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  1. What happens when I make my grocery list in Google Docs on my phone: I start typing “bread”; phone suggests “breasts.” I start typing “half-and-half”; phone suggests “half-assed.” Have I mentioned that no one should ever borrow my phone?
    4 points
  2. Add all tags that are relevant to your story, it’s to help those who need to avoid certain content either for personal and/or legal reasons. Now, you do have three choices as to where, 1) summary, 2) top of the story, and/or, 3) top of the chapter. My habit is to place *ALL* tags at the top of the story, and significant/major tags in the summary.
    2 points
  3. So content yourself with the humilation of making him wearing clothes and not chained to the bed Hahaha.
    1 point
  4. Now how can I say no to my favorite Witch?
    1 point
  5. No, now, you have to park your ass in a chair and write the 3rd book! Pretty please?
    1 point
  6. I’m doing my best to send you some rain, @Melrick, I promise. It’s been almost dry here for two days now, so maybe it’s working… ::crosses everything, knocks on wood, shouts, “seven, nine, thirteen!!”:: Stay safe, and I hope my little loves will be safe down there too.
    1 point
  7. My friend had knee replacement surgery, and we finally got the Jeep windshield replaced. Making progress is a good feeling. My friend’s finally on the mend and won’t be confined to a walker much longer. For all the craziness in life, I’m feeling pretty good about the last couple of weeks now that they are done. Now to focus on the next thing on the must do list.
    1 point
  8. Good luck making it a legitimate novel, George! I hope it works out for you.
    1 point
  9. Now this I can see working quite well. When the song is a clue, a way to pinpoint a villain? Yes, absolutely put that original song in there. In fact, I’m agog with admiration because I can barely cobble together a freaking 8-line prophecy without anguish and exasperation.
    1 point
  10. I used to write songfics. When I was in the fanfiction world, I wrote a number of them. I even wrote one original songfic. But that was years ago, and in retrospect, I think it was a mistake, disregarding the whole issue of whether or not the songs were original or quoted from existing music, I just don’t like the whole thing. Like BW and sinful, I find, and I have always found lyrics in fiction distracting. They take me out of the world, UNLESS, and that’s a big unless, the lyrics are integral to the plot. Like a verse is a clue to something. But if it’s not integral to the plot, to me, it feels too self-indulgent, and does more of a disservice to whatever emotional atmosphere has been built up thus far. If anyone reading this has a story and you wrote original music for it, I’m going to give you some crazy awesome advice: learn a programming language like Java or just get yourself a good video editor, and make yourself an immersive, visual novel complete with illustrations and music. I loooove those things. Or, if those things sound like too much work, make an audio book! That way the music won’t distract from the story, it’ll compliment it! See? I’m a genius. Edit: Seriously @GeorgeGlass, even though I just kinda shat all over your idea, there’s nothing wrong with doing shit your way. If I was your beta, I wouldn’t tell you not to; I’d ask you how important it is to the story, and to write a scene with and without the lyrics and decide for yourself which works for your style, pacing, and story best.
    1 point
  11. If it works, it works. While I’ve stated that my experiences with it haven’t worked, that’s because they’ve never been tied to the plot very tight. If it is, as you @GeorgeGlass are indicating, it may well work. But as with all things, mileage may vary. And something like including song lyrics can be rather polarizing.
    1 point
  12. That sounds fine in my book because it grows out of events in the story and ties in. I was speaking about pop songs that depend on exterior materials for the story or scene to make sense. Original songs that are written as part of the story must fit the mood of the story. Michael Bolton didn’t know the mood of my story twenty years later and his lyrics may mean something totally different to a reader based on their RL and that takes control of the story’s mood out of my keyboard. Your “Burn It Down” sounds like a useful grace note and the memory of a terrible cover of it by Jerry Lewis will not disrupt your story. (Hope I was clearer this time)
    1 point
  13. Prose and songwriting/poetry are differing skillsets. If you’ve got both, go for it. if you haven’t got both, go for it anyway with enthusiasm because fuck it, writing’s about having fun. I’ve read a few books with chunks of original lyrics in and it’s been mostly fine – one author had comic songs at the start of every chapter, though that was a funny book.
    1 point
  14. I’ve also seen it done, and like @Sinfulwolf I found it more distracting than useful... outside of Tolkien. I confess to a blind adoration of all things elvish.
    1 point
  15. I’ve seen it done before. Tolkien did it, and so did Brian Jacques in his Redwall series. I mean, it does let you get a bit more creative and potentially show a bit more of the world. In my personal opinion I always felt it slowed down the story too much. I got pulled out too much to try and figure out what the melody was, and to basically hear a story in the story I was reading. And being a good writer of narrative doesn’t make one a good song writer.
    1 point
  16. TimeofAngels

    Billion Dollar Harem

    Really liked that Ariana wasn’t turned on by her degradation at all. In too many instances female characters body’s react even when they don’t want them too. I found the Time Jumps quite jarring especially as some of the scenes were prior to events that occurred in the previous chapter. Its fine when your showing what one set of characters did and then showing what other characters were doing whilst the first set was doing stuff. The problem for me is when you break causality since Cara’s and Emma’s interaction in chp 33 happened before bella’s punishment in chp 32 and the interaction between Cara and Emma in chp 33 affected the way Cara behaved in chp 32. I think I understand why this is the case as you want to give the reader a big scene in each chapter. I really like how Bella was fucked especially since it showed her loss of the masculinity that she had gained when she had the feel-doe and reminded us that she is still part of Alex’s harem. Although I really like it when girls, with a dick, fuck other girls. I’m surprised that you find big tits and arse unattractive. I assumed that since I have no preference when it comes to physical appearance, assuming youth and good health, that all men were the same and that the most significant factors were the way someone behave and what they were like as a person. I always found Amelia Pond unappealing she is the only Doctor Who companion that I dislike. Partly this is due to my dislike at Steven Moffats style as Head writer and that when I first watch Season 5 and 6 I was disinterested and confused by the whole Silence thing. One reason for this was Moffat’s habit of breaking causality. One reason why I find her unappealing is that i was 14/15 when I first saw her on DW and at that age I wasn’t attracted to adults and since then I’ve learn’t about her character and I would be very annoyed with the way she behaves if I was Rory. Those shows with Jenna Coleman were all BBC stuff So in mid 19th Century England there were two schools, Eton and Rugby, who both played Football but they both played with different rules. So they and some other schools got together to decide the rules of the game. They eventually made two versions of the game known as Association football, where using your hands is prohibited, and Rugby football, named after the school that played it, where you can use your hands. These commonly referred to as Soccer and Rugby since Soccer is English posh slang for Association. These games spread all over the world thanks to the British Empire. At the same time Soccer Football become popular with the lower class in England who called it Football. In the U.S Rugby Football became popular after they changed all the rules so they called it American Rugby Football which later became known as American Football. In the U.K and the most of the world Association Football became known as Football and Rugby Football became Rugby. The U.S is pretty good at women’s football finishing in the top 3 at all seven world cups two of which they hosted while these girls were growing up so maybe the Americans won’t be terrible. The British girls will probably be terrible since the FA banned women’s football in England in 1921 because it was more popular than men’s Football and they didn’t want women to take the spectators and ticket sales from the men. They got away with it since women had just won the right to vote. They only unbanned it in 1971 and it still isn’t popular with girls in schools in the U.K. But I really like the idea of the girls competing at some sort of game perhaps a card game perhaps they could gamble stuff. FIFA tournaments are Football Tournaments organised by FIFA. So you really couldn’t have a FIFA tournament. Unless Alex bribed FIFA officials to hold a tournament in secret which knowing FIFA might work so I guess you could do it I’m hoping that Ariana never gets an orgasm even when Alex is much more gentle and loving with her. As it would show that no matter what she will never be able to completely trust and relax with him. Also a lot of women don’t reach an orgasm during sex. As for the vote I strongly dislike scene 3. I don’t really see why Alex would reward his guards with his slaves when they already have slaves of their own. It makes sense when he’s punishing the girls. But I think its in Alex’s self interest to limit the contact between the girls and the guards as much as possible so that the guards and girls don’t develop any emotional attachment to each other which may create complications. I really like scene 4 since I’m a massive fan of oral and rim and I would ideally like Ariana, Taylor and scene 4. But it looks like scene 5 is going to win and I would quite like to see Dove Cameron in scene 4. Also I think it would be cool to see Bella try to make up with the master. I will vote for Dove Cameron Bella Thorne Scene 4
    1 point
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