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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. The author was underage AGAIN at time of posting the story and registration. This would make the fourth time this particular author was deleted for being underage. Granted, she is no longer underage, but the point is, she KNOWINGLY violated one rule we cannot bend in any way, shape, or form. Regardless of what some people might think, there are real people behind the site, who, if we were to not actively go after underagers on an 18 an older site, could go to jail.
  2. Televisions shows, movies and etc are usually VERY different from the books which spawn them. Added.
  3. We have a section in forum devoted to asking for categories. Unless you have a story for it, or are in the process of writing one, I don't just create categories.
  4. as the tags are in the summary, and this tag is more than 3 characters long, you can. However, using the search in yugioh, still didn't find any here tagged with b-mod
  5. is a cooking fiend..

    1. BronxWench


      ::is a jealous fiend::

  6. it'll get caught on the weekly sweep, if it hasn't already been
  7. hehe odd story behind the picture...it's a reference to my ongoing battle with Lawnzilla, which has managed to eat 4 lawn mowers in the past 5 years, grows at a rate of 1/2" every 10 hours in the spring, and makes my allergies go positively ballistic! If the author points you to where she's got the story added for reading, go ahead and link to it. We have NO problem with that.
  8. What really sucks is why they feel the need to protect themselves like this, and why we take the extra step as well. Plagiarism. Incredible how many people will take an "old" story and copy it nearly word for word in some for instances and try and pass it off as their own. Doing a bit of additional looking, it does look like the author you linked to is the one you're looking for.
  9. Hey Smeather, what pittwitch was pointing out was the no sending around of copies using this site. It's unfortunate that we've had to take that step, but it is to protect not only our members, but writers in general who pull their works and don't wish them distributed.
  10. I think this feature was temporarily disabled during the code rewrite.
  11. aw jeez Beth. sorry to hear that
  12. Best to just leave it for sort. I have so many to move before I get to that, it's not even funny
  13. Delicate, Delicate Blue skins are updated and now working. New skin Yellow Tea added
  14. March 2012 Underage Users (Current) Confirmed as 18 or older – 475 Now 18, but underage when registered – 55 accounts, 33 actual users Currently underage, deleted once – 78 accounts, 75 actual users Inconclusive data found – 30 users Users posting for minors – 0 users Returning minors – 15 accounts, 15 actual users Total users age checked - 628 Year to Date - 1523 Old Underage Users (by registration year) 2002 – 1 account, 0 users deleted, 1 user modified; total of 1 actual user 2003 - 4 accounts, 3 users deleted, 1 users modified; total of 4 actual users 2004 – 15 accounts, 9 users deleted, 6 users modified; total of 15 actual users 2005 – 22 accounts, 15 users deleted, 2 users modified; total of 17 actual users 2006 – 9 accounts, 8 users deleted, 0 users modified; total of 8 actual users 2007 – 24 accounts, 17 users deleted, 5 users modified; total of 22 actual users 2008 – 11 accounts, 11 users deleted, 0 users modified; total of 11actual users Grand total – 86 accounts, 63 users deleted, 15 users modified; total of 78 actual users Year to Date – 407 accounts, 257 users deleted, 63 users modified; total of 320 actual users Plagiarism Users deleted for plagiarism – 1, YTD - 4 Total instances where permissions given were provided when asked – 7, YTD - 13 Co – authors verified – 0, YTD - 6 Unsubstantiated claims of plagiarism – 2, YTD - 8 Added to the monitor list (for arrival to the archive) - 0, YTD - 1 Posting others' work - 0, YTD 2 Added to the Hall of Shame – 1, YTD 1 Trolls/Flamers/Spammers 10 instances resolved Year to Date - 25 Other ToS Violations 24 issues resolved Year to Date - 64 Orphan and Duplicate stories Total orphan stories found and deleted – 0, YTD 103 Stories to merge – 10, YTD 30 Total stories left after merge – 5, YTD 15 Total stories looked at - 10, YTD 133 Shared Accounts and allowed alternate accounts Allowed additional accout – 0, YTD - 1 Found shared accounts - 1, YTD - 11 Invalid and/or disposable email accounts No issues found with email address – 0, YTD - 1 Users registered with false or disposable mail addresses – 24, YTD - 49 Users deleted after not correcting bad email address – 47, YTD - 72 Users who corrected email address issue - 1, YTD - 6 Duplicate Users Processed Users with no duplicates found - 4,YTD - 7 Users merged - 62, YTD - 202 Users where duplicate had no data, and was deleted - 76, YTD - 371 Total extra accounts deleted after processing - 161, YTD - 718 Total accounts looked at - 308, YTD - 1306 Actual user amount - 142, YTD - 581
  15. Prompt: bleeding heart (lamprocapnos spectabilis) Please remember to follow the rules as outlined here Happy Writing!
  16. You have to do three things to be able to activate. First, you need to clear your cache and cookies. This is very important, as the cookies have been changed. If the cache and cookies are not cleared, you can't get to the next step. Secondly, you need to reset your password, as your password is less than 8 characters long. Thirdly, you need to activate. Be sure to carefully read the instructions you've been linked to for the first and last steps. For the cache and cookie clearing, each browser is different, and has different requirements to be able to successfully do this. For the activation, if you don't follow the directions exactly, this step will fail. Finally, if the email address you've registered with in the archive is no longer active, before even doing any of the above, I'll have to change it for you. I have people email me at technicalsupport@adult-fanfiction.org with the email address they want to have me replace the old inactive email address with.
  17. The author has stated she doesn't want her stories distributed. Please respect that.
  18. We oughta start a topic on this in the other parts, lol.
  19. 4th and 5th in the old series, 10th and 11th this one
  20. added. Normally, yes, I'd ask for clarification. This one I knew, since it's a Dr. Who spin-off
  21. Kolgrim and Iggy, please check your email, the reason you show as having duplicate accounts is because of old joint accounts. Have questions for you both about them, so respond and let me know what I'm doing.
  22. I hope you put it in the Marvel comics subcat and not in the comics subdomain.
  23. This should tell you where a crossover should be placed.
  24. a reviewer pointing out where name changes weren't done.. The above screen caps are from the first story. As I've already deleted them both, I'll give pages that were lifted in the second story. Story Two, chapter one: "Bone of the father..." to "Wormtail! Your arm." both paraphrase and direct lift, Goblet of Fire, 641-645 "We can't say much..." to "we see you..." OotP, 8 "I know this..." to "anything rash..." OotP, 9 The plagiarist's archive profile
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