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  1. Don’t be afraid to mix up the stages too… nobody reacts quite the same to similar situations, How the character reacts can define them.
    3 points
  2. You are forgetting Challenge. A demon is almost always an immortal being. A being with a completely different mindset than any human. Summoning one for the challenge and glory of defeating, understand or otherwise just getting one up over a being like that is an accomplishment in of itself.
    2 points
  3. Tcr

    Naming places

    "Hi, Bob." "Hey, Bob?" "How's it going, Bob?" "Not bad, Bob. How's the wife, Bob?" "Bob's not doing too bad, Bob. How's the kids?" "Oh, sorry, Bob. I thought you were talking to Bob. Has anyone noticed the high number of Bob's working here?"
    2 points
  4. What is the antagonist for? What genre is the story in? How complex is the main protagonist? What are the interactions between protagonist and antagonist? Are they friendly and jovial? Or are they die hard someone is going to die the moment one of them sees each other? Sometimes the story just needs a complete monster. And sometimes the whys are much more interesting than the antagonist themselves. The most interesting questions come to mind if the main character is the villain of the story.
    2 points
  5. Why not include links? I’m always looking for something to read and sometimes all you need is a little promotion. http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296877009&view=story&zone=original
    2 points
  6. Negativity happens however, You cannot and must not let negative remarks chip away at something that makes you happy. Its not the end of the world if someone absolutely hates your work. It’ll hurt but its just one review. If you want more reviews promote your story. Do not compare yourself to anyone. You are you. If grammer and incorrect words are dragging your story down. Try a beta Your story is as valid as anyone else’s. Don't ever think for a moment that your story does not have worth. Don’t compare your stories to others. Harsh Criticism is inherent in writing. But don't forget you the writer are often the worst critic of all. Is there anything constructive in that criticism or is it just straight up trolling/flaming. Some people are weirdly harsh when they want the author to improve. You aren’t perfect. You are going to make mistakes. Criticism loses most of its bite when you accept this. Rephrase or clarify but don’t ever stop writing. Always strive to grow, do better Don’t lose sight of why you are writing this story. Allow your story to be itself.
    2 points
  7. I love October! Netflix/Hulu/Amazon Prime have the best scary movies in October. I have been watching them all day!
    2 points
  8. Clones, we’re all clones. So, how do we properly tag a bob/bob pairing?
    1 point
  9. sweetmamajama

    Naming places

    Lord Spongebob praise be upon him!
    1 point
  10. indeed, I think that this character would be more on the angry denial side of things, followed by his world coming crashing down.
    1 point
  11. That's why I resort to random generators, simply because my mind gets stuck otherwise, and it becomes rather unrealistic if all your characters are named "Bob".
    1 point
  12. The Kink Meme started in 2007 on Livejournal: the idea of it was simple. Anonymously, users could comment on a thread on LJ with their request, whether it was shippy, filthy, or just plain mad; equally anonymously, people could respond with a fic filling their request. Kink Memes are places to ask for the stuff you just wouldn’t know where to post otherwise, that you’re too ashamed to have your username attached to, or just to have fun as you go through a lot more outlandish things than usual. And for the writers, Kink Memes are a great place to get simple ideas you can easily write out, to an audience you already know is waiting. We currently have around 100 prompts up! Come add some more, or fill a few! The Harry Potter Kink Meme
    1 point
  13. CloverReef

    Naming places

    Definitely, simple and not over thinking is a great way to go. But having fun and getting carried away with words and languages and research is totally legit too, even for something so simple as a name for a little village or a street name. As long as you don't get stressed or discouraged, going simple or going batshit both have their merits. So you just gotta do you.
    1 point
  14. You’ll be fine, you’ll see. Also, I like the idea of cutting off the useless bits when we’re young. There’d be more than a few people without a head in that case.
    1 point
  15. I promoted it at the time, but it just didn’t garner much interest. Which is okay, that’s always going to happen if you write enough stories. But I’ll include the link here to my archive.
    1 point
  16. InvidiaRed

    Naming places

    Don’t overthink it. Stick to your lore. an ancient Chinese inspired culture is one of the easier ones. Since China had an incredible amount of dynasties and cities. Gods are harder. I’d start top down with a pantheon, then the hierarchy etc. It also depends on what kinda god feel you are going for. Are they like the greeks flawed but bringing order to the universe. Animal headed or more fantasy D&D based. Naming places are easier than you give credit. The misty mountains are indeed misty. Clown cave is indeed filled with clowns. Simplicity at times is better than wit.
    1 point
  17. I use those stages for grief of many kinds. that’s a good tip.
    1 point
  18. The best medicine for me, is to typically rant a bit about it, usually in the chat box, when I’m feeling negative. Happens in bouts. In my case, readership is lower because I’ve made a habit of story tag bingo which can scare off the squeamish.
    1 point
  19. Ideally don't’ be afraid to use the fives stages of grief. https://grief.com/the-five-stages-of-grief/ Don’t be afraid to play up the horror of your characters actions. They did after all just do something emotionally devastating. Bonus points if it was unintentional, accidental or worst of all on purpose.
    1 point
  20. Can anyone tell me what the dragon print is?
    1 point
  21. True, apathy’s not positive either. I’ve been recording raw hits, so normally that helps, but I was seeing the hits-between-chapters die off, so that’s where the negativity really started to kick in. However, some people have observed a taper off during summer, and that’s likely the case, just ignoring it is easier said than done. And finish that chapter so you can mark it as “Complete”
    1 point
  22. Apathy from readers isn’t exactly negative, though it makes me feel very negative about my writing. I live (writer-wise) for a thoughtful comments and chatter from readers, positive or even negative. (I admit some commenters are harder to understand from language usage) Next best are raw hits and likes, they just don’t give the same validation. Apathy is almost being gaslighted by your own work, leaving doubt and angst. I thought finishing a finale chapter this month would not be an issue, but RL+story block/angst+reader quiet makes it a struggle. If struggle with a story goes on too long, I start a new one, often humor or parody.
    1 point
  23. You might even focus more on what and how the characters feel during the act, rather than the physical mechanics of things. Depending on your POV, this could be really easy; but it's doable even in 3rd-person-omniscient.
    1 point
  24. Well, I'll admit, I'm still feeling a little off-kilter, but I'm no longer trying to hold back shameful tears, if that's what you're saying. It was all perfectly valid critisism, so I'm pretty much over that, but there are still some things that I need to think about, ya know. I just finished revising the story in question, so I feel like I've accomplished something at least.
    1 point
  25. Guest

    Taking it Like a Man

    I think that on some level it always effects us. Regardless of how seasoned a writer we may be. Perhaps the only aspect of the rejection that changes is how fast we pick ourselves up after being knocked to the floor, so to speak.
    1 point
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