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  1. Watched this with my little niece then this happened. When Disney goes dark they don’t kid around.
    2 points
  2. Jude's Tale comes close to a conclusion. May the creator have mercy on the readers souls. So, if the Duchess weighs the same as a duck... Monty Python jokes aside, I liked several of the ideas presented here. First, there's Jude's attitude toward his own fate. Admittedly, since he died while committing a sin (attempted murder and whatnot) he's going to Hell, but there's also the fact that he seems to think himself beyond forgiveness and thus actively refuses it when Kizzy offers. One example of someone kind of like that from the Bible is Judas Iscariot, and as it happens, "Jude" is a variant of "Judas." The name is generally used to refer to the other Judas (yes, there's more than one), but I can't help but wonder if that was intentional Thank you for continuing to review this story! As ever, I really appreciate the review. I figured that there’s been a few decades of people dying and then thinking they’re the first to quote some film at an angel and some of the angels have long since stopped finding it funny. The tall angel (who for the sake of naming in my head I’ve been thinking as Temira) is especially sick of it. I just had the idea of him being called Jude before anything else. Later as I did the first scrap I figured Jude’s parents named him after Jude the Apostle, who had centuries of less educated folk mixing him up with the less popular Judas and so less veneration than others got. That it also echoes Judas Iscariot was absolutely intentional, though not really because of his incredible sense of guilt – I kinda feel bad for Judas because he basically did what he needed to anyway, if he hadn’t someone else would have had to, probably. I bet if he’d gone and found ‘im afterwards and said sorry, Jesus woulda been “It’s cool, bro.” Only, you know, in Aramaic or something. Kizzy offered him the chance at redemption working as an Earthbound soul (“Kate, please stop using the ghost to chill vodka.”) but he thinks he can do more in Hell, after Kizzy gave him an idea for redemption. Probably doesn’t hurt that she has confirmed he has a degree of protection due to the Duchess’ promise, being at least so far as lesser demons go. On the other hand, if a certain fallen Seraph has a look in his mind and takes offence… So this is what Sarsa was talking about when she mentioned untold agonies. That was for a flame, sure, but same idea. Jude’s just thinking it is a reflection of Paradise because he saw a big lake in both places. He didn’t see enough of Paradise to really know, although the definitely oddly coincidental dialogue probably doesn’t help his perception! If Dante could write people into Hell for shit he didn’t like… Also, yeah, Sarsa established that kind of thing is serious business in this universe so some of these damned souls could literally be people who Sarsa is upset with and sent down, but before Kizzy is on to her. Heh. Unintentional interstory continuity! I think yeah, you’re probably right. It’s almost a theme I’ve been trying for at all along – Shannon seeking redemption through working with Kizzy, and in the Fall of Chastia story Luzurial actively hopes that even Lucifer might be redeemed, and even T-Dog does something decent at the end of his life, but it’s also in there when I was talking about how sucicides might go to Hell in the setting though many are undeserving of it but believing they should. Then they don’t necessarily have to stay for long. I wonder if it was Chastia’s way of treating the suicidal souls in her care that kept so many unwilling to reincarnate and take another life. Another reason Lucifer put up with her doing things her way, I suspect. Jude absolutely thinks he deserves Hell too, though. Kizzy’s forward-thinking enough to have kept the scar as much for his benefit as for what he sees as her reminder. She’s not going to forget really! Oh, yeah, despite all that? Eparlegna’s pretty much beyond redemption. You’d have to hollow him out and make him someone else to even get close. I love these suggestions of other stories going on in this universe. As soon as Shannon left with Kizzy, the Duchess set a plan in motion to further hurt her by killing her friends. Things… things went poorly for the attackers because Kate and Lupa were really up for a fight, they’ve had some training with Kizzy, and also Shannon had a few tricks and traps about the place – her knack for that kind of thing was first shown with the jewelry she created in the Slumber Party story, but also got a look-in with her understanding of Astrid’s spell in Fucking Halloween Party and her working out how to get Lupa into the warded house in You! She’s not just a pretty face and insatiable libidio! Might have to tell that story some day… “Oh for fuck’s sake, is it the fucking mormons this time?” “Bunch of ghouls. So almost. Oooh, I ate that one! And that one and… hey, it’s like leftovers that come to you!” awkward... Also, there's something kind of funny about asking a demon on a picnic. That made me smile. Looking forward to the next chapter! He took Jan out for a proper dinner, all the Duchess gets is a picnic. I guess you don’t carry so much money when dead. Well… I hope it isn’t a disappointment. The last chapter. I don’t know that this one worked as well as I wanted, ah well. Thank you again!
    1 point
  3. InvidiaRed

    I need a poison

    Any substance that causes harm? Well, if they’re ambushers. Fecal matter smeared on weapons will induce nasty infected wounds. Rust works too. Depending on environs. Wild mushrooms run the gamut of harmless to everyone who tasted the stew is already dead. Depending on the intellect. Arsenic. the frankly horrifying effects of generally everything in the nightshade family. Aconitine The Queen of Poisons if you’re going more underground. Radioactivity is always a nasty surprise. Considerably so if it's been ingested. Quicksilver. Etc...
    1 point
  4. A review on Remembrance? Now I must be dreaming. Nope, it's a review... from @InBrightestDay! From InBrightestDay on March 22, 2019 This was a cool little oneshot. The violence in the battle scene was visceral and pretty brutal (the sword-through-the-head kill Phileia does with that rebel was a standout), and the action was quite engrossing. It was also kind of an interesting detail that no one bleeds red: Elves have teal blood and Hakorn have purple. I also wanted to bring up the main character's name. It's kind of an interesting contrast. Phileia is presumably derived from the Greek "philia" meaning love or affection, and Apollyon is also Greek, but means something like "the destroyer," and of course Apollyon is the Greek translation of the Hebrew name Abaddon, the angel of the bottomless pit. Given that Phileia has red skin, orange eyes and horns, I'd imagine that's not a coincidence. I'm kind of curious about the other words. I knew from Last Full Measure that you draw from many languages, so are the Elvan and Hakorn words from real world languages or did you invent those yourself? *** This was a cool little oneshot. The violence in the battle scene was visceral and pretty brutal (the sword-through-the-head kill Phileia does with that rebel was a standout), and the action was quite engrossing. It was also kind of an interesting detail that no one bleeds red: Elves have teal blood and Hakorn have purple. Firstly, thanks . When I first had it up here, I got really discouraged and pulled it and shelved a story that would have continued Phileia's story forward. There wasn't much love for it. Second: Definitely love my brutality in stories. I think it adds a realism to the scenario that toning down takes away, if that makes sense. And yep, no red blood there. Lol. I kind of wanted different, though I'm not sure the small detail made any difference in the over all arch, it still was different. I also wanted to bring up the main character's name. It's kind of an interesting contrast. Phileia is presumably derived from the Greek "philia" meaning love or affection, and Apollyon is also Greek, but means something like "the destroyer," and of course Apollyon is the Greek translation of the Hebrew name Abaddon, the angel of the bottomless pit. Given that Phileia has red skin, orange eyes and horns, I'd imagine that's not a coincidence. Definitely not a coincidence on either account. The contrast was intentional, and hopefully drawn out a little through her softer interactions with her lover and the harder change when she goes full warrior. And the fact that the Hakorn have horns, red skin, orange eyes... Kind of reminiscent of a certain... demonic entity... Nope, not ringing a bell. . But I am glad you picked up on the contrasting names. I looked up some in order to find ones that kind of fit and had the idea I wanted to convey without banging people with the bat over their heads. Lol. I'm kind of curious about the other words. I knew from Last Full Measure that you draw from many languages, so are the Elvan and Hakorn words from real world languages or did you invent those yourself? This is a bit of a mix. The city name of Vltavas is reality based. I took the name from the Vltava River that runs through Prague (more because of the first and final battles, 30 years apart, in the Thirty Years War, much like the Thirty Years Conflict in Remembrance). But the vast majority is my own creation. (Shameless promo, I created a language (Straxi) in Blood Prize that is routinely used throughout, if interested.)
    1 point
  5. Re: “Mia: Confessions of a Dickgirl” From msmills on March 20, 2019 Won’t stop ‘til it’s done. 2 chapters left to go! I’m pleased you said that. I wasn’t sure people would like that. I’m glad. Mia does a lot of terrible things, but she’s not stone-cold about them, or she wouldn’t be confiding in you in the first place. Then I have good news for you: You’re going to learn more about her past in chapter 5, and more about her present in chapter 6. Thanks for the review!
    1 point
  6. And @Sinfulwolf returns for Parts Seven and Eight. First off, thank you for the review! It was actually important for me to show how the National Guard is handling things this time around, in large part as a contrast to the first time. I don’t think JayDee ever described what happened after the military went into the First Rupture, but I kind of imagined that when they suddenly found themselves facing real monsters under glowing, bruise-colored clouds, there might have been an understandable level of panic. 75 years later, they know that real monsters are a legitimate possibility, and have been trained, to some extent anyway, for this eventuality. And thank you regarding the Crawler. When I was writing Part Five, I considered having something Sloth-based in the App Theo building, but at the time I figured that since Sloth is basically laziness, it would likely be some kind of hilariously slow-moving blob thing and Luzurial wouldn’t even have to kill it; she and the humans could just break into a light jog and it would never catch them. However, as the chapters went on, I had this idea for a creature that would essentially paralyze its prey, and went from there. Aside from the obvious slug design, the slicing bone plates that serve as the Crawler’s jaws are kind of Dunkleosteus-inspired. I’m glad the emotion came through, especially since this is basically the sex scene I’ve been building toward since Part One. As for why Kevin lasted so long, there are actually two possibilities. The first, and admittedly the one I had in my head, was that it’s partly due to the “boost” Luzurial gave him, which affected endurance in addition to strength, and partly due to whatever weird effect sex has on angels in this setting. I don’t fully understand it myself, but it seemed in Whore of Heaven that sex exhausted Luzurial in a way that combat never really would. It may also have to do with the idea that she is far more sensitive to sexual stimulation than a human would be (another thing I pulled from WoH, where she feels intense pleasure the first time she’s touched sexually, when by rights she should be afraid rather than aroused given the situation). Of course, there is another explanation, which JayDee proposed when I sent them the rough draft, namely that since we get “what happened last night” from Kevin’s PoV, we don’t know what Luzurial was actually thinking. Kevin mentions that he’s glad they stopped when they did because it was actually starting to hurt for him, so it’s entirely possible that Luzurial, either through facial expressions and body language or through telepathy, realized that she was starting to hurt Kevin a little bit, and called an end to the night’s activities, claiming she was too tired in order to keep Kevin from feeling like he’d failed her somehow. While I am the author, I’m not going to say that second explanation isn’t true, because frankly it makes a lot of sense. A big part of that is thanks to you and your feedback. I knew I was going to end up dealing with the cliche as soon as I started writing the story, but your criticism did cause me to spend even more time trying to mitigate it than I likely would have otherwise. Yeah, when I was writing it, I struggled at first with how Kevin, Abdul and Calista would end up inside the Rupture. I mean, they’re part of the main cast, so it didn’t feel right to just have them drop out of the story, but it kept coming back to “why would anyone let them go in there?” Eventually, I realized that there just wasn’t any scenario under which a bunch of soldiers and an archangel, all of whom have as their job “don’t let civilians/mortals get hurt”, would just allow three civilians into the combat zone. There was originally going to be a part of the dialogue exchange between Luzurial and Kevin where she just asked him point-blank if he had the training, experience or raw physical ability necessary to keep up with the soldiers, and he had to admit he didn’t. I never ended up writing that, and I’ll admit I’m not sure why. I guess I never consciously thought it out, but on some subconscious level felt that it wasn’t really necessary. Speaking of conscious thoughts versus subconscious ones… You know, one of the things I appreciate about getting feedback is it prompts me to think about character motivation in more detail than I do while writing, which can provide ideas I can use going forward. So, on Kevin’s motivation... I think there are three related but distinct mental concepts at play here. The first isn’t really based on sex or gender, but rather is the simple idea that when you love someone, you don’t want to see anything bad happen to them. Kevin knows terrible stuff has happened to Luzurial; she’s told him about it, so he hates contemplating it happening all over again, and he thinks that maybe if she had someone else with her, it might not happen. He’s not even entirely wrong. As Eparlegna pointed out to Luzurial during Whore of Heaven, if she hadn’t come to Earth alone, another angel could have released her from the holy circle or just killed him outright, since he only had one trap set, but because no one else was there to help, well… What Kevin isn’t thinking about is that Luzurial isn’t alone this time. She has Chloe and her team, along with literally an entire battalion of soldiers with her. However, this comes down to the second idea at play. Simply put, I think on some level Kevin still feels guilty over what happened to Luzurial in Room 502. He knows she allowed herself to be violated for the second time in order to protect him, and he knows that wouldn’t have happened if he didn’t go into the room. Luzurial brushed it off at the time (partly because she knows what it’s like to accidentally make a situation worse and partly because he cleaned up his own mess), but I think to an extent Kevin wants to redeem himself. Finally, there’s the idea you touched on. You said you figured Kevin thinks Luzurial is a soft woman he must protect as a man, and that he just doesn’t admit it. I think it’s not that he doesn’t admit it; I honestly think he doesn’t realize it. Consciously, Kevin is very much aware of how much stronger and more durable than him Luzurial is (given his repeated references to the car-catching thing, he obviously finds her superpowers attractive). However, there is an aspect of how boys are raised, at least in my country, that I think affects how he acts. Specifically, when you’re a man, there’s this idea that gets planted during childhood and reinforced throughout your life (again, this may just be an American thing), that if you don’t try to help a woman, then you’re being a jerk. If you see a woman lifting something heavy and you don’t try to help lift it, you’re a jerk. If a woman is in a dangerous situation (a combat situation, let’s say) and you don’t try to help her, you’re a jerk (the word “coward” may also be thrown around). The problem is that, since this is subconscious, you’ll act on the idea even when a conscious examination of the situation would tell you that she doesn’t need your help. Even if the woman lifting the heavy object is considerably stronger than you are, you’re still going to try and help her, not because you think she’s weak, but because you’re not thinking about it at all. Even if the woman in the dangerous situation is a female soldier or police officer, you’re still going to feel compelled to help because again, you’re not thinking she’s incompetent, you’re just not thinking. I think this applies, at least somewhat, to why Kevin wants to go into the Second Rupture with Luzurial. He doesn’t think she’s weaker than he is, in fact he consciously knows it’s totally the opposite, but the subconscious drive is very strong. I should note that there’s one situation where this doesn’t apply in the story, which is the moment when Kevin decides he’s definitely going into the App Theo building with Luzurial. There, it’s not a subconscious drive, but a conscious decision brought on by the fact that he just watched her have a PTSD flashback outside. Given that, he decides that maybe she could use some help. even if the help just consists of knowing that she has someone by her side. This could actually be kind of useful for the finale, since Kevin will have some time during his Dude in Distress moment to think about things, and he might find himself ruminating on this very subject. Finally, Chloe did send the list of names to her superior, but my original idea was that when the barrier went up, there was a bit of a communication error, and while there was inter-service cooperation between the PPD and the National Guard (what with Chloe and company being assigned to go in with the battalion and to liaise with Col. Castellano), in the confusion the list of names never made it from SAC Macmillan to the National Guard. Is that stupid? Well...very possibly. Sorry about that. As for the SUV being shot at, I seriously almost wrote that, but I wasn’t sure whether or not that would be more or less realistic than them not shooting at it. I kinda flipped the coin there and, well, it didn’t turn out so well for me. Sorry again. Thank you. It will be a while before we see Part Nine, since I’m still writing that one (all of the other chapters were already completed, and I just edited or re-wrote parts of them). Hopefully it will be decent overall when I finally submit it!
    1 point
  7. Mal

    Billion Dollar Harem

    Hey guys, I just wanted to pop on and give the results of the poll. Unfortunately, this poll didn’t receive nearly as many votes as those I’ve done in the past but, at least there was a clear winner. Yes, the sex competition has won the vote. Obviously at this point I cannot yet post the poll to determine the random pairings as I have yet to introduce the final two girls to the harem. But, once I bring them in I will post the new poll. Remember, the pairings will be determined randomly by dice roll and then you guys will be allowed to vote on the winner. The runners up will receive a short summery of their actions while the winner will receive a complete work up of not only what they did to win, but also of what happens when Alex later joins them. Anyway, I will let you know when I am ready to post this new poll but for now, thank you so much to those of you who did participate and I hope to have a larger turn out for the random parings vote. Finally, I wanted to point out that since the story hit 150,000 dragon prints just 30 days ago, Billion Dollar Harem has had nearly 7000 more views! That is simply unbelievable. Therefore, I wanted to thank you all again for all the support and I hope that you’ll continue to read along. Chapter 41 is now in the works, and I plan to have it ready by mid April so please check back in around then. Till next time, -Mal
    1 point
  8. Hey, all. Sorry for the radio silence recently; I was down with a cold for much of last week. This means that I also got virtually no writing done, because I do most of my smut writing on weekday evenings – after work, but before my ADHD meds wear off. I didn’t take those meds last week (no point in being able to focus if you’re feeling too crappy to work anyway), so pretty much nothing happened. But I’ve bounced back now, and I’m back on the smut-writing trail again. Got some solid work done tonight on chapter 4 of “The More, the Merrier,” but it’s still going to be a while before I post it because this chapter is going to be as mammoth as the last one. Also did some work on chapter 3 of “Delta Delta Delta,” but there’s a ways more to go on that one, too. Probably the next thing I’ll post is chapter 7 of “Little Rose.” I can bang out chapters of that story about twice as fast as the others because (a) much of the “writing” is really just stitching together scenes that I wrote many months ago, and (b) the chapters are relatively short. I also did something today that I don’t usually do: I removed a story from the List of Twenty. Not because I’m giving up on it, but because I realize that it needs to be completely rethought. It’s a sequel to my Miraculous fic “Miss Match,” and whereas that story is very faithful to the formula of the show itself: there’s an akumatized villain, Spots On and Claws Out, Lucky Charm, Cataclysm, and all the other elements that an episode of the show typically includes. This sequel story deviated drastically from that formula, and I decided that I didn’t like that. IMO, there’s no point in writing a sequel that bears no resemblance to the original. So I’m putting that story back in the hopper to wait for some better ideas to arise. SWP1, I did indeed see Captain Marvel and enjoyed it. My favorite part was when Carol remembers all the times she fell down...and got back up again.
    1 point
  9. So, there is something very wrong with the universe when my 24-year old niece is undergoing chemo for Ewing’s sarcoma. Have I ever mentioned how much I fucking hate cancer?
    0 points
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