I'll tell you exactly why we don't email the disclaimer warnings. We used to. 75 to 80% of the users contacted claimed they never got the mail, and/or ignored what was sent. Now, since the mails didn't bounce (yes we do keep track of that), and we were told it was nowhere in inbox or spam/junk folders, the conclusion as to what the user was actually doing was fairly obvious. Then, they'd get testy when we followed through with the rest of it. So, because of that, we were forced in to a situation where we had to leave disclaimer warnings in the review board itself.
We do email many, many other kinds of warnings. The disclaimer issue is a quick fix. You do what's needed in the field, and it shows at the top of each chapter. It doesn't need to be done in each chapter, simply in the disclaimer field itself.
Following that, if the author chooses to ignore it, when a story is hidden, they get emailed that it was hidden and why.
Yes, it's a form message. What the message states is what the issue is, and the consequences if the issue is not corrected.
I'd like to remind you that in the past, when a warning was issued (this was pre this staff), that users were given 48 hours before the story was deleted outright. Not only that, those warnings were also given via the review board. We give users 7 days to fix before we hide the story from public view. It's still accessible in the user's control panel. If, after an additional 30 days, the issue is STILL not corrected, then yes, we delete.