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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. 'sokay... In the process of the clean up and finalizing the catalog of different subdomains, where we find them, they'll be added anyway.
  2. dammit. this one was an anonymous reviewer, which really limits what can be done about it at this point. If, at any time, you've come across this same person logged in leaving this crap, get me the information right away. Then I can do something more than just cleaning up the review board.
  3. heh, mine doesn't apply to writing, as that is something I don't do (very much not a creative writer). BUT, in my gaming community, I am the ONLY woman in a pirate clan.
  4. Any pair specific categories, we require that you show links to ten stories already pre-existing before they get done.
  5. thank you, this is a good placemark for me, so I know to earmark it for move later.
  6. Well, I sincerely hope someone took a screenshot of this story, as I've already started nuking it and the user. Then I'd be more than happy to Hall of Shame it. I'd say it's a safe bet to say that I dislike plagiarism rather intensely, as I surely do. As to the inquiry for information from amaphone, get in touch with me if you would. I like using every possible avenue to stop people like this. In any case, I've got to get back to fixing the forum, repairing stories from the 2004 crash, and a HOST of other things which have me very, very backlogged at the moment.
  7. so that makes it twice I deleted the very same today. marvy
  8. DemonGoddess


    dammit. guess I gotta find a virtual hammer to start beating heads in or something.
  9. I'm aware of the problem. Use the skin selector drop down menu towards the bottom of the forum. Set your skin to IPB 2.2, which is the default for now. That will take care of it for now. The upgrade made it so the other skins won't work correctly, nor will the normal personal profile. So I also reset that to "classic" view for now. It may take me a few days to get the other skins fixed, as I also have to re-port in all the pre-existing mods, not to mention there are other things I must do as well. So, bear with me, it will be fixed.
  10. For whatever reason, when the upgrade was processed yesterday, it made it so that any of the forum skins, other than the IPB 2.2 default, make it so one cannot see posts, nor can they click on the most active topic link in the right column to see them. So, I've done a forced reset of all user profiles, so that we are all using the 2.2 skin for now. I am working on correcting this issue for the other skins, as well as re-porting in the modifications so that they work again.
  11. I had to run an upgrade, which required, I recopy all the damn forum files. Which means I now get to re-mod everything . Lemme take a nap (running on 2 hrs sleep here) and I will be getting that fixed up.
  12. So, FINALLY got access to the file I needed to, to increase the php memory limits for the forum. I will be upgrading it here shortly. Please be aware this board is heavily modified, and that many of the mods may not work right, or at all, until I re-port them in to the board. So, don't be surprised if, say you're wanting to play in the arcade, it won't let you. While the upgrade itself will take roughly 1/2 hour, the modification stuff will take several hours, and that may be spread over a period of several days. Sort of depends on what else is going on both here at the site itself, and for me personally. The BIG thing this update addresses is better spam and spambot control. There is also a date fix, related to daylight savings time and how the board itself sees time globablly. Quite a few other minor tweaks, but I what they all are I don't remember.
  13. This actually all falls in to the clean up the archive itself, as that is what is a large part of what's being done with that. Making sure certain story types are in the right places, and etc.
  14. It's a valid point, and yes, those very likely SHOULD be in the celebs subdomain as they certainly do involve real people.
  15. Fairy Tales top level If you have a specific fairy tale or whatever in mind, with a story for it, let me know. In any case, the 2nd level categories (Fairy Tales, Folklore, etc) are still posting categories. Can't believe I missed the second request....Claymore added
  16. This is being tweaked a bit more, to allow for the fact that I only have 3 levels of categories to work with. So, AU will become a top level category, with 2nd level categories of pairing type, as well as a general/misc 2nd level category, followed by 3rd level specific pairs. This'll help compensate for the search engine, by making it a bit easier to find stuff I hope.
  17. uhhhh no, I believe it's back visible again.
  18. It seems that many of you don't understand the need for not having those posts within the archive right now. It's simple, really. Understand that the scripted programs which run the archive are archaic and out of date. That being the case, they do not handle data inserts in an efficient manner. For example, a forum post has a file size in the database that is very small, in bytes. Whereas a chapter insert within the archive STARTS at 300k, and grows exponentially depending upon how many words, spaces and etc that there are in the one page. So that's reason number one, database load. As the forum is better suited for handling posting data, the forum is where they were all shifted to. I made it so it was easy, in that there are subforums set up to correspond with the 21 subdomains across the site. No login is required to read, post, or whatever in those forums. Aside from that, there's also the advantage of if one has an answer to a search question, the links work. Second would be the search engine that doesn't like to work in the first place, as it's not meant to work for a database the size of this one. We are working on that, most likely for the software being written, not the current. All those non fics then impact bringing up stories in the search even more than already happens. We HAVE a search engine which is capable of handling the data load, however, the archive itself really cannot support much more in the way of script changes, including porting in that engine. We do too much more tinkering, and the thing will crash. Now, to address that, we've been reorganizing the entire site, to make it easier to see what you're looking for at a glance. Unfortunately, there are only 3 levels of categories to work within currently, and only TWO are able to be posted to. So, there are some other things that can be done in the single fandom subdomains, which will be done, to try and make it easier to locate stories visually. Can't do those things that will be done in the multiple fandom subdomains though, because of the three levels available to me. This is another of those things which will be addressed in the software in development. Some of the changes you will see will be- A robust search engine, which will allow more than 100 returns on a search, as well as being able to search the tables for data requested without causing a "too many open connections" error. (Something that would happen with the current software were we to port in the engine now). UNLIMITED sublevel ability This is where the sorting and cataloguing comes in. Because we will have that ability, one will be able to have several levels of category placement, and choices for it. Ultimately, this will make it an easier archive to search. Mail reply to reviews (posted by logged in users), using the phpmail function, which will mask the sender's and the reciever's address. Very similar to how the forum handles email between users. Selectable user skins, and portal skins with a much smaller footprint. RTF editor built in. This will eliminate the need for uploading files, and hard coding in formattting. One will be able to format text on the fly, within the text editor window. Faster code execution, as the program scripts will be written in the newest version of php, and compatible to the newest version mySQL, backwards compatible to versions 4.x of each program. Spambot protection Drop down disclaimer option, as well as a default autofill (the autofill would very likely only be in single fandom subdomains, as well as in originals) There are many more improvements as well as just overall changes that will be done with the new software. I've been asked many, many times why we don't use some of the pre-exisiting fiction software that's available for download. Quite simply, we experimented a bit with a few (offsite), but the database is too BIG for them. In order to KEEP our current database, that makes it so this is not a viable option. After all, why use a program that the database itself, due to its size, will end up crashing? Not to mention the data loss that would follow such a crash. To us, that simply was not an acceptable option. We're also considering possibly making a queue for the users, for their review boards, where the user can select what reviews will show up. Don't know for sure on that one, was just an idea I threw out there. Reason being, that should a user get flamed, the flame can be deleted before it's ever seen. Anyway, thanks again for bearing with us as we prep the archive for the new software.
  19. The three most common page draw errors we encounter are stretched and squished (it only draws on about 1/2 the text area) chapters. Last one would be no chapter data past a certain point. Stretched pages What causes this- The user opts to use characters as a line break. i.e. *****, or ~*~, etc. What happens then, is that the script sees those lines as a single character, so DRAWS it that way. How to correct it- LIMIT the number of characters to no more than 72 on a line. Squished pages What causes this- Improper html formatting when uploading an html file. This is most common when using a Word generated html file. Word adds many, many unnecessary tags, which the archive DOES NOT allow. How to correct it- Open the file in a plain text editor, and remove all the illegal html tags. Copy/paste the correction over the old chapter data. Missing chapter data What causes this- Improper html formatting when uploading an html file. This is most common when using a Word generated html file. Word adds many, many unnecessary tags, which the archive DOES NOT allow. How to correct it- Open the file in a plain text editor, and remove all the illegal html tags. Copy/paste the correction over the old chapter data. For more information on allowable HTML tags, please see this FAQ.
  20. Due to the age of the script, and the fact that spambots can crawl the archive in its current state and GET the email addresses displayed in profile, it's not an option. If one decides to display their email address in a different part of their profile, that is the only way to do it currently. However, it's not something we recommend that you do.
  21. I don't handle the sponsor/adverts stuff, so I can't say that I've honestly looked at the site in depth. Again, one of those things that me, I wouldn't necessarily encourage rape fic in fandom. Not my cup of tea. Having said that, my personal feelings and opinions on certain subjects are not what dictates what is allowable as far as specific content. That is as it should be. Were the archive to be set up according to my own personal tastes and likes/dislikes, I'd say more than half of what's here wouldn't be. But that would be based on my own personal opinions on subject matter. Which wouldn't be in keeping with what is actually allowable. I'd say it's a good thing then I'm just a mod and forum geek
  22. Okay, what I'm going to do about the fairy tales is the following.... Create a top level in books called "Fairy Tales, Legends, and Folklore" As second levels, I will have Fairy Tales, then Legends, then Folklore third level will be the specific sub categories, i.e. Little Red Riding Hood, The Little Mermaid, and etc. I really, really will be very happy when we are no longer limited to 3 levels ONLY of categories. It really cramps what can be done, especially in the multiple fandom sub domains.
  23. this is a good thing, yes?
  24. They're actually a sponsor, and it's a worthy cause. Has not a THING to do with fan fiction. Other than that, personally, I think you all should be able to write about whatever, because the point is to encourage creativity. Not squelch it.
  25. You're welcome. That was me. One of the writers I'd reviewed had pointed out that my review to explain what was needed was a bit confusing (just goes to show ya I am SO not a writer). So I adjusted it and made it simpler. Hopefully that will cut down on future confusion where I leave that message to users.
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