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Becca Star

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Everything posted by Becca Star

  1. What? A million back???? I didn't even work this year! ~oh happy days plays in head~ ~rushs to try and get money and is rejected~ DAMN YOU LOST_SOUL! *chucks the crumpled fake tax refund below
  2. Because they like to piss off their owners... evil kitties... What whould happen if these evil kitties were to take over the world??
  3. ^ Banned for not being online... I'm SO bored... and I don't feel like writing... ~sighs~
  4. Feather
  5. Gee thanks.. ya kill me then don't even send a letter!? ~cries~ I feel so UNLOVED!

  6. Shoot... My bank is the one that is constantly stealing from me... Charges I've never made they claim I did and then just o take me off charge me MORE than the damn fake charge... I'm sick of this shit... I have to find another bank... What bugs me the most is that I have the whole package that's supposed to help me out with this kind of problem... whatever... stupid money hungry banks...
  7. I feel you on that one... I'm only 22 and feel like I've dealt with enough BS to be 60... My first planned our wedding, honey moon, and futures together and then left me for his "temptations" of 7 different girls... (he came back saying he missed me and still loved me... stupidly I feel for it and then after he got his last kicks outta me said 'I don't love you any more'… fucking ass...) My second promised me marriage and his family already started to call me there daughter and all this other crazy stuff... he cheated on me the last three months of our relationship and might have gotten someone pregnant... and before I found all this out he broke up with me the day before our two year anniversary the day he promised to officially propose to me… (he came back too and I said NO learning from before... and after two years he came back again to "be friends" when he was with another girl who had a two year old daughter... I did the math an if this was the chick he cheated on me with.... yeah that would be his kid... I said HELL NO!) Then there was this girl that came along… and well… that’s still fresh and I don’t feel like talking about it right now… And of course there's all the fake friend and family drama I just don't feel like getting into.... WARNING TO ALL VIRGINS: Even if they tell you they love you, don't believe them... Words are JUST words unless backed up by actions... And unfortunately as soon as you fall for the "love" trap you can't even see all the crap they are doing to you till it's too late... In this case it's sometimes best to listen to your friends... They're not in love with the loser and can see more of the truth than you... Also, if you are crying more than laughing in the relationship... LEAVE! No one is worth all your tears... And another thing... Just because they are your first doesn't mean they are your TRUE love... Spit that stupid idea out of your head before you become consumed and turn into a pathetic glob of made-up lovie-dovie shit.... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!
  8. OOOOOOO! I want one! Is it difficult to care for them? Hmmm.. I guess I'd have to for go on the rabbit and ferret then.... hmmmm...
  9. Ummmmmm... Ok.... Now I can see myself selling my used underwear to some guy on the streets... but pee?? I think that's taking it a little too far... "Pee for sell! PEE for SALE! Get you're Pee RIGHT here, hot and fresh, straight from the source! PEE for sale!"
  10. ^ is complaining and making <'s headache worse! lol I'm a chick!!... who said I can make up my mind???????
  11. 6954
  12. ^ was just kidding... though i will be leaving soon
  13. ^will be greatly missed... and a lass... I am tired too.. chasing araneola has worn me out... The chase will begin again tomorrow!! GOOD NIGHT WORLD!
  14. ^ Is banned for making my laugh so much
  15. I wuv your legs and will forever chase you! hehehe

  16. ^ is so very right.. GOOD NIGHT GINNY!!! ~turns to her spider friend~ Come her my eight legged beauty... we're not done yet! hehehe
  17. ^Is definately not a nasty spider... reason why I'm still chasing... Damn these boobs of mine.. smacking me in the face... ... ~sighs~ (WHY DID I JUST WRITE THAT????)
  18. ^ Is evil... DAMN ALL THESE LEGS!!!!!! ~she escaped~ DAMN THIS ALL!!!!! Get back here!!!! lol
  19. Some times I wish I never told my friends that I was bi... or bi-ish... One girl got pissed I didn't want to sleep with her... and she's straight!!! wtf??? (it's a really werid story that I mit share another day...)
  20. Humping
  21. ^ Needs to attack someone or atleast help me pin down our spider! MY GOD SHE"S WIGGLY!!!
  22. ^ banned for messing up a wouldhave been wonderful and sexy post but NOOOO .. .lol
  23. ^ messed up mine too!! geeez
  24. ^is secertly wanting lots more than what she's getting..(meant for ginny) BUT for lost soul .. ^ is too sexy for words! hehehe Someone help the girl out! I'm busy with my spider!!! ^ Hey(my little spider friend) you're already involved!
  25. ^has no idea just how right ^ is! lol I promise to be gentle!
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