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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. As information was found indicating your year of birth is 1994, you're going to have to provide ID and prove your age. This is done via email. What I need from you, are two images. One, your photo ID, with all but your age information blacked out. I don't need to know your address, none of that. Two, a picture of you WITH your ID, so that you can be seen clearly. Mail that to tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org, subject: Proof of age. Without that, you'll be deleted again should you return.
  2. The account deletion was because you are not yet 18. You're more than welcome to return AFTER your 18th birthday, not before. It's posted all over the site, that you must be 18 to use any part of it.
  3. Going by your last post, the stories were likely lost during the division of the database then. As I've never had access to that data, I have no way of rectifying that situation. Yes, it's in progress now, actually. With over 100k stories sitewide, and 7.8GB it takes time to go through it all. Of course, there's just a few of us doing this as well, so that adds to it. This'll give you a good progress report.
  4. they REALLY need to do something with the API
  5. added. In future, if you could please use this forum for posting reqs, I'd appreciate it. By keeping it all in once place, I make sure I don't miss any of 'em.
  6. As all other Marvel 'Verse, including movies and tv shows, will be eventually moved to the xmen subdomain, just as all DC'Verse movies and tv shows will be eventually moved to comics, could you expand on why I should do this? What you're asking is for me to move 1487 stories, and eliminate a subdomain
  7. Now that I see it, it's the one I was thinking of and could not remember title or author.
  8. Books subdomain is COMPLETELY done, including the date/time stamp thing ...next is buffy for fixes

    1. Shadowknight12


      Congratulations! One milestone down!

    2. DemonGoddess


      and 22 more to go :bash::bash::bash:

    3. JayDee


      A sense of satisfaction eh? Thanks again for working to improve it all :)

  9. @kickback- Totally and completely agree. I cannot tell you, how often in the course of modding and/or clean up (moving things around and what not); I've seen many, many stories which are quality writing with nary a review. Yet stories which are pointless, and frankly, hack jobs, get tons. That's not to say ALL stories with many reviews are hack jobs. It's something I never will understand. But, that's my opinion as a READER as to story quality.
  10. Update as of today Underagers Inconclusive -334 Returning minors -54 Confirmed adults -495 OLD minors -739 Deleted, now 18 - 292 Users posting for minors -16 First time deletions -221 Being processed-43 Taken over (posting for minors, minors who keep coming back) -9 Total number of members looked at -2149 Trolls/Flamers/Spammers Processing completed -191 Accounts taken over -5 Being processed - 18 Total members looked at - 214 Plagiarism Resolved - 110 Permissions confirmed - 33 Citation corrections - 38 Unsubstantiated -10 Being processed -32 (this includes users we know about who may or may not be here yet, but have plagiarised elsewhere, where we monitor) Accounts taken over - 30 Total members looked at -253 Other TOS Violations Being processed -15 Resolved -260 Total issues looked at -275 Invalid emails Being processed - 76 Processing complete - 170 (this is deletions for no contact with working email, or corrections with working email) Total members looked at -246 Duplicate Accounts Merged in to one account- 140 KNOWN shared and allowed additional accounts - 14 Being processed -247 Total members looked at -401 *This number does NOT include the total accounts per user merged.
  11. If you're referencing the moving within the subdomain, with the initial recategorization, stories were moved WITH their sub categories to various top levels. No deletions involved with that, and in fact, it wasn't possible with how I did it. If you're referencing the initial split in to subdomains, that's possible. There was quite a bit of data that did not get restored. Either it was too corrupted, or something. I'm not sure, exactly, as I had nothing to do with that. There's also the possibility that stories have been getting deleted as we verify age. If content is added before a user's 18th birthday, it gets deleted. So, there are any number of reasons why it wouldn't be there anymore, really. Including that the author opted to remove the content. It's really hard to say at this point.
  12. added
  13. Hey, at least that way you always have a hard copy.
  14. Marked 'em both as corrected in the sheet, and unhid 'em for you.
  15. Responses I thank you for the compliment!
  16. Details of the finished story move here.
  17. 364 stories and associated records (1140 reviews, 1305 chapters, 300+ rates) ALL moved!

  18. One last thing to check on this, did you close and restart your browser after you made the changes? IE won't make changtes unless you do. Also, is it the newest version of it?
  19. In IE, select Tools from the menu. Select Internet Options from the dropdown Click the Advanced tab In the browser settings (next set of checked/unchecked boxes), make sure "allow 3rd party extensions" is checked. As to the illegal tags, it's fairly common where a data insert was created by exporting a Word document to html. The cleaner utility will strip it out, you just have to be patient and let it do its job.
  20. Added here. It's a CARTOON movie, so that's where it would go.
  21. I hope so. If it weren't for the CYA aspect for legalities for a bunch of 'em, I'm sure I could've pared it down much more than I was able to. But....no can do.
  22. part of the problem is the type of file insert it was to begin with. At this point (I'm moving data so can't do anything specifically for you at the moment), you still need to tell the thing to stop running. I also found out something interesting last night, and changed it, so hopefully this will help where there is an issue. Years ago, the database was set to where the chapter data insert was set to "longtext". At some point during the time the data was being restored FROM the crash, it was changed to "mediumtext". What this did is make it so long chapter inserts are continually trying to truncate. Mind you, I was in the middle of moving chapter data, and kept coming up against that. As the database accepted it at the initial upload, I thought there had to be something else at play. I checked with the other gal (who was around for the crash, but not during the restore), which is how I found out that the field properties had been changed. So last night, I changed it back. You're using IE, if I remember correctly, yes? You do need to make sure that it's set to accept 3rd party scripts and addons, or it will not behave well with java apps. I went through the chapter records for your stories, and what I found was illegal div tags which called for things which don't exist on this site. That is very likely the cause of the problem.
  23. The author is Riffraff, and the story is here.
  24. Review board All it contains are the warning and the notification that it was hidden Story Your profile I generated a lost password mail for you. When you ask the archive for a lost password, you need to either input your LOGIN name, or your email. The pen name is not the search criteria for lost passwords, as pen names are NOT unique.
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