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  1. From JayDee on December 29, 2020 Master Override – InvidiaRed Good job there! The first non-horny holiday story! Unless someone has an AI fetish. Which some people do. Especially after encountering eg GlaDOS. I mean, the Neurotoxin’ll get you but the AI’ll still be alive. Unless some super powerful godlike being turns up and fucks with it. For the holiday theme - Harbinger walking in with a little black box after the subroutine download, just like Santa bringing a lump of coal for a bad child – with Gestalt emphatically a very naughty It indeed. Unless that was me reading too much in. But it felt very Santa’ry. I thought some of the mentioned-in-passing details really could use their own stories – vampiric gynoids for example. The phlebotomists nightmare right there. I've joked about them on the forum before. The vampire gynoids from the future are now canon hahaha. I wasn’t sure what the deal was with the fog, but it sounded pretty unpleasant to be trapped in – especially with other things in it that were indicated to be super hostile. Bit of a Stephen King vibe? I figured maybe it was some kind of bioweapon that one of the fighting flesh forces had unleashed. The fog is a extra-dimensional feature of The World of Firmament, where Rationis, Ghoulneedle and Winterfall take place. A bit of Ravenloft mixed with Silent hill, Its meant to contain and spirit away Eldritch abominations and other horrors but its purpose is to contain vile wickedness beyond the usual evil. Unfortunately, If you’re minding your own business nearby well… In The Fog There Be Monsters. If you’re lucky the end will be relatively quick even if your lost soul will wander in the fog, If you’re unlucky well I sincerely hope you’ve got the combat prowess to survive. Assuming the things inside don’t notice you immediately. This Harbinger fellow sounds like a good looker. Does his Lord give him time off to get drunk and pick up strangers in bars? Haha. Harbinger as a herald is always connected to his lord. He’s the ambassador and the mortal contact for his patron. He’s married to the job but he does get time off. I really liked how Gestalt was sure it didn’t have any fear until it realised it probably was afraid, and I guess the implication being that it was created by people so it had flawed people’s emotions? Its not everyday where an AI is confronted with a divine messenger. Or an AI getting a soul obliterating look at divinity up close. The little subroutine was a cool little character. Just bailing out from the madness and getting along with Harbinger. Delta becoming the lady in the red dress. Heh. I keep looking for pop culture references that probably aren’t there Delta is three laws compliant and was disabled when Gestalt fully actualized,, Being localized to the lobby there was nothing it could do when Gestalt’s first action was to pull a skynet and kill everyone in the facility. So who’d win in a fight between Harbinger’s Lord and Duncan? Completely different settings. Epic high level fantasy vs Urban Fantasy. There is no contest when one is at a cosmic level, can split itself into multiple aspects or manifest an avatar and just wipe everything. Crossover wise, They’d get along. Duncan could probably take an aspect in a fair fight 1 vs 1. Since The Warden is a newly ascended deity. Harbinger would take him being he’s an angel that fought in the deific multidimensional world war that was the war of creation and is billions of years old. Universes have been born and died in that timeframe. As the Angel of Sterility even since he fell and was raised back to his station only The Angel Of Death herself is his greater.
    1 point
  2. JayDee

    AFF Holiday Party

    “We tried to hide behind the mountains. The horse came over it.” Whoohoo! I hope to read it tomorrow! Managed a 3000 word first draft here of the flashfic idea I had the other day. Kinda went over the flashfic part. Choppy as hell, lacking tons of detail, but basically ok. Gives me time to try and get it turned into a non-confusing thing with enough detail to be worth reading by the 31st! Fingers crossed!
    1 point
  3. Just added InvidiaRed’s “Master Override” to the TOC. Three stories and counting!
    1 point
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