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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/2019 in all areas

  1. The Slumber Party of Evil Doom now at 2070 dragon prints and that story that makes people viewing updates on Originals go “Fuckssakes, is that idiot still churning this dreck out?” (I like writing it, but I totally get why it doesn’t exactly get folks raving!) gets a review on the new part! I think the next part will be the final part. Maybe one more. In which case I’ll do another flashfic first so I don’t have to try to fit week 210’s words in. Thank you for your review! I really appreciate getting them. You’ve stuck through it all, when most have shuddered and hit that back button so hard the mouse cracked. Our lives are too short to waste them reading this kind of thing readers say, and they may be right. We only live once! So thank you for sacrificing a little slice of your slither of eternity on reading and reviewing it! I am glad ya liked it. Thanks! Little does Lupa know she’s got years of that to look forward to. Shannon had the ability in Fucking Halloween Party so I figured she could get an “earlier in timeline” show off here! What does that mean? It’s a robust genital related expression of shock/surprise/excitement, used much like “holy fuck” or “oh fuck”. And this from a girl who can move really fast, turn into mist and mesmerise people. Shannon is a really decent friend for a demon! I figured she probably didn’t think about it earlier because she had the assumption they would all be there and she’d do the business with her existing location gimmick built into the bracelet. Then suddenly Kizzy is going in alone and it clicks. This was the bit I wasn’t sure would work of course, hence sending you the original rough draft. It ties back in to why Kizzy is on Earth in the first place, because the Seraphim need to understand rather than just know. She’s tough though. She’ll be right. That's still funny. It also reveals a nice aspect of Shannon's character, how even without their knowledge, she's been looking out for her friends. Course she would! I mean, she turns up and basically goes “most popular girl in school!” and, yes, ok, she did send a cheerleader’s soul to Hell to get a spot on the team, but that Charity kind of had it coming, but even being super popular because of what a people person she is, she would still look out for the friends she made on her first day, who ended up her closest friends. I bet Kate and Lupa and Kiz would defend their friends with whatever other folks they hung out with too, if Shannon wasn’t there to jolly people along into being nice, and maybe engage in sexual experimentation. So, did Shannon run those two guys over to the farmhouse and have the quickest threesome in the world or something? “Shannon created a temporal fold of pure lust where time moved more slowly...” No, I kid, I kid. Shannon would have thoroughly enjoyed a threesome, as noted with her thoughts in the last part, but time was a factor both generally for tracking Kate, and also because of her last minute worry about Kizzy. So she basically persuaded them, with a good dose of succubus lust that there was nothing wrong with the feelings they had been suppressing for each other, and that they weren’t at the farm to make trouble and would be leaving shortly. Normally, of course, the Sherriff wouldn’t buy it, and the Deputy definitely wouldn’t, but somehow their hands were inside each other’s coats, and there was a bed inside the farmhouse, and, well, they were obviously good girls. They’d said Grace. And Shannon worked fast, but not fast enough, and once again a friend got hurt. She probably felt that. Anyway, thank you for your review! How you manage to keep making it through this stuff…
    1 point
  2. Likely in October! I believe TCR intends to host it this years, so he’ll make an announcement soon if he still intends to!
    1 point
  3. So when is AFF Halloween Party 2019 starting?
    1 point
  4. T_B

    Mom shows daughter her skills

    I didn't even notice that I did that thinks for letting me know
    1 point
  5. Re: “Flesh” From ToddHoward on September 10, 2019 I see where you’re coming from, but I’m going for a young-boy-dominates-older-girls/women thing in this story. This story is meant to be scifi, rather than straight-up otherworldly. Thank you! I don’t have anything exactly like that planned, but you might like one of my upcoming stories (working title “Buy One, Get One Free”), in which a guy starts dating a woman with a cute little daughter who is gradually drawn into the couple’s sexual activities.
    1 point
  6. GeorgeGlass

    Title Help

    FYI, the first chapter of my new story, “Flesh,” is titled “Just Another Tuesday Night.” Took the inspiration from here.
    1 point
  7. Well, chapter 1 of Flesh has already garnered 600+ dragon prints. More impressively, it actually earned a review, which is not always the case with my more extreme stories. Lots of progress to report. My long-suffering one-shot, Goldilocked, may go up this week, as should chapter 4 of Delta Delta Delta. Chapter 6 of Enter the Sandboy is coming along and should be ready for beta by the weekend. Finally, chapter 2 of Flesh will probably be ready for posting by this time next week. Hopefully, chapter 10 of Country Summer won’t be far behind that.
    1 point
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