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Everything posted by Deadman

  1. So, I was looking for an old fic that I used to read fairly often because I enjoyed it. The fic disappeared and I didn’t have access to it anymore, so I had to find it in the web archive. Managed to find it but it got me curious about the fandom again. It’s a Wonder Woman fanfic and I’m more familiar with the character than the actual show it was a based on. In part I went down the rabbit hole learning about it because the only TV show I’m aware of featuring Wonder Woman was the Linda Carter one. Apparently that was what it was based on, because I found out one of the characters in the fic was only in the show for a couple episodes. As a result, I found out that the fanfic was based on those episodes. Which got me thinking, what have you learned about a fanfic you like to read that you didn’t know before?
  2. Oh I think it’ll be a long time before anything serious happens. But I have seen too many stories about robots taking over to not point out the potential downside. My favourite is the concept of “Perverse Instantiation”. It’s essentially the AI version of “Be careful what you wish for”.
  3. Yeah, I would probably be more interested in something that was based on a human writer. I think we’re more likely to see a lot of the “reboots” and “remakes” of old movies and TV shows are things we’re going to see first. Because it would be easier for a robot to recreate it. Pretty sure I saw a thing about how some AI created a new scene of MASH that some of the original actors read. That’s basically just fanfic with the actors giving it a more legal aspect to it.
  4. Doesn’t appear that they’re considering that: https://variety.com/2023/biz/news/writers-guild-artificial-intelligence-proposal-1235560927/ What is curious for me is whether or not it would feel the same to have a fandom I’m writing for being created an AI like ChatGPT. Not sure how I feel about that. I’d probably focus on fandoms that aren’t robot controlled.
  5. Yes but I heard that apparently writing via AI is going to be more available now. The Writers Guild of America just endorsed the idea that it would be okay to use AI like ChatGPT to write movies and TV shows so long as a human writer still gets credit. All of your future fandoms will be written by robots.
  6. Sounds interesting. Well, did you hear that ChatGPT apparently shut down around the world? That doesn’t sound anything like an AI thinking for itself, does it?
  7. Sadly, I don’t have access to such a transplant option and most of my fandom examples would be terrible ideas. Could you input your knowledge into an AI software of some kind so it can do it for itself? Like you, I have some knowledge of HTML and website building but my focus is too much on writing.
  8. One of the many. I think it probably does exist that some domain registrars probably offer the option, but it would cost a monthly fee or something. Unless you build it entirely yourself. Naturally, building it from the ground up would take up much more of Manta’s time. I would prefer for them not to have more effort than is necessary.
  9. I can imagine that it would be difficult to implement. They’d have to create an automated system that would involve linking to other people’s profiles. That might take some doing or it might cost them something to purchase it if it exists. Which it probably does.
  10. Okay, I thought I might have had a previous account although I don’t think I posted anything for that account. It was mainly used for reviews, if I did that. I will try and update my profile for the detail.
  11. I tried the same thing and got the same result, which is weird. But here’s the thing I’m talking about: https://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296980093&view=story&zone=buffy My story has been recommended by one person. But I have no way of knowing who that person is. I would like to show my appreciation for them recommending my work.
  12. I’m liking the new format of the archive and how you see people are recommending your story. However, one of the things I was wondering was whether I can see who has recommended me. It doesn’t have to be a publicly available thing, but maybe the author’s could know who is recommending them. I can imagine that there are still things to fix because of how the archive was attacked, so maybe it’s not something to do right away. But maybe something for the future. Does any other author want this?
  13. I appreciate that and it sounds like a workable solution in the short term, but I do hope there’s a long term solution that can emerge. It would be unfair of me to be constantly asking for this type of thing. Also, I might run out of passwords to change to if I have to constantly change it each time.
  14. I got them and it seems to have worked to get access to my account. However, I had this happen previously and the problem returned so I will try it again in a few days, probably early next week. As to the issue around browser cache and history, I have my default to delete cache and history when I close it. So I don’t think that’s the issue.
  15. Okay, looks like I’m having the problem again. It was fixed on Monday after having it updated by an admin, but today I tried to login and the problem returned. I think it’s because I’m using public wifi.
  16. I appreciate that, but I do have concerns about free VPNs. It’s the same thing that people have often said about social media platforms. If you’re not the customer paying for the product, you’re the product. Free VPNs are probably selling your data that they claim they’re keeping safe from being tracked.
  17. I’d like to but they cost too much for me. Which is part of why I’m using public wifi in the first place, ironically.
  18. New chapter is up, known as “Rules are meant to be remembered”. It’s all about Veronica learning the new rules Kendall has set forth and making sure the idea is really “driven home”… in fun ways.
  19. As it turns out, I had a problem with what my password was. I included things that I shouldn’t but when I didn’t use them, it all worked out.
  20. Nope. I am using a public access wifi system. But I went to look at my IP address and it hasn’t changed. Maybe the public wifi is the issue?
  21. Is there still issues with getting things working? I had a problem logging in a little while ago and @BronxWench was nice about helping me reset. However I tried to log in today into the main archive and it’s not working again. Might be an issue with the IP address changes.
  22. I definitely don’t think it would make sense to do that. What happens in Chapter 2 doesn’t make as much sense without Chapter 1. In fact, the end of Chapter 1 sets up Chapter 2 and the next ones. It’s just a question of how to fix my lack of work on the early part of Chapter 1.
  23. Yeah, maybe that would be a better way to go about it. I do think there is some rather obvious reasons why it happens in Chapter 1. I probably want to add a few more sentences to Chapter 1’s tackle scene. It’s not the only point where this comes up but it is the most obvious way in which it could be a glaring difference. Give a few details on the circumstances but not do a whole page on what happens.
  24. I appreciate it, although maybe I should be a little more clear. I just did a review of the first chapter a few days ago and added some stuff to it. But here’s where it becomes an issue. Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 both have a scene where one character tackles another. In chapter 1 it’s more antagonistic, whereas in chapter 2 it’s more playful and fun. However, in Chapter 1, the tackle/struggle is less than a quarter of a page long and the description of basically amounts to “Buffy tackles Harmony and they struggle. The struggle is broken up by Spike.” with some dialogue involved. In Chapter 2, the tackle/struggle is over a page long and details what arm was used by which character to play with each other. It’s quite detailed about how they do what to each other. So I look at the difference between the tackle/struggle in chapter 1 and the tackle/struggle in chapter 2 and I wonder if I should detail out the tackle in chapter 1 and how much more detail I should do. I get that it’s partly just a question of choice.
  25. The draft is already done. The problem is the draft was done in a different headspace. For additional context, when I first started writing the draft, I only had access to a tablet to write. And because I couldn’t type traditionally, I focused on just getting the story going. So I wrote it in point form. Then I bought a laptop and could do more. So I transferred the file over to the laptop and started writing in more detail because I could. As I mentioned elsewhere, it’s a 7 chapter story and I wrote all 7 chapters, with the first chapter being done like I just outlined. Now I’m looking at publishing and I’m somewhat frustrated that I didn’t think to go back earlier and fix chapter 1.
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