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  1. You kidding me? There was a discussion on the nature of divine omniscience and how it relates to morality over on JayDee’s thread! This is nothing. I see it’s time to break this out again: I didn’t mean to imply that there was anything wrong with commissioning art in the abstract, but rather meant to imply that commissioning art from this story would be needy or arrogant on my part. I’ll try and explain in more detail via PM.
    1 point
  2. [totally hogging InBrightestDay’s thread] Long time ago I comissioned some art of my old (non smut!) roleplay original character, I’m respectfully disagreeing with it being neediness and arrogance and just saying I thought it was cool. Still do. S’quality artwork! Oh, and I got a $30 quick sketch based on my Mortal Kombat fic although that wasn’t my characters, more of a way to promo it on hentai-foundry when I posted there. and total humblebrag, one dude did some fanart after reading one of my TF2 stories, and another commissioned something based on one of my harry potter stories. but it’’s more humble than brag as neither told me and I only saw later. Oh, and if you get down there check out SinfulWolf’s Closing Time oneshot, that one was great! [/totally hogging InBrightestDay’s thread] I am probably the last person on the internet using fake html for forum posts.
    1 point
  3. Crap… this is your review thread. But story straight: Comin’ Home was the story that kicked off Blood and Lace. I wrote it first, then decided to expand on what I had. As to the art… it was commissioned. I asked a friend to do it up, but the pin-ups were commissioned. There is one piece floating around that I’ve not shared here yet that was part of a trade but… yeah. Guess I’ve got the authorial arrogance and neediness. Well, fuck. Anyway, had to set records straight, so back to your review stuff.
    1 point
  4. Absolutely! I read Comin’ Home, but didn’t feel qualified to leave a review because the story is part of a larger tale I wasn’t familiar with. However, your ability to communicate the emotions of the characters, the sense of a long term relationship and the dislocation felt by someone returning after a long absence was extremely impressive. I haven’t gotten to Blood and Lace yet, but I know you’ve really made an impact with it because I saw in the art room that you have fan art. I know you said it was by a friend, but it means your characters made such an impression that your friend wanted to make those images. If I ever wanted, say, a group picture of Luzurial, Kevin, Abdul and Calista, I’d have to ask for it or commission it, which would be more a show of authorial arrogance and neediness than the display of real love that fan art is.
    1 point
  5. I think there’s some part of us, deep inside, that never matures past age twelve. And in any case the ”not what I was talking” about joke is one I’ve always enjoyed. It’s probably about the same thing. I mean, to paraphrase, it went like this: Luzurial: Go home and stop hurting these people. Eparlegna: How about no? Luzurial: Well okay then. *draws sword* Speaking of which, that’s another moment of yours in the “Luzurial is awesome” category, to the point that I honestly got kinda mad when she stepped into the trap immediately afterward and he laughed at her. I was all “Stop laughing at her; she was being badass!” But, you know, needs of the genre and all. Just to be clear, I’m not saying it’s worse than damnation (because obviously it isn’t), and I suppose it fits a certain definition of “free.” You can’t very well be upset about not existing if you don’t exist...but the idea of it is terrifying (again, for people who believe in the afterlife). It’ll be up Wednesday morning. Still worried about it, but I’ve reached a painful acceptance that the problem isn’t one I can fix. Well, my first thought would be outer space, where if she transforms and radiates like a solar flare it won’t cause a mass extinction, but that’s a bit of a simple solution. The second option, though...I don’t know if Shannon has a pass to get back in there yet...
    1 point
  6. Re: “Wishful” From JayDee on March 03, 2019 Why, thank you. I don't do a lot with male exhibitionism in my stories, but it seemed like the thing to use here. Jomahawk, for whom I'm writing this story (as a thank-you for all the beta-reading he's done for me), asked specifically for that to happen in this scene. I figured that King Jace's sexual prowess would have to come from more than just size and stamina. He's the kind of kid who always wants to impress the king. Angelica didn't even get a mention in chapter 1 (except indirectly at the end, when Jace hears someone outside the Queen Mother's chamber door), so I thought I should hurry up and establish her in this chapter. No prob. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
    1 point
  7. Nightwing

    Password Reset?

    Edit: I figured it out ^^; You have to be logged out before you can request a password reset which is a little odd. So used to being able to change a password whilst signed in. I don’t know if that’s what BronxWench was referring to but I’m going to check my e-mail now and see if it worked.
    1 point
  8. Mal

    Billion Dollar Harem

    Hello again gang! Well, its that time of the month again! So soon you ask? Well, I had two reasons for wanting to get this chapter out quickly. 1) I’m on vacation this week and wanted to get it posted before I sit around and do nothing for a week. (Well, nothing besides going to see Captain Marvel that is.) and 2) Because I’m soooo excited about getting to work on chapter 41. (More on 41 later, but its going to be bananas) Ok, so lets talk chapter 40. This chapter is nearly 20 pages, and mostly concerns itself with advancing the timeline by 3 days. This time skip is necessary in order to advance us to the point where Taylor’s punishment can finally come to an end. There is a lot of stuff jammed into this summery section of the chapter, but don’t worry, I plan to revisit a lot what happens when I focus on advancing the plots which develop during this time. The rest of chapter 40 (about 10 pages worth) deals with getting a long time harem member to finally “join the team.” I won’t spoil it, but I hope you guys find this scene as hot as I think it is. Getting this character on board, is also a necessary step to the finale of Taylor’s punishment, which we’ll see in chapter 41. Speaking of which, lets talk 41. As I said, 41 will finally show the climactic conclusion of Taylor’s punishment. This scene is going to be epic. I obviously won’t go into details, but I fully expect this scene to take up nearly all of the 15 pages of the next chapter. I hope to be able to work in some advancement which will I’ll be able to use to finally get in the last fan selected poll between Emma, Ariana and Alex into the next chapter. If not, I may have to do some finagling to put everything together for 42… I guess we’l just have to see how it all works out. Needless to say, I hope this scene will measure up against some of the great classics like Taylor’s initial breaking, or the pool party, or Margot and Felicity’s epic punishment room scene. That’s a tall bar I know, I hope I don’t let you guys down. Starting after 41 though, I plan to resolve many of the developments in the fast forward and set things up so that I can introduce the final two ladies. I’m hoping this will take no more than 5-6 chapters but again my writing is very unpredictable and often leads me to places I wasn’t expecting. Next on the list, I don’t know if you guys noticed, but Billion Dollar Harem sailed past 150,000 Dragon Prints just a few days after I posted chapter 39. (As of this post, its at well over 152k!) But, I wanted to do something special for this milestone so I thought I’d do another poll. However, due to the excitement around lazyninjas post, I first wanted to give you guys an opportunity to choose that option. Here are the details of that post and of the first vote: Please, if you’re interested in voting between the sex competition and the standard poll do so by 3/21. I will close the poll that night and post a new poll (if the standard poll wins) or begin working on how the sex competition poll will come together once I’ve announced the final two girls. It doesn’t seem like there are any comments for me to address. Other than for me to say I can’t tell you what Project Arcadia is yet, but rest assured that bomb is getting ready to drop soon! Everything else is votes or congrats on hitting 150. So thanks again everyone this was a great milestone and I hope we can surge forward to 200k! As always, if you have any questions or comments please let me know. Till next time, -Mal
    1 point
  9. You’re very kind to keep giving me the benefit of the doubt, but I don’t think I deserve it. I’m trying to handle the story element as best I can, but ultimately I don’t know that I can do it well. I’m not saying it can’t be done well; I know it can. I just don’t think I’m talented enough to do so. Part Seven should be up Wednesday morning, so we’ll have a better idea then, but I apologize in advance. You’re an amazing author, SinfulWolf, and I’m sorry if I disappoint you.
    1 point
  10. Update, premade covers aren’t going to cut it Dx If I have to shell out the money I want it exactly as I pictured it.
    1 point
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