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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/2018 in all areas

  1. Just said my goodbyes to three specialists because they’ve figured out whatever I have is not in their wheelhouses… They’re still not sure exactly what it is, but they’re pretty sure it’s in infectious disease territory now, so yay! Less trips to the big city hopefully! And by next week I should actually be receiving some treatment. Which will be nice. Been going downhill since March, and nobody wanted to treat me before they knew what they were dealing with.
    3 points
  2. Good luck making it a legitimate novel, George! I hope it works out for you.
    2 points
  3. The nice thing here is you can experiment with the form, or not, with little consequence (except for diminished dragon prints).
    2 points
  4. I used to write songfics. When I was in the fanfiction world, I wrote a number of them. I even wrote one original songfic. But that was years ago, and in retrospect, I think it was a mistake, disregarding the whole issue of whether or not the songs were original or quoted from existing music, I just don’t like the whole thing. Like BW and sinful, I find, and I have always found lyrics in fiction distracting. They take me out of the world, UNLESS, and that’s a big unless, the lyrics are integral to the plot. Like a verse is a clue to something. But if it’s not integral to the plot, to me, it feels too self-indulgent, and does more of a disservice to whatever emotional atmosphere has been built up thus far. If anyone reading this has a story and you wrote original music for it, I’m going to give you some crazy awesome advice: learn a programming language like Java or just get yourself a good video editor, and make yourself an immersive, visual novel complete with illustrations and music. I loooove those things. Or, if those things sound like too much work, make an audio book! That way the music won’t distract from the story, it’ll compliment it! See? I’m a genius. Edit: Seriously @GeorgeGlass, even though I just kinda shat all over your idea, there’s nothing wrong with doing shit your way. If I was your beta, I wouldn’t tell you not to; I’d ask you how important it is to the story, and to write a scene with and without the lyrics and decide for yourself which works for your style, pacing, and story best.
    2 points
  5. If it works, it works. While I’ve stated that my experiences with it haven’t worked, that’s because they’ve never been tied to the plot very tight. If it is, as you @GeorgeGlass are indicating, it may well work. But as with all things, mileage may vary. And something like including song lyrics can be rather polarizing.
    2 points
  6. I guess I should ‘splain my motivation for starting this thread. I’m working on turning my story “Eddie Forever” into a legitimate novel, and at one point, the MCs hear a song by the villain (who moonlights as a hip-hop artist) on the radio, which helps them figure out who the villain is. Because the hero and villain only interact a few times during the story, I thought it might be useful to actually write and include the lyrics to “Burn It Down” as a way of giving the reader a little more insight into what’s going on in the villain’s head. But I don’t want to do that if it’s just going to end up being a mental speed bump for readers. I wrote a couple of original songs for my Loud House fic “The Miss Cutie Patootie Pageant,” and a couple of people mentioned liking them, so I feel like maybe it can work. Or maybe there were a hundred other readers who didn’t like the songs at all but didn’t want to say so.
    2 points
  7. I know. I just couldn’t resist turning it into a pun. Hahaha~
    2 points
  8. I’ve also seen it done, and like @Sinfulwolf I found it more distracting than useful... outside of Tolkien. I confess to a blind adoration of all things elvish.
    2 points
  9. I’ve seen it done before. Tolkien did it, and so did Brian Jacques in his Redwall series. I mean, it does let you get a bit more creative and potentially show a bit more of the world. In my personal opinion I always felt it slowed down the story too much. I got pulled out too much to try and figure out what the melody was, and to basically hear a story in the story I was reading. And being a good writer of narrative doesn’t make one a good song writer.
    2 points
  10. For anyone who’s interested, Ghost’s Dilemma is available for preorder on July 27 from Nine Star Press: https://ninestarpress.com/product/ghosts-dilemma/ I’m really excited about this one, since I’ve made some edits and I think it’s a lot stronger now. So, for anyone who reads it, thank you!
    1 point
  11. I figure it’s not general enough for writers section, so journally it is. This is my scraps folder contents. This is a link to the Imgur image host, showing a file directory. It is a non pornographic picture. There’s 31 files there, tiny for many of you I am sure, so lets have a look If I have misinterpreted the rules and this link/description doesn’t meet the non-pornographic picture link rules then basically just imagine a list of documents in a folder with names like those below. Babylon files – These files all relate to Keith Inc.'s amended technical challenge in this thread before the year is out, it’ll be 10 years since I started working on my planned project which has been through more changes than the main character’s outfits. One day I hope to finish this fucker. The basic outline is 10 1000 word parts, each using ten of the words once, following a drag artist with the stage name Babylon. This may change again. BeautyPlan – This is a story outline for a re-telling of Sleeping Beauty with Harry and Draco. I, uh, I got no excuse for that. Just wanted to get it written down really. I think. I can’t even remember the intention now. BeforeSheWasShameless – This is the plan for a big prequel for Moz, my Elder Scrolls: Oblivion fanfic, Ending the Fan. I liked the title idea as much as anything, though I see from google others have used it, and also fancied writing her as a 18 year old apprentice alchemist and devotee of Mara before she got the taste for the violence. Cat2 – is chapter 2 of the Harry/Bellatrix scat fic I didn’t get round to finishing. Was writing disgusted Dobby and laughing. Courtney4 – unfinished further chapter of that Stargirl fic, the first parts were re-writes/heavily extended from my old story, this was going to be all new and probably end with Power Girl kicking everybody’s ass. Including the readers. The Endis files – These are plans for two different stories around characters created by someone called Devil_PS. I wrote Miharu Sarutobi Must Resist! for them, and then took a shot at a story with two other of their OCs, Gwendyn and Kayla. Congirls was going to be them Bamf’d to earth at a Convention and one of them getting the other to screw congoers to generate enough magic to go home, NoGoodDeed was going to be them helping out an old wizard who turns out to be a pervert, but beating him in the end thanks to a carefully foreshadowed vial of demon spunk. It, uh, it made sense in context. Everscamped – A story outline for Oblivion with the Staff of the Everscamp attendant Scamps being a little hornier than in game. Alright, a lot hornier. Basically, Moz was gonna fuck a load of scamps. I think it was from an idea that didn’t end up being a chapter of Ending the Fan. Facehugged files – Two basically finished chapters of a Aliens fic I did. Honestly, just need a final bit doing and I can post it. It’s a bit like that Pan story, I did most of the work years ago and can’t motivate myself to polish. it really needs a little re-work and maybe another chapter for an ending rather than tacking on a paragraph, but should be ok. Fallout Stuff – Random ideas and half written scenes, Fallout 3. One was about a low intelligence high strength character having sex, the other was based on a Fallout roleplay moment I had about a really evil character finding that even they had standards and a moral line in the sand. FiveIdeas – The ideas from this post – One became The Wish by Pippychick. So throwing out ideas can work, folks! Reststop – A prompt story that didn’t work out. Lupa has a curse of silence and she isn’t happy, luckily there’s a nasty guy she can feed on. Might manage to salvage it sometime. The ReWrite files (content names redacted!) – old stories of mine that are not on AFF that I could re-write some time. It’s pretty hard to find matching fandoms for some of them, but at the same time I haven’t been able to think up different enough original characters yet. Although I’ve had no feedback on Twinpregnation I like how it turned out with original characters so mght go down that route more. (And Twinpregnation has hit 420 dragon prints in 24 hours so smoke ‘em if you got ‘em). Slimemaid – Someone requested a story about a guy falling in with maids made out of slime, which is apparantly a fetish. I took a shot but didn’t get far. Unlikely to ever re-visit this one. TDW – “The Demolished Woman” a planned Firefly Bester x Kayee fic with Serenity’s old mechanic unhappy about losing his job, and inspired purely the original mechanic’s canon name and by the title of Alfred Bester’s book “The Demolished Man.” A, uh, a pretty dark story plan. WendyOKoopa – Yeah, I was gonna do Mario x Wendy WAFF. It was gonna be lovey dovey. Fight me. Willow files –For this challenge – I made a start, and then I had the busiest time of my life with work overtime. Was just ridiculous. It’s another one I hope to get back too, but with the size of the project it’s not one I feel up to attempting right now. Could be an even better story than Shokan Lust if I ever do it though. Consensual witch gangbang with lashings of ginger pubes and spunk. I’ve had other scraps and bits over the years I’ve deleted, and some ideas I’ve put on the forum I probably should have saved and may still do. A lot of ideas I’ve had though have been as I was about to go to sleep and I’ve never felt up to getting up and writing notes so they fail. Eh. There we go.
    1 point
  12. I’d go with with either sudden fatal aging, collapse into dust route. Or a slow decline as friends and family notice. Or A kiss of death. Or sucking the soul out of them.
    1 point
  13. It is a lot of work, but for some of the people already creating original music, the extra work to make it audio and incorporate those extra senses is absolutely worth the extra headaches. It’s exciting; it opens up new creative avenues, and it doesn’t feel like extra work if you love what you’re doing. Of course, if you don’t, it absolutely will feel like too much work. So you just gotta do what’s right for you. My advice was meant for people who are already venturing into other mediums to consider alternative and creative ways to make it work for them. We’re not just limited to the words on the page if we don’t want to be.
    1 point
  14. Now this I can see working quite well. When the song is a clue, a way to pinpoint a villain? Yes, absolutely put that original song in there. In fact, I’m agog with admiration because I can barely cobble together a freaking 8-line prophecy without anguish and exasperation.
    1 point
  15. Just a friendly reminder that stories aren’t to be uploaded to the forum. That’s what the archive is for.
    1 point
  16. Ouch, a video or audio novel for a very rare song is way too much work. It’s a very different skill set, the same way watercolors are. I sometimes feel sorry for those on the Youtube content treadmill. I think I’ll stay with words and limit most music mentions to the background. Songfics are foreground.
    1 point
  17. That sounds fine in my book because it grows out of events in the story and ties in. I was speaking about pop songs that depend on exterior materials for the story or scene to make sense. Original songs that are written as part of the story must fit the mood of the story. Michael Bolton didn’t know the mood of my story twenty years later and his lyrics may mean something totally different to a reader based on their RL and that takes control of the story’s mood out of my keyboard. Your “Burn It Down” sounds like a useful grace note and the memory of a terrible cover of it by Jerry Lewis will not disrupt your story. (Hope I was clearer this time)
    1 point
  18. Author: JayDee /JD Title: Twinpregnation Summary: One night in the long summer after graduating High School, Caitlin catches her twin Conor ‘enjoying’ her picture. She’s not upset. Feedback: All the feedback in the word. All of it. Fandom: Original hetero incest Pairing: Twin Brother / Twin Sister Warnings: ChallengeFic COMPLETE Contro Inc MF Oneshot Oral Preg PWP Solo WAFF Solo story or chaptered story: Solo URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600109073
    1 point
  19. Heh, I was going for the old fashioned pulling out the soul thing through sex. But that works too I suppose.
    1 point
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