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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2019 in all areas

  1. The sad truth is that there is no way to prevent someone from copying a story. Other sites such as FanFiction.Net have tried various methods to prevent copying of stories but we’ve found stories posted here that were copied from that site. Archive Of Our Own provides download links, which certainly doesn’t help matters. We’ve been asked why WE don’t have those links, and the answer is that we don’t like plagiarists. What we can do here is remain vigilant. If you want to give me what information you have regarding the person who stole your story and sold it on Amazon, I can certainly look into whether they have an account here or not. You can email that to tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org, and I will investigate it promptly.
    2 points
  2. SisterWine

    Plagiarism stopper?

    Thank you. I'm not asking for an easy fix and I understand there is not much anyone can do. All I know of him is his name is Viktor ilchencko and the story was stolen Sept 18 of last year. Again, Amazon did remove it and some of his other works. I am asking you, wwomb and AO3, where I think he got it but I'm not sure. Thank you. SW
    1 point
  3. Frustration (noun) When your first chapter in months after block really hit, has to be totally rewritten because you switched from 3rd person to 1st.
    1 point
  4. First of all, I think this would get more staff attention if I move it to the General Staff Questions forum. But I won’t move it unless you want me to. We do not have a way to download the stories posted on our Archives (unlike at least one other fan fiction site, that I know of) but as far as I know (which is very little) there’s no way to prevent a copy/paste on stories. And I am sure that our head tech admin and our coder would love to implement something like that in the future. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
    1 point
  5. Thank you! I always feel so bad when I make stupid mistakes (and you found another one further down), so I’m happy to know you’re still enjoying the story in spite of my screwups. There are two confrontations in the story, the climactic one in Part Nine and this one. As you might expect, this one isn’t going to go terribly well. While I wasn’t referencing the Judge specifically, you’re not that far off. Eparlegna is highly confident because he was able to overpower just about everyone 75 years earlier (like in the San Francisco footage). Like the Judge, it hasn’t really sunk in how humanity has advanced, and he is being somewhat arrogant. Having said that, he’s not about to get blown up with a rocket launcher. Enchanted bullets can wound him, but they still can’t kill him. Granted, this is a step up, since 75 years earlier they would just have bounced off him, but there are still limits to what human weapons can accomplish. Furthermore, his attack on the App Theo building is not without purpose, which will come up later. Thanks! I really wanted to show what Eparlegna hints at in Whore of Heaven, namely a battle between human forces and, as he describes his new body, “an unstoppable force of Hell”, so we get to see human soldiers trying and failing to damage him with normal ammunition and even missiles, and the destructive power of the dragon’s hellfire breath, almost like a nuclear weapon (slower moving, though). What I was going for here was that the car is mostly coming down toward her, so its momentum is primarily directed through Luzurial and into the ground. In addition, the crumpling of the car’s roof absorbs some of the energy. All in all, she probably slid back about a meter, but not enough that I wanted to really point it out. You know, some day I’m going to put a chapter up and it’s not going to contain a single stupid mistake. BUT TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY! So, there are two reasons for Kevin taking normal ammo in that scene. The first is the out-of-universe reason, namely that those bullets will, at the end of Part Five, be inscribed to be anti-demon rounds, so they needed to be “blank” for that (I suppose you could write over one inscription with another, but that would be a rather messy and difficult process). The second reason, though, the in-universe reason, is that Kevin wasn’t planning to try to shoot Eparlegna with those bullets, but was instead thinking there might be more cultists inside, so he wanted to be able to shoot them. And of course I didn’t make that clear, because in spite of my best efforts, I am a mediocre writer. That mistake will be fixed come morning (with credit to you in the Author’s Note).
    1 point
  6. He does have a twisted sense of humor so there’s a fair chance it was built out of the bones of employees of a popular Ready-to-assemble furniture vendor. He may have enjoyed the meatballs.
    1 point
  7. catharsis takes many forms. I enjoy the story too much to stop now. That’d be a thousand times worse than taking a bookmark out and promptly reading the last page of a book and declaring you’ve finished the story. tsuj hctaw ruoy knird rof ehs yam ton be eb a dneirf
    1 point
  8. SisterWine

    Plagiarism stopper?

    I had a reader on another site alert me to a theft of my story, located here and two other sites. The reader told me that my fic was on Kindle, for sale, and I didn’t put it there. ALL three sites I have placed a copyright date on my original fics. Thankfully, Amazon saw it my way and removed my story. I don’t know if the thief is here or on either of the other two sites so I am hesitant to finish my other originals or any story. Is there a way to prevent someone from dl/copying a story on this site? If there isn’t, support team might want to work on that. Thank you.
    0 points
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