen sometime! Thanks! And it’s never too late to leave copious reviews :p
    2 points
  2. BronxWench

    The Unreviewed

    The review button isn’t broken, but for some reason, most readers seem reluctant to review. We’ve never had anything comparable to the kudos you find on other archives, although we do have the dragon prints, which is the hit counter, showing how many times your story was accessed. We did away with the old ratings of 1-5 +’s because we found it was being abused. Readers were targeting stories that didn’t have their OTP, or because the story was getting more hits than a friend’s story, or because the author’s posting of a story or update bumped them off the “front” page. We’re all still pretty wary after that, and I doubt we’ll have anything like kudos or likes or thumbs-up anytime soon in the archive. As far as whether or not to keep posting, I have some stories with no reviews. I have others that garner reviews. After an unfortunate incident which resulted in all my stories being deleted, I’m slowly editing and reposting, but all the previous reviews are gone. So… I post anyway because I’m not writing just to squirrel it away on my hard drive. Maybe people are reading, and not reviewing. That’s fine. When I read for pleasure (and not as part of my moderator duties), I try to review because I know I like getting a comment, or even some good constructive criticism. (The key word is constructive here… just saying.) But that’s my choice, to post anyway, even if no one drops a line to comment.
    2 points
  3. SisterWine

    The Unreviewed

    I have been wondering the same thing. I just posted a few chapters of my newest fic, a Cold Case fic, and have 141 prints but no reviews. Is the button broken or something???What’s going on??? Should I stop posting it??? And there’s no kudos. How do we know they didn’t just click on it and move on?
    2 points
  4. US Copyright registration, for a single book/author (not for hire), is $45. Whether that’s worth it or not, is up to you.
    1 point
  5. Ditto, I’m more of a writer anymore...assuming games/work don’t draw me away. Some genres get more reviews than others, kinda the way it happens, with some kinks less likely than others. I mean, I get it, not everybody’s into squishy tentacles invading between the underage fleshy buttocks, but some people are. All you can really do is to ask (politely), and hope for the best – maybe somebody will read/review, make your week! Good luck.
    1 point
  6. SisterWine

    The Unreviewed

    I don’t read as much as I used to. I try to keep my ideas mine, that way. Every author likes to know how well they’re doing but I understand there are authors out there that can’t take constructive criticism. I always try to reply swiftly and politely, to mine. Cheers!
    1 point
  7. Having posted a flurry of new stuff last week (IMO, two oneshots and a chapter counts as a flurry), I don't really have anything on tap right now, or even a particular thing that I feel especially inspired to work on. So I’ve been doing a cycle through all my in-progress stories, adding at least 200 words, not only to each story, but each chapter of each story (if it’s far along enough that I know where one chapter ends and another begins). I started on Friday, and now I’m maybe a third of the way through. Currently, I’m adding to my Simpsons story – the one in which Bart becomes omnipotent and becomes Springfield’s sexual tyrant -- which will be called “My Wish Is Your Command.”
    1 point
  8. From Fairy-Slayer on March 28, 2021 Thanks! Yep. Plus, do you really want to bang an OC? I had so much fun writing that. Honestly, it's the main reason why I started the "the other guys start to envy Lincoln" storyline. Or you may be right. My original plan with this chapter was to make it about Lincoln's (relatively) new crush, Paige. Then I switched gears when I decided it would be more fun to make it about Lincoln's former, utterly alienated crush instead. But I might have overdone it in showing what a 180 Cristina was making. There's a lot that had to happen in this chapter before the sex could actually work. Plus I added the dream sequence in there. So there was a lot of non-sex stuff at the front end. Thanks! Part of the challenge of writing this chapter was finding a way to make Cristina different -- sexually -- from the other girls Lincoln has banged so far. The whole thing with Casey and her collections of sex toys and porn were aimed at that. Even worse, he could have let it slip that Cristina's blowjob ISN'T on par with Lily's. Casey does not want to watch her little sister have sex. And Chuck doesn't want to go to jail for making child porn. Thanks for the review!
    1 point
  9. Sequel to Out With The Old is ready just waiting for easter Haha <3 Southwestern Wind
    1 point
  10. I thought this was a good point, so I went and added the WIP tag to my in-progress stories.
    1 point
  11. JayDee

    The Unreviewed

    I wrote more on the first page of this thread than I have in the last 12 months.
    0 points
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