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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. ferglederglemergle

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DemonGoddess
    3. Daye


      there are no words in elvish entish or all the tongues of men for this

    4. BronxWench


      Pothoc munthrek... (draconic covers this nicely)

  2. check your spam/junk folder for the activation email. I see you've gotten as far as having triggered that.
  3. when you cleared your cookies, you unlogged yourself from the forum. You have the option in forum of logging in either with your user name or email.
  4. I emailed you directions, so I'll post them here too. First, you MUST clear cache and cookies, or this will not work. Secondly, as your password is less than 8 characters, the next step would be to reset your password, THEN you activate. Instructions are here. Please read the instructions carefully before proceeding.
  5. you need to add a 0 before the 5. The month has to be two digits. For example, 1 is 01, 2 is 02, etc.
  6. Okay, checked, you only have the one. Have you cleared your cookies and cache, and restarted your browser? Depending on the browser, you may also need to restart your machine. Link to instructions on how to do it. After you do that, then follow the directions as given here.
  7. Without even looking, that tells me you very likely have more than one account registered.
  8. In Opera Select Settings>Preferences from top menu Click the "Advanced" tab. Select History, click clear Select Cookies Select Manage Cookies type adult-fanfiction.org in the search box Delete all cookies which show up for the site, in the search box Close the browser. Restart it.
  9. in Safari - Select Tools (the gear icon) Select Preferences (scroll and select, or ctrl+K) Select the privacy tab Click "Remove All Website Data" Close the browser. Restart it.
  10. In Firefox Click Options in the top menu Select Privacy in the Options tabs Next, there are two steps to this. Firefox has TWO places where you must clear the cookies, or it will not work. Removing cookies - You have two ways to go about this. Remove them individually, or remove them all at the same time. To remove individually, and be sure you get ALL adult-fanfiction.org cookies In the search box, type in .adult-fanfiction.org. This will bring up all AFF cookies Remove each cookie that shows up in the list with that search parameter To remove all cookies - select "Remove all Cookies" The last step is to clear from the history link Make sure the time range selected is "Everything" You must select Cookies, Cache, and Active Logins. Click, "Clear Now" Close the browser, and restart it.
  11. in Google Chrome Select the tool icon In the "Tools" menu, scroll to options and click it In the options menu, select "under the hood" Go to the section titled "Clear Browsing Data" * with the update to the browser, "under the hood" is now "settings"* Make selections as needed. When I do this, I obliterate everything except passwords. What MUST be selected, is "empty the cache" and "Delete cookies and other site data" Click "Clear browsing data" Close the browser Restart it.
  12. In Internet Explorer - From the menu bar, select Tools, scroll down to Internet Options Select the "General" tab, and click "Delete" Close the browser Restart your computer Internet Explorer needs you to restart the machine entirely, to finish clearing cookies, history, and etc. Simply closing and restarting the browser won't do it.
  13. You can post 'em in the forum, yes, but not to this topic. They go to this set of forums
  14. You're down to one account now, so you can proceed with activation. Be sure to clear cache and cookies, and restart your browser. Then follow the directions given here.
  15. you're welcome!
  16. I need your login name, or link to your profile so I know who to look up please
  17. and done. You should now be able to reset your password, then activate after you do that.
  18. it's only brokenfreak, no numbers. Do you want me to change it to what you reference above?
  19. btw, just tested it, so the link does work. You need to make sure that the email you're trying to login with, is the same one that's in the database and linked to your account
  20. You're going to this link first to reset your password? http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/reset.php and using the yahoo email address I see to tell it where to send the reset mail to?
  21. Having two accounts made it so you could do nothing at all. Not activate, not reset your password, nada. Your next step, now that that is taken care of, is to clear your cache and cookies, and if you use Firefox, you also need to clear your active logins; close your browser and restart it. Follow the directions given at this link carefully. That should get you going.
  22. How to Add a Story How to Edit a Chapter
  23. Kelk is a brave lurker..

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