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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. ..as if that wasn't bad enough, it just had to be JK Rowling You know, rewrites are one thing. We see those all the time (citing source, of course). But you don't copy/paste and then change the names for your story, and claim it as your own. First book lifted from, was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone she missed one....
  2. both are OLD deletions
  3. Yes, a new search function is being written to take advantage of the more robust Sphinxsearch engine that's installed on the server. However, it won't be available until the very end of the upgrades, as this is one of the functions that will completely break the old code.
  4. Yes. When it gave me that error, I immediately went in and edited again. The only thing that makes sense is possible cookie issues, which I am expecting to see while some of the old cookies are still present in the software.
  5. Which book, and what sequence of pages so we can compare it as well?
  6. I got the error, tried again, and it updated fine. Best suggestion is to try again after it does it, and then tell us what happened.
  7. LOL
  8. The author had an invalid mail, and was subsequently deleted for it.
  9. Everything except the custom skins upgraded successfully. If you use a custom skin, you'll see double tabs at the top. Once the skins are fixed, I'll update them and that will fix the issue. In the mean time, if you don't mind double tabs, use whatever of the available skins you want to.
  10. arrrrrgh y'know, outright deletion is so much more efficient than that bs. Deleted this, and anything else I could find attached to the no longer existing UID
  11. Melrick, Deepest condolences to you and your family.
  12. Hi there Sabrina, Your next steps are to login with your gmail address, after clearing cache and cookies. Follow the directions carefully, or this will not work.
  13. yes on both.
  14. You need to clear cache and cookies as stated above, then activate your account. If your password is less than 8 characters, you must reset it BEFORE activation. Clearing cache and cookies has to be done before anything at all.
  15. How it works, is you can request a story to be written. If an author chooses to act upon it, is up to the individual author. Same goes for a writing challenge. Where the problem is, is charging and paying for fanfiction. We, and many other sites, get by with hosting fanfiction because it's free, and no money is exchanged for the writing of it, or the publication. If there was money involved, you can bet that at some point, there'd be infringement problems.
  16. The format is actually YYYY/MM/DD. But yes, if you don't add the 0, it won't add it
  17. @Negative_Gain You CANNOT pay someone for fanfiction. That will get the author in to a ton of trouble, not to mention it'll cause issues for the site which allows it.
  18. added
  19. I added it as "Aud Torvingen Trilogy". If she ever names the trilogy, I'll rename the subcat
  20. deleted the 2nd, the other should be added to the sheet and such
  21. The user was underage at time of posting.
  22. Something both my father-in-law and brother-in-law had to do was drink ensure. It helped a good bit where there was difficulty swallowing, and being unable to actually eat. As to the doctor situation, there's got to be SOMETHING his office can do on your dad's behalf. Good lord. I feel for you Melrick.
  23. DemonGoddess

    39 Clues?

    How it works here, is if someone posts something with no category, it goes to misc until the category is created. Alternatively, and preferably; the writer who is writing for that category that does not yet exist, requests it. It's created, author posts story to the category.
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