KoKoa_B Posted February 27, 2015 Report Posted February 27, 2015 I have a clue what many of you will say on this. But I want to know, anyway! As always, I was on another site and the thread appeared. The writer wanted to know why was it so hard for them to write those types of specifics and what should they do. I told them honestly that they would get a wide variety of responses because everyone is different. People, like me, see no problem when I read a story where "Johnny was 6'3" or even "Sarah was nearly six feet tall". Because I know how tall I am, I can see this measurement and I get a clearer picture as to how this character looks. I suggested that they used themselves as the base and work around that to describe the measurements of their character. Then, another poster told them to do the exact opposite. That knowing specific measurements aren't good for stories; it would slow the story down and wasn't realistic. However, in my opinion, what good is it to know that Johnny was tall when "tall" can mean so many different things to so many readers? In my case, "tall" is anyone 5'9 and up. But someone already 5'9 would go with a higher number. I understand maybe not using actual measurements; not everyone is like me to where I can usually guess within an inch of someone's height just by looking at them. But I feel that readers need a little bit more to work on than "Sally was a short woman"! How do you describe the measurements of your characters, if you do? Quote
magusfang Posted February 27, 2015 Report Posted February 27, 2015 I don't use specifics but like you I do give rough measurements on somethings and not on others, like everything you need a happy medium. I described one character as: She was small, several inches below his nearly five and a half feet, thin and delicate looking and he knew she couldn't be more than a hundred pounds, if that... It gives the reader a rough outline and lets them fill in the details so that the character will feel more real to them since they had a hand in that character's creation. Going to the tape is ussually too much" She was 5 foot 1 inch, wieghed 104 pounds, C cup breasts...blah...blah...blah Makes it sound like an APB. I do laugh when writers tell us exactly how long their male character's penises are, do guys actually measure their junk? Cause in nearly fifty years I have yet to do that...seems sort of wierd to me. So in conclusion There's nothing wrong with using numbers to describe a character, just don't go overboard...but that's just my opinion. I don't know what that means, but after reading it I wanna take a shower! BronxWench and KoKoa_B 2 Quote
KoKoa_B Posted February 27, 2015 Author Report Posted February 27, 2015 I do agree that there are some areas that may not need any type of measurement. A lot of times, it's not detrimental to the story or the writer won't specify on it. Like with me and breasts. It's just not my thing. So you won't find me writing about actual sizes when it comes to breasts unless it's being asked in dialogue; they would be just... breasts! Okay; maybe there would be a slight mention of them trying to pop out of their restraints or something on the lines of that. But as far as stating that so-and-so had small breasts or even size DD or whatever, I won't do that! I used to be one of those ones who gave out exact penis size! As far as guys actually measuring their junk? It was always rumored that they did when I was back in junior high! The Chargers thing. I'm a football fanatic but never liked the San Diego Chargers. I saw the meme, fell out laughing and it's been with me ever since! BronxWench 1 Quote
Melrick Posted February 27, 2015 Report Posted February 27, 2015 If the character is of average height then there's no real need to give specific measurements. If the height of the person isn't important to the story then I don't think it's necessary to give specifics. But if it is - if the person is particularly tall or short - then I really don't see how you can get away with not giving particulars, simply because one person's perception of tall can be very different to another's. For example, my girlfriend is 4'11" and she considers anyone about 5'10" as tall, where as I, being 6 foot tall and two brothers taller than I am, and a sister nearly as tall, consider that pretty average and not tall at all. It would be better if you could find a creative way to give measurements, such as magusfang described, then that would be better than giving a laundry list of statistics. Also, if both the height and the weight of the person is important for the reader to know then you could try to break up the information given to the reader. For example, provide details of the person's height at first, mention that the person is fat but wait until a bit later in the story to give details, when a more natural way to provide it occurs. But there's no hard and fast rule of it. I've read professional, published, successful authors that have no problem providing those kind of details. Personally, I like to know details, but everyone's different, and you can't please everyone. Oh, and studies have suggested that the number of adult males that have measured their penis at some point vastly outnumbers those who haven't. BronxWench 1 Quote
BronxWench Posted February 27, 2015 Report Posted February 27, 2015 (edited) Weighing in, I prefer to be indirect with details mostly because I know how I react to certain descriptors. I've put a book down and walked away from it if it doesn't leave me any room for imagination. There are times when I do need to state a character's height, or something specific about their appearance, and of course eye color, hair color, and other descriptors are great. But I'm perplexed by very specific measurements, to wit: "He was 6 foot 3-1/2 inches tall, 6 foot 4 if he stretched." It makes me stop and ponder the need for that half-inch more of height, since I'm a mere 5 foot 5 inches tall and would get a neck crick either way. Edited February 27, 2015 by BronxWench Quote
magusfang Posted February 27, 2015 Report Posted February 27, 2015 so just wondering, do grls keep a stat sheet on their litle kitty; you know, width, hieght, depthe, presensce of an echo...just curious... Quote
magusfang Posted February 27, 2015 Report Posted February 27, 2015 if any girls are interested, I'm willing to help Quote
JayDee Posted February 28, 2015 Report Posted February 28, 2015 "Octomom? Hi, I'm here for your echo test, your echo test." BronxWench and KoKoa_B 2 Quote
SirGeneralSir Posted February 28, 2015 Report Posted February 28, 2015 ive learned that if you are describing the character in 3rd person ( sally was a lovely blond girl that stood at five five with .... ) it can be good as an introduction, but many people tend to go overboard with it and have in some cases an entire page dedicated to the single description of this one person. now if it was the POV of another character, you probably wouldn't use measurements like that but instead something like ( As i looked up at the young woman, her golden blond hair caught my attention .... ) if you wanted a specific measurement of the person, there should be a reason they know it, like having a cybernetic eye that scanned them, or they were standing next to the measurement tape at the door to a store, either way there should be some reason of being able to tell from a characters perspective. but i think it really comes down to HOW you write it out. Quote
GeorgeGlass Posted February 28, 2015 Report Posted February 28, 2015 If you're writing a fanfic, then it's easy: You can just use an established character as the basis for comparison. ("Phineas looked up at the teenager, who was almost a head taller than he," "Her breasts seemed enormous, more than twice the size of Vanessa's"). More generally speaking, throwing numbers at readers is probably less effective than describing the character's appearance as others might perceive it. ("She looked like an Olympic volleyball player--six feet tall, willowy, and deeply tanned." "The man's short, wide physique reminded Matt of an airlock door.") IMO, adding these subjective details makes the character's appearance more memorable for readers. BronxWench 1 Quote
ChrissyQuinn Posted March 1, 2015 Report Posted March 1, 2015 Believe it or not, its best to be vague, it actually helps readers connect more with the story on an emotional level. There has been a bunch of scholarship done over it lately, I wrote a paper over it in Psych and lit a few years ago. It has to do with being able to impress your vision of beauty/yourself on the characters or some such, essentially its the same reason why in a lot of hentai the male's faces are darkened out or shadowed. *insert more you know rainbow here* JayDee, KoKoa_B and BronxWench 3 Quote
PervOtaku Posted March 3, 2015 Report Posted March 3, 2015 I guess I'd never really thought about height all that much. I kind of figure the important features to mention are hair color, hair style, and (for women) breast size. I do lean twoards mentioning cup size, just because it's a familiar shorthand I can use to distinguish between "big" and "BIG". I throw in eye color as well, we tend to think that's important although I don't think it's something you really notice in people most of the time. Height, I just figure everybody is within the normal range of average height. There are times when I put more effort into describing clothing than the characters. We all know what people look like, though. It's hard, and probably unnecessary, to be hyper specific on appearance without hiring an artist to draw them or an actor/model to portray them. Quote
foeofthelance Posted March 6, 2015 Report Posted March 6, 2015 For me, it depends on how I'm working the description. I've got not problem with, "John stood six-three in his stocking feet, and was skinny enough to use as a rail road track." or "John was a huge man, big enough to trigger earthquake warnings when he went for his morning jog." Just depends on what sounds better, and what sort of story I plan on telling. It shouldn't sound like a doctor's report, but there's nothing bad about being accurate. Quote
Ryder Posted March 14, 2015 Report Posted March 14, 2015 When describing my main character, I'll be as specific as I can. The story is always about him, so I make a point to include such details in the best way I can at the time, depending on the genre/style of story which will dictate just how I go about it, but his measurements will be there (and yes, sometimes even the length of his cock depending on the story (which is in my opinion frankly no different or weirder than stating a female character's cup size. And if sex is part of the story, then of course you'd want to describe the organs involved at some point)). My secondary or background characters get the more vague "He was a tall guy" treatment. Quote
magusfang Posted March 14, 2015 Report Posted March 14, 2015 am i the only guy on the planet who hasn't measured his dick? Come on, there's gotta be a few normal guys out there not wrapping their johnson in a measuring tape! Quote
Ryder Posted March 14, 2015 Report Posted March 14, 2015 How cute. Who said anything about measuring in real life? You're the one that is bringing that up, I'd say you seem almost obsessed with the idea since you made a point to post purely to share that comment. What has specifying a character's length got to do with getting out the tape and measuring your own? And what do you have to be so against it? Do you feel the need to compare yours or are you just so anti-dick that you don't wanna know/read/hear about them? Curious, if you are so against knowing a fictional character's size, or have such a problem with writers mentioning it in their stories, what about a female character's breast size? Do you have the same problem with cup sizes being mentioned in fiction or is that somehow more okay?... It's a normal and important part of the male body, why should it's specs be ignored when all others are not? If I'm writing a smutty story or scene, specifying my character's features in every detail when I introduce him or describe his body gives me a better idea of how he looks and what I can do with him. It has nothing to do with your immature assumption that I must be measuring my own my dick thank you very much, which I don't feel the need to do not that it matters. [By the way; any male that claims they have never measured themselves, at the very least when they were a curious young teen, are lying through their teeth. If you aren't lying then you probably are one of the few men on the planet that hasn't done it for whatever reason, which would in fact not make you the normal ones. It's normal to be curious about things like that, and to own up to it because although you might have a problem with it there's absolutely nothing wrong with knowing how big you are down there. Unless you're ashamed of your body.][And FYI: Ones length is actually also an important part of hooking up with gay men, as much as any other aspect of ones appearance might be for straight people when looking for a fuck (eg; breast size is a consideration) so I don't think you should be insulting about a normal thing that you somehow think isn't.] We're done here. Thanks for your valuable insight, though. Quote
magusfang Posted March 14, 2015 Report Posted March 14, 2015 Wow! Was just a joke but sorry if it upset you so much, it was just in response to another comment (not yours). I've never measured a lot of my appedeges, usually only measure a body part if i need to for clothing...just never seemed to come up before and i'm kinda surprised its so prevelant. Obsessed? Well maybe, but more with the fact that it just never occured to me, or if it did it didn't create enough impact with me to actually do it or even remember the thought. I always thought most guys did like I did, just sort of estimate it...oh well, been called weird before for so many reasons, what's one more? Seriously though, I didn't mean to offend, just surprised is all. So if that floats your boat, go for it; its not like you're clubbing baby seals or anything. as for such detail in writing, yeah I am kind of against it. Every reader, every person, has their idea of what is perfect, so if you be a little vague it allows the reader to apply their ideas of perfection on your characters and relate more closely with them, just my opinion, not like I'm some great expert. I just think that if you describe everything down to the last millimeter then you limit who will find your characters attractive or more like that picture in their head and in fact I don't like when cup size is specified, it just seems forced every time I see it.. But you as the author should do what you feel is right, its your story and you should write it the way your instincts tell you too. As for the name calling, well if it makes you feel better go ahead, I've been called too many things over the years to get bothered by it. Quote
DemonGoddess Posted March 14, 2015 Report Posted March 14, 2015 As a reader, when it comes to actual measurements, my thoughts are that less is more. Let me imagination take me to wherever, based on the words you write. Too much detail, and it won't spark the imagination as well. Quote
BronxWench Posted March 15, 2015 Report Posted March 15, 2015 I still tend to flinch when I get breast descriptions via cup size thrown at me, and cock measurements that are specific. Give me, "He was generous enough that her hand barely wrapped around his girth." Don't toss out, "His cock was a generous ten inches in length, with a girth of nearly three inches." My legs will be crossing as I click on by. That sort of detailed description leaves my imagination no room to play, and a bored imagination leads to all sorts of things that are unpleasant. And if we're going to get a little pedantic here, we women have to measure our breasts to buy bras. So, you've a bit of an apples versus oranges comparison there, Ark. Just saying... Quote
KoKoa_B Posted March 15, 2015 Author Report Posted March 15, 2015 O_O I leave for a couple of days and miss all of this (huh; I was about to complain about not receiving notifications... but I forgot to follow this topic... -___-)! I'm actually getting more feedback than I imagined! I'm seeing that the overall opinion is "less is more", particularly when we're talking about genitalia! I also understand that it depends on whether we're talking about a MC or secondary character. Even still, I'd prefer at least something on the lines of "X side character was as tall as MC". I've realized too late that I should've been more specific with my slight rant! I was actually going on about height and possibly weight specifics. I don't know why but I never imagined that other measurements would be thrown into the mix! XD I believe I stopped attempting to throw out specific cock sizes (and I honestly think that it's only happened maybe twice in my short history of writing adult-like) and now reading through the comments, I'm debating about at least mentioning some sort of breast size (but not actual because it's just something that my writing doesn't focus on). I now get both sides of this, though. Some part of a writer (not all, just speaking in general) wants their audience to actually see what they've imagined when writing. So if my character is 6'8, athletic with an 8 inch cock, some part of me wants everyone else to see that. On the other hand, like Magus stated, I may not be attracted to something like that. I may prefer to imagine said character with features that I would find attractive; simply stating that he has a nice sized cock would be efficient enough! Or not; people have different opinions when it comes to being vague like that! But that ties into the reason why I made this post. If you're too vague, you risk receiving comments from readers asking to give some sort of size. "OMG, how big is 'big'?!" What I might think is a nice size may be too small to the next reader. This has actually happened to me in real life. I had a few friends who felt that 8 inches was not big enough and I'm like O_O w-what...? But... to each their own, I guess! Then, if you are very descriptive, down to the tee, you risk alienating by making it sound like, as Foe stated, a doctor's examination. I will have to simply find a medium and hope that it works! Regardless: I thought that I gave out thanks but I guess I didn't! Thank you guys! This discussion will affect how I describe measurements from now on. Quote
DrunkenScotsman Posted May 12, 2015 Report Posted May 12, 2015 Ultimately, if I'm going to include any kinds of specific measurements, it's in service of the story's imagery or it helps define the character. Like, if the guy's significantly taller than his partner, when they hug he can rest his chin on her head, and it's a sweet image; at least, I think so, since I'm significantly taller than my other half. I recently had two female characters try to explain bra measuring to a boy, which he found more confusing than helpful, for the comedy value, especially when they then flashed him so he could compare them visually. If a guy in one of my stories has measured his junk, it's been out of either curiosity or vanity; in a few instances, the curiosity belonged to the partner. (For what it's worth, magus, I've never measured mine either.) Quote
Joe Long Posted July 16, 2015 Report Posted July 16, 2015 I was turned off by every stroke story that wanted to lay all out the measurements up front, the author just dumping it on the readers. I kept that in mind as I was writing, sometimes being general, sometimes specific if context allowed it, and only mention any of them when they are appropriate for the scene. In my opening scene, the MC hasn't seen his cousins for 5 years, and he's introducing these new characters as he sees them. The male cousin is "hard to miss at well over sic feet", the first sister "maybe five-one" and the second "a little taller". Later as the guys discuss playing baseball, the MC says how it's hard to be considered a prospect "when only five-nine", and his cousins responds "well, I've got around seven inches on you". IIRC breast sizes are basically small, medium and large, such as "could fit it in the palm of my hand" - again, what the MC perceives in a real life setting. The only time dick size is mentioned is when the MC wants to know if he's larger, which is a thing guys have been known to do. I can honestly say I don't believe I've ever measured girth. Quote
magusfang Posted July 16, 2015 Report Posted July 16, 2015 so two guys are standing on a roof arguing about whose penis is bigger (yeah i know) so the inally decide to whip em out and see for themselves. Fist guy whips it out and suddenly looks over the edge, "Damn I think I hit the window washer!" He turns and sees his friend is dancing to and fro, "What the hell are you doing?" "Dodging traffic!" or A guy walks in to the bathroom and up to the urinal and starts whizzing, h decides to be funny so he laughs softly, "Man the water in these things is so cold!' The guy next to him nods and replies, "Yeah, don't mind that so much but all the bend in the pipe is a pain!" KoKoa_B 1 Quote
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