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  1. Oh my God that’s amazing! I’d already read the chapter in question (the Lara Croft one) by the time I said that, so there wasn’t really any way to avoid it, but I appreciate the thought. As for the copying thing, I don’t mean you were plagiarized, merely that a commissioned Deathstalker fic (a tie-in to the Gogedheh series, referenced several times in My Enemy’s Enemy) very much seems to have taken inspiration from that chapter, with several plot elements being reused and certain imagery as well. The ending bit with Gogedheh, while not written precisely the same way, is nonetheless so similar to a bit with the Predator in that story that it was the exact moment I decided these two were linked. Yeah, that’s...that’s the guy from the story I’m talking about. Yeah, he counts her in the other stories, so I did too. Yeah, that was a fun thought. Don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll find a way to one-up her! Yeah, I actually saw that a while back. That’s a nice piece of work.
    1 point
  2. Chapter 1 of “For the Price of One” is posted! Newly single Ramon starts dating a hot woman named Serena and discovers that she has a strange fetish that involves her cute young daughter. Thanks for reading that and commenting on it. I know She-Ra isn’t everyone’s thing. Thanks for the info, and thanks even more for the comment!
    1 point
  3. @InBrightestDay looks at part 6! Random note on this part – originally Sonya Blade was just described as a special forces soldier for MK publicity so she’s described as a soldier here. Later games made her a veteran Marine who wouldn’t be described as a soldier. Oh, and the user who got me to write Shokan Lust once started on an alternate follow on from this that crossed over with The Dresden Files and had the Queen of the Unseelie Court kill the driver and invite Sonya on a hunt… Never got finished, but woulda been interesting to see! No arguements here! Though having Charlie from Long Kiss Goodnight spot her shaodowing agent and beat him up was a high point for me. Hollywood exec, snorting a huge line of coke: “Get roles for Nic Cage, Christopher Walken and Lady Gaga and you’ve got a movie!” Jax is definitely a little bit out of character here. Just a smidge. Hey, the roughtest to read part in a Gogedheh story doesn’t even feature him! It’s the kooky chick from clueless doing the cruel shit! That’s kinda funny… no, just me then? Thanks for plowing through it with your thoughts. I appreciate them and totally get why there isn’t any fun to be had here.
    1 point
  4. I guess if it comes on when I’m around I’ll look out for it. Always been a bit of a Lance fan. One of his lines in Near Dark was one of my all time faves for delivery: Bartender: What you people want? Jesse (Lance’s character): Just a couple more minutes of your time, about the same duration as the rest of your life. But, you know, delivered by him. Pretty sure if we held a vote there’d be a lot in favor of seeing your great take on Celtic pred Gotta wonder if ‘Chopper’ gets a different reason for the name in porn fics, mind. As much as I enjoy and am entertained by your comic mock-indigation, if there’s a depression risk point feel free to skip any of it that might cause that and avoid risking it! I doubt anybody’s copied me, even sort of – more likely someone got inspired by whatever inspired me! – but although a couple people have reposted my stories under their names, most don’t stoop as low as my shit when there’s better authors to nick from. Yeah, I saw that. I bet I did it intentionally too, but can’t recall now! Rehte Gog – the civil war era cousin of Gog and Magog! I don’t even know if it counts as a pun since it’s more a drunkenly surred version of the phrase than proper wordplay Inspired by his name, I remember DS came up with a Pred called Dehscrimung, but didn’t say what it was meant to read as initially – ‘Die Screaming’ he said later – so I asked if it was meant to be “Descry” and “Mung” meaning ‘to see a bean’ and asked “Does he only hunt characters with extreme camel toes?” I bet even DS regrets having him take that non-executive directorship at Tesla. Dang it! Not even the worst wrong word in my reply – that was writing “call” instead of “cool”. ‘the fuck do I become illiterate when writing forum posts? I mean, more so. Hahaha! Maybe she’s got a fetish for the dude from Shrek! We don’t know! Well, maybe one day you’ll write a story where you need a dangerous hyper sexual psycho building from the pysche of a decent human and at the back of your mind Greensleeves will start playing… and she’ll have found you. She’s got tall energy. Like, she’s shorter than me but I feel like if I was in the same room she’d feel taller. Yay! Read this after the Lara part: I think I had the Terminator 2 quote for something in my original accidentally lost reply, and didn’t write the replacement quite the same so uh oops. As for Samus vs Predator, Fanart’s got ya covered! (safe for work) https://www.deviantart.com/ptimm/art/Samus-vs-Predator-1-564990285 https://www.deviantart.com/ptimm/art/Samus-vs-Predator-2-565128547 You’re also welcome!
    1 point
  5. ::runs through, screeching like a pterodactyl on a bender, wearing a sparkly tutu and dragon wings….::
    1 point
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