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  1. http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600099663 here is mine. it is long. lol thanks to @InvidiaRed for participating!
    2 points
  2. From RandomReviewer on March 17, 2020 Don’t worry, Elvis has left the building. Like, thanks, and stuff. Totally.
    1 point
  3. From DoctorYnot on March 17, 2020 Thank you! I don’t mind. That’s often how I write reviews. Although I must say, mine aren’t usually nearly as detailed as this one. Thank you! To me, authenticity is paramount, because IMO, there’s no point in writing a fanfic if it doesn’t resemble and grow from the source material. A lot of people think that fanfic is easier to write than original stories because the characters and their world have been created for you; you’re just taking them out of the box and playing with them. But that’s also what makes it challenging, because you have to play with what you’re given. If you change the characters or their world (at least without some internally logical reason that you explain in the story), then you’re not really writing a fanfic anymore. Of course, writing smut adds a whole layer of challenge -- and therefore fun -- because you have to create circumstances in which the characters would plausibly do the things you want them to do. This is easy in fandoms where there’s magic or technology that can change people’s behavior; in half of my Phineas and Ferb stories (okay, probably more than half), sexy times ensue because of an Inator or one of the boys’ inventions. Lisa’s mad science can be used to the same effect, of course, but I’m trying not to over-rely on that as a plot device. No one has ever put it quite that way, but that is exactly what I’m going for. I don’t want readers to feel like they’re reading smut with some familiar names tacked onto it; I want them to feel like they’re reading about the characters they know. And because humor is integral to every Loud House episode, I feel like it’s not a Loud House story if it doesn’t contain a solid dose of comedy. Hell to the yes! Thank you. That’s a reference to “Heavy Meddle,” in which Ronnie Anne starts picking on Lincoln (off screen) and Lori opines that her shoving a sandwich down Lincoln’s pants is a classic show of romantic interest. Fair enough, but I feel that with Lincoln and Ronnie Anne being physically separated these days, they really have fallen into each other’s friend zones. But maybe they’re not that far outside the romance zone. Their romance, or at least romantic interest, seems like something easily rekindled. Noted. Keeping this in mind for the next chapter. One thing I like about The Loud House is that although the sisters started out as stereotypes, most of them have grown into three-dimensional characters. There’s a lot to Lori, and we’ll get into some of it later in the story. Yeah, you get the idea that this isn’t the first time Lincoln has had that thought. Food trucks are very popular where I live, and a lot of them are selling either fusion cuisine (kimchi enchiladas are surprisingly good, FYI) or upscale versions of street food. And because fusion restaurants seem to be popular in Royal Woods -- if Jean-Juan’s French-Mex Buffet and that Italian/Chinese place are anything to go by -- I figured I’d use that. Oh, and I liked cinnamon sugar on my popcorn when I was a kid. I’m kind of the anti-Dickens, because my default is to sacrifice descriptive detail in the name of moving the plot along. Sometimes that works in my favor, sometimes not so much. Lincoln only gets so much dialogue in this story, so monologue seems essential to showing what’s going on in his head. And pants. Yeah, allowing no one-on-one communication between them -- at least for now -- seemed essential to the story. Thank you! Thank you again. You know, for me, the setup has really become the most fun part to write. I’ve written so many sex scenes now that it has become a struggle to keep each new one from being a copy of the previous eight. So I’ve become more fond of getting the characters into the sexy situations than I am of writing those situations themselves. That said, I’m trying not to skimp on “the good stuff,” either. I added some more details to chapter 2 after the first draft seemed to end too quickly. Oh, yes indeed!
    1 point
  4. Sounds like a plan! I managed to surprise myself by writing something – Story link: Pandemic Head Review replies link: Review Replies -Originals Fandom: Original Warnings: AFFO ChallengeFic COMPLETE Contro Inc MF MiCD OC Oneshot Oral Rape Violence It’s only a flashfic but I figure with more extreme content it’s better to overtage
    1 point
  5. Review replies are in my review thread. Thank you for the prompt and I just might start fully fleshing out a full story rather than this small snippet.
    1 point
  6. Author: lia200304 Title: Can never be too prepared Summary: Sheldons always been prepared. always. so what happens when there is a panademic?! Read and find out! Feedback: Always welcome! Fandom: Television>1 through F>The Big Bang Theory Warnings: none Solo or Chaptered: Solo URL: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600099663
    1 point
  7. From JayDee on March 17, 2020 Talking a lot of sense there about the hoarding, that it shall pass, and the inadvisability of killing the critters during that last plague. Seemed a bit of a dick move to scare his husband though. Logan did ask and now he has to live with that knowledge of that particular name and incarnation. He was advised not to ask for another. Duncan can be a proponent of tough love and is unapologetic in that regard. Very much be careful of what you wish for because you might just get it. . Duncan revealed two names this story. One of Irish mythology and one norse. And both provide an interesting backdrop to the lore.
    1 point
  8. [Cody’s Grandfather, Japan 1945] “You know, half of these Japanese girls are Jorōgumo. The other half got TB. Make sure you only fuck the ones who cough.” sorry Stanley Kubrick and InBrightestDay
    1 point
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