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Everything posted by Deadman

  1. Hmm, okay. I think I figured it out. I put in the correct email that should be available. I just assumed that I would get the emails. When I clicked the link in the email, I got an “Activation Successful” message. Is that the correct thing? Also, just FYI, the word successful is misspelled when you do that. It’s got one less ‘c’ than it should.
  2. I thought about the possibility of just adding an author’s note to the first chapter so people understand why it’s tagged the way it is and that they can expect a second chapter.
  3. Yes, that’s generally what I would like. But previously when I tried to edit the tags, it wouldn’t let me. The admins mentioned that it was because things are still being done with the archive. So I don’t want to have to reach out to the admins because they have enough work to do. But I also want my readers to see the way the story actually is. In this particular case, there’s only two chapters for the story though. It would be very quick turn around.
  4. So, just curious about a few things. The first is about using a tag, partly because I know some things are still being worked on with the archive. I have a story that I just finished writing. If I’m going to post it, should I use the “Complete” tag even if I’ve only posted a single chapter and there are more? Or should I add WIP and request to have it changed when the whole story is finished? Also, I received a new review on a story I updated. But I didn’t receive an email about it. Is that just a part of the continued fixes to the archive? Thanks for any answers you can give.
  5. Okay well, I don’t watch Goblin Slayer or Witcher personally, but I have a general sense of those. So now that we know the goddess is sexually teasing him, that could work well. Though @Thundercloud’s suggestion of replacing it with shy might work. But if the goddess has power over the individual she’s calling a “good boy” in their relationship, you should be fine. I get why it is difficult.
  6. Well I think it sorta depends on how the relationship is between the two characters. As a goddess, she would probably see a human as like a child. So it can work, but if you’re thinking this relationship is more equal or sexual in nature, it might be weird. Unless that’s something they’re both into. Or the goddess is more dominant in the relationship.
  7. Yeah, it’s not so much a pairing, though I guess it sorta becomes one? I’ve actually never seen this pairing in any of the fandom anywhere. Though as I’ve said, I don’t spend a lot of time on AO3. Maybe it’s there and I haven’t seen it. The first character is not well liked by the fandom generally. Whereas the second character is usually liked though I know of a few who don’t like them. Like I said, it’s not so much of a pairing. In Scooby Gang Time, it’s all about the group scenarios. So the first character kinda initiates a group scenario for themselves, the second character walks in on what’s happening and decides to join in on the group situation. Not necessarily a pairing. Though by the end of the story, I felt the need to leave a tease for a “spinoff” of sorts. Which I’m definitely going to write now. In that, there will be something of a pairing, but again not in a one on one scenario.
  8. I can understand that you want to avoid certain things. Though to do a call back to another conversation we had, part of the problem with AO3 for me is that I had a hard time avoiding certain tags. In the case of what I’m talking about, I don’t think a new kink is introduced. Based on the tags for the story on AFF, it’s not new. What’s different is that for the first half of the story, it looks like one character is going to be at the centre. But towards the middle of the story, a character interrupts the fun being had and joins in. The first character stays throughout the one shot. If I’m writing the summary for the one shot, I wonder about including the second character in the description. Though I’m thinking instead of just adding to the description something about a “special guest” entering.
  9. Yeah, generally speaking I would agree with you. I try to avoid spoilers where I can. I don’t even necessarily like to have trigger warnings on stories. Occasionally if I think something serious happens, I will say “bad things are about to happen”, but I won’t say exactly what. Though if you’re following the story up to that point, it’s probably fairly obvious what’s going to happen. If I’m writing properly anyway.
  10. Well it’s partly in reference to my Scooby Gang Time story. Each story isn’t connected to the previous one. So I have a general story summary, but when I post that I’ve updated my story here on the forum, I try to add a description of what the chapter is about and the characters in it. That way people know, okay this chapter features this character who I like, I’m going to read that. Whereas the next one with this other character, I won’t. I don’t actually know that’s the way they’re thinking, but I assume that in how I post here on the forum.
  11. Okay then. I don’t think I’d go down that rabbit hole personally. I just assumed that given you writing about nudists, you might know.
  12. Yeah, maybe that’s best. I could probably add in something like talking about a “special guest” in the description.
  13. Do nudists shave their head a lot? Is it a big thing with nudists to have a bald head but hair downstairs?
  14. Well that’s not exactly the type of hair that I was thinking about, but truthfully I don’t spend a lot of time focusing on that type of hair either.
  15. I have a chapter of a story I’m going to be posting soon. Towards the middle I introduced a character that I wasn’t sure I would put in. But I ended up doing it and now I’m wondering if I should spoil the surprise in the description for the chapter. Part of me thinks it would make people more willing to read it if they know about the surprise ahead of time. At the same time, the surprise is kinda fun. Plus the character who would otherwise be featured if I keep it a surprise, wouldn’t be as enticing for someone to read. So I’m wondering if you like to be surprised?
  16. Something that I noticed about myself recently is that I don’t spend a lot of time speaking about characters’ hair when I write stuff. What I mean is that I tend to have a lot of female characters who have all kinds of different types of hair and it never really comes up. Particularly when they’re getting physical. For instance, if a woman is giving a blowjob, I don’t always describe them or someone moving their hair out of the way to get it done. Or if they’re moving their head in particular ways, like while dancing, the hair never comes into it. Occasionally when it’s fun for whoever they’re having sex with to take control of their head, it is spoken about. Beyond that, not really. Obviously in a real world scenario, a woman with long hair who is dancing around and moving their hair, it would get in the way. Do you often describe what the hair of your characters are doing?
  17. New chapter is up now featuring Cordelia Chase titled “Dethroning Queen C”.
  18. See, I couldn’t use Google maps because most of my locations are in fictional towns that don’t exist. I downloaded a fictional map for the purposes of figuring out the way the story would play out. But that’s as far as I tend to go.
  19. Yeah, I don’t necessarily get this detailed. I don’t have the time and energy to go into maps and blueprints. My focus is more on the idea that some day people will adapt it visually and they’ll make some choices I won’t necessarily agree with it.
  20. For sure, I’ve gotten into doing this quite a bit and it’s gotten more detailed recently. Many years ago I wrote down a bunch of summaries for stories that I only have recently gotten to. Some of which are being posted now. In fact, the most recent chapter on my Scooby Gang Time story is one of them. Though I ended up abandoning the original premise and went with something more canon dependent. More recently, I have started kinda writing little pieces of stories. For instance, the story that I asked this original thread about is one that is getting future pieces written in bits. While I was writing the story I just finished had a second chapter which I was writing small dialogue exchanges and general outlines of story development for the second chapter. A few years ago I didn’t do that. I went right into a story and didn’t write anything down until I got to it.
  21. That might be a fun thing to do. I might just do it for the fun of writing how it went down, but not post it unless I decide to later.
  22. Dethroning Queen C Chapter 8 is now up featuring Cordelia Chase Summary: Cordelia has recently lost her bid for Homecoming Queen and is frustrated by this. What worries her more is that she made a lot of promises to try and get the crown. She needs a way to satisfy the guys who worked to help her and she comes up with a way to do it all at once.
  23. Basically, ignoring the first seduction gives me what I want. But in writing it, I feel like it might be fun to elaborate it. At the same time, I have a second chapter thought out which is going to round out the story. At least until I get into a “sequel”, which is also frustrating because things are again snowballing story wise for me. Gotta stop doing that.
  24. Thanks for all the feedback @Desiderius Price, @GeorgeGlass, @Wilde_Guess and @Thundercloud For additional context, the story that inspired me to write this story involved the main character Dom seducing two subs. In the story, the two seductions happened over a couple chapters before the author didn’t finish the story. The first seduction happened but I was looking forward to the end of the second seduction, which wasn’t finished. So part of the reason why my story kinda “recaps” the first seduction is because I was left… satisfied story wise with that first seduction dynamic. It’s not referencing the story that I didn’t write, the story is different and even built on a story I originally wrote before I read this story that inspired me. I wanted to get to the second seduction and complete the thing I didn’t get in the story I enjoyed. Part of my reason for recapping is my own interest. But the other aspect is that I wanted the two subs to meet, which they didn’t. And the main character uses the first sub to tempt the second sub into being seduced. Hopefully that makes a certain amount of sense. The recap is about one page long, but I need to fill in details so at most it will be a recap of about two pages. But about half of that recap is the first seduction and the second half is how the main character is using the first sub like I mentioned above.
  25. Been working on a story recently and I’m thinking about the way I am writing the story partly. I asked a while before about inspiration from other stories and this is the story I’m doing for it. I just started writing it because I felt the plot bunny running. So what I did was sorta began with an internal monologue of an entire story line. At least up until the story where I wanted to go forward with the story. It involves the main character seducing another character which they then use to help seduce someone else. After a kind of “recap” of how the first seduction happened, I go straight into the second seduction. Partly I’m thinking if the first seduction is something I should actually play out as the very first chapter. Though I’m enjoying how the story is playing out the way it is. Where do you come down on giving character/story development directly versus recapping it?
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