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  1. Ah, so it seems my problem was that I couldn’t tell that you were talking about two different characters. Maybe I just wasn’t paying close enough attention.
    2 points
  2. The old lady is a vampire. She’s old and tired in spirit, and doesn’t want to keep living mortal lives where friends/lovers grow old an die around her. She married a mortal guy when she was still in her 20s or so but is now 87 and still looking 18ish, while he grew old and died the year before. Still an old lady if she’s 87 tho’ The angel who shows up later used to be a demon for a while and got to be an angel again thanks to some incident in the past, and probably also years of trying to do the right thing by people. Some demons never really had the heart for it. I was trying to hide the fact that the old lady was a vampire as a bit of a reveal later on, but obviously ballsed it up some and ended up with this confusing mess that would have been swiftly banned from any holiday jam with even the most minimal of quality standards! Still, it filled another weekly prompt challenge so what the heck. Some of my contributions there are even more dire.
    2 points
  3. If there’s something to catch, InBrightestDay is the one to catch it! I wasn’t even familiar with the original song/film(?) although I’ve seen enough Rudolph references over the years and no doubt derivative stories to have the basics. Gotta say it sounds like a pretty cool, well thought out reference! but… but… it still has a big ol’ anthro deer! He was a buck and he was there to fuck! (uh… sorry Kiddo)! Just because some shortstack got stuck in someone was upset? Bah, furry drama llamas… There was an old old oglaf strip with the “Invincible Shield Maiden” where every strike someone gave her appeared on them, with the punchline being that a guy fucked her and felt his own cock inside him, “so good!” Reading your elf-kabob description reminded me of that and made me thinkof the elf magic being abused in a similar way. Rudy goes balls deep and suddenly he’s up to the nuts in his own reindeer guts – not in the Weird Al sense. ...yeah I’m also kinda weird.
    2 points
  4. ...she does have some very lightlike sculpture in her garden. “...shall I have a welcoming hatefuck? No, dash it all, it’s Christmas!” Hey, it was cool the way they all gelled. Uh, I mean, as a team. I kinda had you down as the writer who could write anything, in any topic – I mean, you even nailed the Vanilla theme – so shows I was making an unfounded assumption. It’s quality MM stuff anyway, well, Bi! Ahh man, you shouldn’t feel any need to self censor just because of my own thoughts on what I read and what I don’t. If you were really keen for me to read it, you could have sent me a “TV edit” version (“is he… is he finding a stranger in the alps?”) with the sex scene/romantic lines removed and I could have reviewed that for you. Whatever you’re into, you’re not hurting folks just writing stories after all. Although since you’ve got those plans for ‘em I guess it all works out anyway waiting ‘til he’s 20. I’m kinda skipping the rest of the review/review reply as I haven’t read the story yet (beyond the brief extracts in email!) but I am hoping to get it read tomorrow now I am no longer hosting visitors! I am looking forward to it – new Year’s Eve treat since I am to tight to pay to go out on NYE anymore!
    2 points
  5. Suppose Santa spend 30 seconds of stop time on each child….days would be less than a week of stop time….lets round it to a week..24*60*2*7 => 20160 nice children in the world.
    1 point
  6. No problem really...another obvious reference is by the way the scientist John Dalton that has given name to the dalton unit than in recent years have replaced the unified atomic mass unit. I find it remarkable how you are able to plan out plenty of stories set in the same world that you intend to write later. Myself I might have plenty of stories in progress at any given time, but it is very rare that I have two stories planned/in progress for the same setting. I look forward to read your stories.
    1 point
  7. I kind of go back and forth about whether or not to ever write a scene with someone under 16. Course, I’ve yet to write anything with a character under 18, so… Actually, “a character under 18” might happen next year. I know what my entries for the next two parties are going to be. In an inversion of the pattern from this year (where the Halloween story had sex in it and the holiday story didn’t), next Halloween will be Fury of the Storm, another yōkai story with a blizzard theme and no sex, while the holiday story doesn’t yet have a title, but it will be me, um, revisiting my roots in terms of adult fiction, with a hopefully-sweet Christmas story about sibling love, which means exactly what you think it means. The younger brother might be 16 in that one, though I haven’t decided yet. Of course, with Aldreda and Elis, it really was mostly that I had plans for the characters and thus wanted to wait until their main story was going. And now, on to your reply for the review of Memories. I really enjoyed it. I love stories like that, where the whole thing looks different on a second read. Well, usually. Every Daenerys scene in Game of Thrones looks different now, but in a way that makes me not want to watch the show again. It seems very in character for her, not pushing the guy, but still offering it. His response is also kind of why I love stories like this. “I’ll wait for you, no matter how long it takes” is an idea I’ve always found very romantic, and knowing the personality of this vampire, I love thinking about her very tsundere-ish response to it. Oh, I totally got that. No, he’d be under punishment by the time of that story. Shit-talked his boss a bit too much. Well, as George Lucas once said, “They’re cliches because they work!” I started explaining why this makes me feel the way it does, but I got rather nervous about upsetting people, so I’ll just say that overly sentimental or not, it really, really affects me. I’ll get to your review of Moonlit Snow soon!
    1 point
  8. Yes, I am. I’ve written several original stories in the first person, but honestly, it’s never even occurred to me to try writing a fanfic that way. It just seems too daunting to try to be fully in character in every single sentence...although now I’m becoming curious to try it.
    1 point
  9. From InBrightestDay on January 01, 2020 Powdered Sugar This was fun! It actually kind of reminds me of tcr's Halloween story, in that this is a world where characters from every religion/mythology interact. I liked how you just called Logan a giant in the beginning, and combined with the "Semper Fi" shirt I just assumed he was a Marine who was tall. It was only later, when Odin showed up as Santa and Logan bolted, that I realized that "giant" meant Jotun. Speaking of Odin, I'm seriously impressed that Duncan could just shoo him out of the house like that. Kind of makes me wonder who or what Duncan is. That actually brings me to the only part of the story I didn't understand. Duncan explains he doesn't like Christmas, and then this exchange happens about colonization, killing messengers, Duncan not liking Jesus but thinking that he's a being of hope, unlike his father (Duncan's father or God?), and it all really felt like there was a huge backstory here that I wasn't aware of. Does this take place in one of your other story universes? Sorry if that sounded harshly critical. Overall, this was still quite a fun little read! It is vaguely related. This particular setting is an Urban Fantasy one and TCR’s impressed me enough to give it a nod or two. You caught me. I tried intentionally to make Logan a regular man but I couldn’t help myself. I slid that in once and tried to make it so it seemed Logan was afraid of Namtar. Aka the envoy of Ereshkigal. Aka Death/ Fate. But nope. He’s a jotun and it’s well known that Aesir and them don’t get along. Duncan is a tutelary deity and at one point his name was Ninazu. The once patron god of Eshnunna before Tishpak became its patron deity and his worship forgotten. It’s one of the nods to the Halloween story of tcr’s and why one of the reasons he knows about what went down besides being a god of the underworld. Ningishzida is sometimes his son. Which is why he knows Zida is a terrible liar. It also the reason why he can shoo Odin out of his home. He’s got a lot of other deities beat in terms of seniority. And quite understandably he’s seen some shit and had to live through it. As the lord who stretches the measuring line over the fields. He’s been around since before agriculture became a thing. Old enough to be forgotten but too stubborn to just give up and stay in the underworld. Empires have came and went. His prime was before the codes of hammurabi were written after all. In summation, Yes it does in UF1-X2
    1 point
  10. Actually you did a great job with Paa's voice in Quiet, though I suppose you're talking about canon characters. Again, doing Ruby Gloom's voice for a long slog probably taught me how to get into a character's mindset, even if not perfect; but writing in Pinkie Pie's voice actually made it fun. If you decide to try it, my only suggestion is that you don't start with Ferb Flynn… could be a little limiting. Thanks again for the kind words, and I'm really looking forward to your adventures in parenting story.
    1 point
  11. re: Spazzgirl Letters Woo-hoo! I finally get to dust off this old thread – and for an anthology that hasn't gotten any attention since 2015. It was supposed to be a one-shot after Mabel's had mentioned this periodical in "The Secrets of My Sis," but then I saw a certain other fairy's top-six list and decided each one of them should have a nice tryst too. Yes, the unreliable narrator aspect helps to embellish a bit and let each writer focus more on the feeling of it all instead of those pesky fact things. I'm not sure how I managed to pull off the voice, as it was pretty taxing when writing just Ruby's voice in "The Bright Side of the Dark Side." I think the bus thing was mostly to establish Mabel's way of thinking, but maybe some "background color" as well. In retrospect I think she is a bit more perceptive than I gave her credit for, but it seems to work. Dee Dee is too innocent to ever say certain words, even when they're on the tip of her tongue. Play bites are a thing with me… but I try not to overdo it. Same with Star Trek references. The first two seasons of !Atomic Betty! were fantastic… the third, eh. I think in Canada a lot of cartoons lose government subsidies after two seasons and that hurts them a lot. !Dave the Barbarian! is just a bunch of super fun nonsense akin to !Yin Yang YO! (for which I wrote My Absolute Mostest Favoritest Story EVER!) I hope you enjoy them. Number six has at least one character you're pretty familiar with. Thanks for the kind words @GeorgeGlass.
    1 point
  12. So it appears that my undead-ar is really poor: I misidentified @InBrightestDay’s Lady Aldreda as a vampire and failed to understand that @JayDee’s MC was one. I think the “once-fallen angel” thing confused me because I’ve been watching too much High School DxD.
    1 point
  13. No, It does make sense. Cockroaches offend the whole swarm principal in our brain. When you see an adult cockroach it means there are more nearby the you don't see. And that uncertainty opens straight to fear of the unknown.
    1 point
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