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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. Deepest sympathies Beth
  2. The only one I found with a similar title was in the cartoon subdomain. So, that means the author pulled it for his or her own reasons.
  3. DemonGoddess

    Mobile site

    with the database split in to 23 subdomains, I don't see us making one just for mobile. I can tell you for certain I can access and use the site on my 'Droid
  4. @MudbloodMalfoy - you're all set to proceed. Links to directions are in the Site Announcements box at the top of the forum. Before doing anything, you MUST clear cache and cookies.
  5. don't worry, where I merge users, your reviews, stories, and whatnot are moved from one profile to the other.
  6. It is something that will be dealt with later. Users will have both old and new profiles up for a bit yet, giving users time to transfer their data from the old to the new.
  7. Hi there, you're all set to go ahead and activate. Be sure to clear cache and cookies before you do anything, or the process won't work. If your password is LESS than 8 characters, you'll need to reset it before activating. Final step is activation. There are links to directions for all this in the site announcements box here.
  8. When you clicked the link to activate, it should have automatically logged you in. If you're logged in, the archive will give an error code if you try to log in again
  9. Hi there Sivan, Pls check your email, sending you instructions.
  10. Where were you told this? I'm looking at the account you're referencing, now. Looking further, in the archive, you show as maggot23. Here in forum, you show as maggot13. Two different applications, so separate registration for 'em to begin with.
  11. Any browser I've ever used (standard ones, that is, not the oddballs like AOL's browser) allow you to selectively delete cookies. They also allow you to select what part of the history you want to delete, such as stored passwords. I don't delete those, just all the rest. As far as it being a pain, sure, it can be. However, bear in mind that all cookie strings are subject to corruption over time. That being the case, one would want to do this routinely to begin with, to prevent the strings from getting too long due to repeat site visits.
  12. DemonGoddess

    What happened to

    The author was deleted from this site due to being underage
  13. anon reviews are still disabled. yes, you have to register separately for the forum as the archive and forum are separate programs
  14. I changed the profile email to the yahoo address. All data posted before your 18th birthday has been removed. You're welcome to repost whatever I removed, as you're now over 18.
  15. You need to click the control panel link to access the story functions.
  16. Prompt: Violet Please remember to follow the rules as outlined here. Happy Writing!
  17. aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh

  18. The Darklord's Slut the other story is Keep Me From Madness On the second link, I did leave the author instructions on how to fix the format. It'll be awhile before I get to that subdomain, so I hope the author fixes it before I get there...
  19. The only other thing I can think of is that you may need to enable 3rd party cookies as well. Then, clear cache and cookies for the MSN browser and restart the machine. Other than that, I really couldn't say, as I've not messed with that browser for a number of years.
  20. You'll still have to disclaim the thing properly though..which for celeb fic includes naming the person in the disclaimer
  21. javascript. That should be an option in your browser, whether or not to allow java and/or javascript to run. It should also be an option in your browser to accept 3rd party cookies, as well as 3rd party scripts.
  22. As you know, we allow RPF, in the celeb subdomain.
  23. Check your settings in the MSN browser. If the forced refreshed didn't work, chances are good you need to enable 3rd party scripts and allow java.
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