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  1. Thank you all. I had no idea how to handle it as I have never tried writing something that required the gender of a person being concealed. This is why I came back, the people here are so willing to help. It is so nice.
    3 points
  2. Yes. This is one of the best ways. They/Them could work. You don’t want to use the word “it” . Cause it a dehumanizing in a sense but also the least informative word to give. Unless the character isn't human at all.
    2 points
  3. If it is important that the gender is uncertain then I propose it is best to show that the watcher is uncertain of the gender and not hope the reader gets this.
    2 points
  4. A friend of mine decided to try her hand at writing and asked me a question I couldn't answer. If you don't want the gender of a character to give clues as to their identy, how do you go about hiding it? Her protagonist is being helped by an unknown person, a person with fair hair. All her character sees is this person from the back, and since they wears baggy clothes, the gender isn't clear. If she types "blonde" it gives away the gender, if she uses "blond" it misleads the reader into believing it is a male helping out, which would later be discovered to be a lie. She wants to keep the reader guessing, but with the gender specific spellings, that is proving impossible. After reading what she has written so far, I agree, using "fair haired person" or a variance, is awkward in many of the situations.
    1 point
  5. Inshadowsidream

    Need advice

    It sounds like it. I haven't understood much of what has been said. I would love to get back into playing, but all my game buddies have either moved away, or have lost interest in it. On well, it is what it is.
    1 point
  6. Hey, everybody. I’m back in the full writing swing, and I’ve been pretty productive over the past several days. Still not super close to posting anything, but I made progress on a lot of stuff—including a new one-short story to be titled “The Ball Pit.” A little girl, a tentacle alien, all kinds of badness. SWP1, thanks for reviewing the latest chapter of The More, the Merrier. I’ve posted a response in the thread for that story: Oh, and I too am looking forward to Godzilla vs Kong.
    1 point
  7. My response to Star Wars Player 1’s review of “The More, the Merrier”: Thanks! Thanks! I want this story to cover a whole range of sexual experience, from the utterly depraved to the genuinely loving. When I first thought of including Roger in the story, I didn't even think about pairing him with Vanessa. Then I realized that this was an incest opportunity I couldn't pass up. Especially when I had the idea that they had been fantasizing about each other for a while. I'm really happy to have added a girl who is even younger than the others. Makes for all kinds of Little Rose-esque fun. A shota and a dog double-fucking a teenage girl ticks a lot of my boxes. And it seemed like a good character moment for both of them. The Melanie/Pedro thing was planned from the beginning, but I couldn't bring it to fruition until this chapter. Sometimes writing about what characters are thinking is more fun than writing about what they're doing. I wanted Monty and Vanessa to be like sex tutors for the kids. In the next chapter, we'll learn more about how Vanessa has been mentoring Balthazar in that regard. I'm pretty sure you know, but yeah. Thanks for the review!
    1 point
  8. InvidiaRed

    Need advice

    Well its even more confusing now cause now. The MTG verse is part of the D&D with the addition of Ravnica as a plane.
    1 point
  9. InvidiaRed

    Need advice

    I’m a 3.5 fan myself. Edition 4 was attempting to make the RPG too much like a video game… Without graphics. And I’m still up in the air about the edition five since all they seem to do is have Mystra get hit with a bus at the end of every edition.
    1 point
  10. If the name is ambiguous, using the character’s name is also a way around things.
    1 point
  11. She could go with an establishing narration that the gender is unclear, followed by constructions like “The blond\e” or “s\he ran”, or just have the original fair haired thing and then after that go for non gendered descriptors like “stranger” or “helper” or “helpful stranger” similar.
    1 point
  12. BronxWench

    Need advice

    I started playing D&D in college, when there were no editions. We “borrowed” probability dice from the math department, and we had legal pads and pencils. There was no Internet, no pdfs of rulebooks, nothing. I swear the DM was making it up as he went along, but it was insanely fun, and as a bonus, if you died, you could wander down the hall in the student center and see if the vets had any wine.
    1 point
  13. InvidiaRed

    Need advice

    Always assumed Deneir with his metatext was the closest to what is essentially coding. It would be Cyric and Vecna developing viruses. For sure and Bane with the rest of the Dead Three causing chaos. And giving Mystra another notch on her belt of regret for giving mortals magic. Haha.
    1 point
  14. BronxWench

    Need advice

    Oh, D&D definitely wouldn’t need smartphones, I agree. A complete waste of time for the gnomes who’d have designed them, and the followers of Oghma and Shaundakul who would design many of the apps for the devices. Nope. Wizards are faster and much more efficient. (Then again, in the webcomic Rusty & Co., someone did have a smartphone. It used Andruid...)
    1 point
  15. InvidiaRed

    Need advice

    The Palantiri would have made the war much simpler. There were seven but Sauron had acquired one. Stopping everyone on middle earth from utilizing them.( Since putting your mind into direct contact with evil incarnate is a dumb idea but then we aren’t talking about Denethor the 2) Without that one. The LOTR would have been a single book and over halfway because long-distance communication is OP
    1 point
  16. InvidiaRed

    Need advice

    Its depends on the setting. But people don’t realize that D&D, pathfinder. They wouldn’t ever develop phones. Because it would be redundant and not nearly as effective as what they have now. Yes. Technically the magic casters technically have social media. (complete with sound and sight.) All you’d really need is a minor artifact to power a main hub and just start selling books on how to connect your mirror to it and bam. instead of phones, they’d have compact mirrors. For adventurers and the nobility. The fact that its never brought up is a failure of imagination.
    1 point
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