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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/2018 in all areas

  1. Thanks for the plug for “Pony Dearest”! More importantly, I’m proud of you for going back to fix “Twinpregnation”’s overpopulation problem. When two or more reviewers point out the same issue, that tends to suggest that it’s worth addressing, and it’s awesome that you are that responsive to feedback.
    2 points
  2. my moms surgery went well. shes home resting. she also had the doctor take out her nail on her right foot. so shes in a boot and a cast! lol
    2 points
  3. My new mission in life is to one day start a scene, maybe even a story, with the word ‘Penis’. Thanks guys. We classy.
    2 points
  4. fully expecting the next two reviews to be “Would work better with more background characters.” (I kid, I kid! It’s halfway down page 2, it’ll never be read again!) Thank you all once again for the feedback though, it really helps. I managed to find the motivation to do it. I’m as shocked as anyone. I could absolutely see where you were coming from though, and why what I was trying for hadn’t worked well. Or at all. Even with that stuff stripped out it’s still differentiated enough from the folks in the old version I figure. If someone came to me tomorrow about something I finished three years ago and said “This bit is terrible this is why you should change it” and I agreed with them, I’d probably still not be motivated to do it and instead just take the feedback on board for future stories. I’m kinda lazy and stupid that way. Putting stuff off is what I am best at as a writer. The one I am re-writing at the moment probably needs another four or five hours of solid work, and I’ve had a couple extra ideas that seem really hot to me to include, and I am still not getting it done. But it won’t have any needless cameos, that’s for sure. Currently calling the main character Hank Bellfield, surname is fixed but I am not too sure about Hank for a handsome actor type. On the plus side it only has two google returns and one of them seems to be dead so at least it’s not acidentally libelling someone. Edit: The plug may not achieve anything. The Price by Pippychick has only had like three reviews from my plugging and that wasn’t even when I plugged it here, it was over on another site!
    1 point
  5. That’s why death by hand blender is so surprising.
    1 point
  6. I thought One Direction were going to be massive instead of massively annoying and quickly forgotten.
    1 point
  7. I wish you luck @CloverReef. Though, writing M/M it’s gotta be obtainable.
    1 point
  8. I had a quote before it, but yeah, it started off with the word “penis”. Though, it wasn’t sexual.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Make it a rule to start off… dunno, part of the body. I know I had one story where I tried to start it off with the word “penis”….
    1 point
  11. Dude, you have no idea how much I would like to.
    1 point
  12. So when I write Moosecock everybody remember it was GeorgeGlass who egged me on! And also, for those of you who like pregnancy and horsecock check out George’s story Pony Dearest. So, I recently reviewed SinfulWolf’s Closing Time and heartily recommend it if you want some decent femslash – there’s only the one review so far, so get in there and give some more feedback! As is sometimes the way of these things, SinfulWolf has reviewed a couple of mine too! For Fucking Halloween Party Thank you for this review! I didn’t remember the real bands, scrolled down and, wow, yeah that One Direction poster got dated fast, the rest are probably worse, eeesh. I shoulda stuck with a fictional act like Dani Murphy. The offscreen villain spends much of her time on adult fanfiction sites like AFF sharing Mary Sue fics. She’s really evil. the AFF references were mostly because of it being for an AFF story jam, and with it having the same villain as another story I did, but stripped of that context I can see the issue there. I don’t always think about these things, thanks for the pointer! Thank you for the feedback on this also! With such strong exortations from y’all I think I might need to go back and strip out some of the extra characters (and stick in a change of view line!) my aim of getting it firmly into the new setting seems to have gone a little bit overboard. Taking out the bit in the middle would be a pretty easy snip but I’ll have to be a little more careful at the start. Shouldn’t be impossible though – generally I hate going back and changing stories* when I’ve finished them even with a really good reason, but since this is already a re-write of an old story already it’s not such a thing. Plus, most of the change suggestions I used to get were “This story would be improved if you killed yourself.” I hope your wife likes it also, thanks again for both of your kind reviews and the feedback on the characters and POV switch. *Edit: Excepting changes for spelling/grammar/capitals/homophones and other accidentally misused words, the technical minutae in other words I usually try and change quickly
    1 point
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