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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/2018 in all areas

  1. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving my lovely little humans!
    3 points
  2. Naruto the Cluck has been reviewed! Thank you for your review! I totally missed a lot of the prompts back then so it’s nice to re-visit some of the open-ended time limit ones and to be honest acrolith really helped with deciding how to turn Naruto into a chicken, what with not knowing any in universe reason. Definitely easier than those bloody second quarter 2011 words I don’t want to blow my own trumpet, but I’m pretty sure Naruto’s dialogue was pretty much the best I have ever written for any character. I will never better it. Sigh. Thank you again for the review! I can imagine someone reading the story, reading the review and then going “Wait, what? This story?”
    1 point
  3. Oh, if we’re doing compliments… Thanks! and I’m always in awe of your writing ability, and the dedication with which you approach everything you do. And thank you again for the review!
    1 point
  4. At this stage the world is pretty much gonna roast us, shake us, blow us and drown us with climate change until we go the way of the dinos. Gaia is fucking done with our shit. In 65 million years highly evolved cockroaches are going to be trying to work out just what the fuck we needed so much plastic for, while the President of one of the major landmasses talks about grabbing ‘em by the thorax. Still, you’ve got to laugh. Oooh! I could always lighten the tone for Part 4 by turning it into a gorefest. Enforce Chekov’s Gun on Roman’s Knife sort of thing – I mean, the dude’s Russian so it’s kind’ve appropriate, and with the re-write set in London I guess there should be ramped up knife crime. I begin to see a way to do my changed ending.
    1 point
  5. Pen Name: JayDee/JD Story link: Naruto the Cluck Review replies link: Here! Type of fic: Flashfic Rating: Adult + Fandom: Naruto Pairing: Hinata/Sasuke Warnings: AFFO Anal ChallengeFic Complete Cuckold MF Oneshot Oral PWP TF
    1 point
  6. That’s it exactly. The gorefests are fun, really. I’m not at all bothered by that, but this does feel much more real, and therefore more horrible. Actually, I felt the same way about CL’s Backdoor Politics, which was hard to read because it was so real. I suppose I harbor that last bit of hope that we aren’t terminally fucked as a species, despite the state of affairs here in the States.
    1 point
  7. Review on An Actor Abducted Thank you for your review! I really appreciate your thoughts on this. To be honest I was assuming this story was falling squarely into the “Whoa, this is the kind of shit I don’t even want to comment on anonymously!” catagory. I totally get the squicky feeling, it’s a pretty nasty subject matter. I didn’t think it was so bad as some of the gorefests I’ve done, but in a way their over the top nature makes them more fantastical/silly, where this sort of thing is perhaps more grounded in reality and so easier to turn the stomach (someone once said something like that about my old story Mike Rapes a Dyke). I’m kinda tempted to put that quote in my sig! DarkFic sub-section definitely the right choice for it, huh? Part 4 is basically three-quarters re-written – I’ve been through on the original, changed all the names and genders and that, but the endings for “Hank” and “Gabrielle” need to be changed quite a bit, since eg Hank isn’t going to be getting pregnant, and Gabrielle isn’t cheerfully keen to take part in rape like the original version. It could take a while to get right, and in the meantime I’ve done the first draft on Naruto the Cluck , but that should be quicker to polish as a flashfic and then hopefully I’ll get part 4’s re-write finished! Thank you again.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Visted Jerome for my birthday. Haha. The only thing haunting that place are hippies and artists.
    1 point
  10. JayDee

    Naruto The Cluck

    Yeah, that’s pretty much the size of it, only with it being just 1000 words I don’t have enough words available to cover it happening regularly, though it should be implied. I also didn’t know if they had a backyard but assumed they’d have a kitchen. As for who, well, I could literally only remember Naruto himself, Hinata, Sakura and Sasuke when I did the first draft, and I didn’t want to do another dickgirl fic yet so that only left Sasuke to be the guy. I will hopefully have it done soon! Obviously I’d rather someone else made a story about such a glorious title/concept, but having elicited no interest it shall be I who writes it. And so If there’s any more to be said about my attempt, I made another thread outside challenges here – this Naruto subforum thread – to avoid this challenges thread getting clogged when there’s still a chance someone might do their own take on it! Edit: Naruto the Cluck – Please read and review.
    1 point
  11. BronxWench

    Naruto The Cluck

    I’d beg to differ…
    1 point
  12. The sixth and final chapter of “The Miss Cutie Patootie Pageant” is posted! Lola and the other contestants go at it in the swimsuit and talent competitions, and Lincoln gets one more pleasant surprise. SWP1, sorry you had some stress this week. This has been an ugly week on the internet in general. I’d like to give a shout-out to DebbieCync’s Loud House story “Grow, Adapt, Overcome.” Lincoln becomes infected by microorganisms that begin changing him—for the better, which leads to loads of incest fun.
    1 point
  13. JayDee

    Naruto The Cluck

    Fine, I’ll write it myself. And by Ishtar it will be the worst Naruto story on AFF.
    1 point
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