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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/2019 in all areas

  1. No worries. I’m always happy to wait for some cheerleading. Seriously, though, don’t sell yourself short. Your comments on chapter 5 were valuable.
    2 points
  2. SWP1, it’s funny you should ask about chapter 5 of The More, the Merrier, because I just posted it. I’ve also just sent chapter 4 of Enter the Sandboy off to beta. JayDee: What are you, psychic? In any case, you’ll find out for sure very soon; I should be sending you chapter 6 today or tomorrow. Back to SWP1: In fact, I haven’t seen either of those trailers yet. I’ve spent most of my off time lately writing smut. But I’m glad to see James Cameron back at the helm of a Terminator movie. Not that I think he’s infallible, but he’s got the best chance of producing a good Terminator movie after the string of bad ones that followed the original two (or three; the third one had its charms).
    2 points
  3. I am in need of a beta reader for my story Carmen Elisa Need to Die in the originals section (http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600109195). Story Codes: Bi Fingering MF Violence TF FD Toys Anal MiCD Bond Three chapters is posted so far out five planned, average chapter length is 12k words. I have chapter 4 on my harddrive...but self editing is a drag. I much rather trade beta service with somebody else. Anyone that can be of assistance?
    1 point
  4. Re: “Little Rose” From Lady Freelove on August 30, 2019 Thank you. Sometimes I really like writing slow-burn stories like this. I think the gradual rise in how far things go adds realism while whetting the reader’s appetite for more. Of course, not every reader has the patience for that. (Sometimes I don’t either, which is how I end up writing straight-into-the-action stories like “The Small Hours” and “May’s Family.”) Thank you. Obviously, it’s one of my favorites, too. Thanks! Adding Opal and Evie just seemed like the best route to a happy ending for Rose and Randy.
    1 point
  5. Re: “The Happiest Place” From Lady Freelove on August 30, 2019 Thank you! And those animatronic children would look a lot better naked than in those cheesy faux-Dutch costumes.
    1 point
  6. I am doing a tonne of overtime tomorrow so I may be a little slower getting back to you this time round, but I’ll look at it as soon as I can with my ususal useless relentless positivity.
    1 point
  7. My guess? Mia gon’ fuck somebody.
    1 point
  8. Runsinshadows


    I have decided to just stick to what I have been doing. While I love writing, it is something I do for my own entertainment. After thinking about it, I realized I don't need to be perfect about it. While I want readers to enjoy what I write, once I get something posted, what is more important to me is if I am happy with it. By that, I mean did I get the story out of my head in a way that I can look back and say I enjoyed writing that story. I am my own proofreader. Maybe that is why I worry so much about things like punctuation. Just because I am writing for myself doesn't mean I don't care what others think. I would be mortified to learn someone had the thoughts about something I worked hard at writing, that I have had after reading some stories. My thoughts have been far from nice, so many times.
    1 point
  9. Strange_idea


    It's like that joke about spherical cows in a vaccume. No, the conditions of life are constantly shifting, particularly in language. Since language is about standardised communication, the rules are constantly shifting as people change them without realising. But by the same logic, they must remain uniform. This is why study of language can be a full time job and recognised branch of science. So yeah, it's both what people use and what they are supposed to use. Everyone gets taught the same things because they exist to be a common starting point and enable communication. variations are inevitable but the standard must exist. Where you go from there is up to you. So long as it's coherent, and legible, it will be fine. And thats what proofreaders are for, headache absorbers Besides. Mess ups can add character
    1 point
  10. Strange_idea


    It's a fun series. The episode is follow up episode 1. It's by the same guy who does 'Freeman's mind'
    1 point
  11. Praetor


    I go out of my way to reword such sentences to escape it. The House of Ross, The place with the Ross family lives, The building full of Rosses, etc.
    1 point
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