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Everything posted by englishwitch

  1. because when designing a weapon he didn't want to infringe the swords copyright. why?
  2. because after we are used to what we have we need a bigger and better rush. why is tobaco, the stuff that kills you, legal yet pot, the stuff that relaxes you, illegal?
  3. because when you open a math book it is full of numbers. how is math, math when it doesn't involve numbers?
  4. in the hospital ten miles across town. Sorry, we cannot provide transport. your medical insurance is not...
  5. because only a basic grasp of mathmatics is all that is required for everyday life. No food, add food, have food. all thats needed. tell me one incident in everyday life where i am going to need long division.
  6. stunned. possibly in more ways than one. In the event injury is sustained...
  7. because its such a pointless skill since the invention of the calculator. what is the point of algebra?
  8. bean bags instead of bullets. However they do have...
  9. who knows. some people just don't have the capacity for abstract thought like we do. Are these the same people who find it hard to believe the earth goes around the sun?
  10. loved ones the opportunity to come and say goodbye. Also it allows the time needed for said loved ones to gather money for inevitable funeral. Any complaints with the above contract can...
  11. I suppose you have to look at the long term benefits. without depth thered be no more falling down and getting injured. without width and no fatties it'd be easier to walk around narrow streets. why must time travel be so confusing?
  12. be handled by our FuneralCare program as suicide leaves the clause null and void. In the event of this you can...
  13. inform your department manager so you can be fired and replaced with an illegal Korean immagrant who will work for half the price. In the event employment is terminated we will be happy to...
  14. because they are as common as pennies. why?
  15. I don't know. it's just one of those things. some people are born to lead, others to follow, others to be the punching bag for the first two. The "I Hate Everyone" t-shirt can't help. so much to do and so little time, why must that always be the case?
  16. migrant workers as valid forms of currency. We now have vacancy's in the...
  17. available to our company at this time. If you would like to obtain the acrtress yourself, please stay on the line for details of how to purchase our traquiliser gun and large net. you can be offered a great deal...
  18. becasue you have too much energy. have more sex to burn it off. why does writers block strike when your on the last chapter of the novel?
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