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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2020 in all areas

  1. Social Distancing is a story written for @kagome26isawsome’s prompt concerning COVID-19. Basically, she proposed that some of us write stories about how our characters would be dealing with the pandemic. Since Elis and Lady Aldreda live in a medieval fantasy world and The Woman in the Statue is set in the future, that left Yua and Cody. Since jorōgumo like Yua can’t get sick (at least in my version of things; it’s possible yōkai may fall ill in myths I haven’t read), the only one at risk would be her human mate, Cody. Now, at first, I was going to make this a fun/hot story where Yua shows the boy exactly how much fun it can be to be trapped inside the house with a woman who’s got seduction down to an art and has 683 years of experience...but then things changed. I can’t explain exactly why, but it started getting more serious, focusing on what it means to be an immortal in a relationship with a human. And thus we come to our first review from @InvidiaRed! Yeah, the idea was that she isn’t smotheringly possessive all the time, but that the disease has made her even more protective of Cody than she normally is. I do enjoy writing Yua because of the inhuman aspect of the character. Luzurial is inhuman, but only in the technical sense, since her morality is essentially the same as ours. Yua is a giant spider that can look like a beautiful woman when she wants to, and as such her perspective is very different. I swear I wasn’t stealing your dialogue from the future! No, in all seriousness, the characters are different (a jorōgumo and a death god) but they share in that same bittersweet experience of loving someone you know you’ll outlive. That line of dialogue in particular is one I’ll be using in The Spider House, which is to be the formal introduction of Yua and Cody and how they became a couple. It’s what I’ll be working on after I finish the last chapter of WitS. Thank you!
    2 points
  2. Alright @InvidiaRed, @JayDee and @kagome26isawsome, I’ve finally posted my story! It took way longer than a 2,700 word story should have (sorry about that) but it is up. Social Distancing
    2 points
  3. If you have Netflix and you’re looking for a fun animated series to watch, I’d like to recommend Glitch Techs. The main characters are fun and likable (Miko’s way of speaking reminds me a lot of Star Butterfly’s), and the show is full of amusing video game references that even non-fanatics like me get.
    2 points
  4. I swear I wasn’t stealing your dialogue from the future! No, in all seriousness, the characters are different (a jorōgumo and a death god) but they share in that same bittersweet experience of loving someone you know you’ll outlive. That line of dialogue in particular is one I’ll be using in The Spider House, which is to be the formal introduction of Yua and Cody and how they became a couple. It’s what I’ll be working on after I finish the last chapter of WitS. Duncan and Yua would get along. Well at least until she figures out his ties to the underworld. Though I do see a funny moment when and if she ever asks his age and he tells her he’s 299,317 years older than her. Haha. That bittersweetness is related to why he incarnates and changes names.
    1 point
  5. The deli I work for went full grocer. Life is strangely interesting.
    1 point
  6. Oh, yes! I remember you saying about cutting it down some. Well, it’s great to see Flynn came through ok. That was a fun little chunk of text, but you do write combat super well. Badass moments for both Luzurial and Gibbs there! Thanks! I was trying to be funny, and if you want to fit it in go ahead! Uh. I typed that before realising the pun, honest. I like seeing yours too!
    1 point
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