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Everything posted by Deadman

  1. Hey @BronxWench, would you mind having someone change this story to complete? Much appreciated it.
  2. Two Slayers Are Better Than One Chapter 7 is up. Summary: Many years after having some fun with her friends, Faith returns to Sunnydale and Buffy and Spike decide to fall back on old habits to have a little fun with Faith. https://buffy.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092235&chapter=7
  3. Two Slayers Are Better Than One Chapter 7 is up. Summary: Many years after having some fun with her friends, Faith returns to Sunnydale and Buffy and Spike decide to fall back on old habits to have a little fun with Faith. https://buffy.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092235&chapter=7
  4. Well let me put it this way, the pilot episode aired 13 years ago and when I look other places for fanfic? There's almost none. Less than 200 stories in the whole fandom.
  5. Sure, I’m guessing almost no one would be writing a fic for the fandom. While some of it is still active, most of the fandom hasn’t written much fanfic.
  6. I don’t think that I will be. At most I may have a couple more chapters but it’s more just a story I had to get out of my head in this particular fandom. I suppose I’m more asking exactly how. As an example: “Summary: An (insert fandom name here) fanfic. Jane has a problem and...” Or should it be: “Summary: Jane has a problem and… An (insert fandom name here) fanfic.”
  7. There’s a possibility that this goes in the Archive Tech Support, so if that’s the case, my bad. I have a story which I’ve been meaning to find a place for. Looking at the television category where it would go, there’s no category for the show. Which I assume means it goes in the Misc TV shows category? What are the best ideas around using it? Since so many different potential stories can go there? Should I give the fandom up first? The description?
  8. Hmm, that’s interesting. I usually focus on making sure the story is worked out. Most of them are about whatever the characters need to know to push things forward. Although this doesn’t always apply in a more… adult context.
  9. I was thinking about this partly because of a story I was reading here. The story is basically 3 chapters featuring 3 characters. But I noticed that one of the characters had two chapters devoted to them. Whereas another character basically got a single chapter devoted to them. Which has me wondering exactly how much the author likes the character which got more story better. Or found them more interesting. Similarly, I noticed that a story I’m writing has a longer chapter than the others. To some extent it’s because I really like the character and partly because I’m enjoying the story I’m telling. Do you think the amount of time you spend on a character is a reflection of your interest in the character?
  10. I generally try to do this although not with so many official sounding words or logical thought processes.
  11. I definitely will on some level. I already technically did. I had the idea for the spin-off before I posted Chapter 10. So I added an author’s note mentioning it in the chapter itself. But it’s good to know it wouldn’t technically violate the rules.
  12. Yeah, I couldn’t do that necessarily do that. Scooby Gang Time has 16 one shots that are pretty much entirely unconnected. The chapter which has a spin-off is chapter 10 and I have 6 more chapters after that. None of them connected to chapter 10.
  13. I think you probably can understand it without but there are important canon divergences in the one shot. During the canon dynamic, the two main characters don’t necessarily get along. However, the one shot “fixes” that. Then the characters are sorta full blown into things when what would otherwise be the first chapter after the one shot. So partly I worry that people will be uncertain about what’s going on. I was planning on putting an author’s note, pointing people to what’s going on. Where to read the one shot. However, if I simply add the one shot there’s no issue there.
  14. Okay, interesting. I’m thinking about whether I should. The one shot is setting up the story in many ways. They have a conversation at the end about wanting to do something. The “first chapter” of the spin-off would be them doing the thing they talked about. But I’m also sorta thinking that a later chapter in the spin-off sorta refers to the one shot. In fact it’s sort of a mirror image of the original one shot.
  15. So you didn’t explain where it came from?
  16. I thought it might be. Not a huge deal but too bad that I didn’t get it to work. But what’s odd is that the underline I put on the Author’s Note did make it through.
  17. I posted the latest chapter to a story late last week. The intention was to bold the words “The End” and the author’s note on the end. However, after posting it, this doesn’t seem to be how it looks after posting. Did I do something wrong? Or is this just an error?
  18. So, I’ve been working on a spin-off idea for something from my Scooby Gang Time story. What I’m trying to figure out is if I should make the chapter “one shot” the first chapter of the new spin-off? Or should I simply reference the chapter from Scooby Gang Time?
  19. Keyhole Chapter 6 is up. Summary: After resisting for so long, Buffy finally decides to bring Dawn in on her new exploration of self, giving Dawn her first sexual experience with Spike. https://buffy.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092235&chapter=6
  20. Keyhole Chapter 6 is up. Summary: After resisting for so long, Buffy finally decides to bring Dawn in on her new exploration of self, giving Dawn her first sexual experience with Spike. https://buffy.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092235&chapter=6
  21. Well of course never say never. But I have for instance noticed that there are variations on things that I have written about which don’t really appeal to me. I’ve actually looked at it and it didn’t do anything for me. So I can at least say that I probably won’t be writing that.
  22. Yeah, I get trying to leave your comfort zone as a writer. However, I think there’s a benefit to having limits. There are certain things I just won’t write about. Although I have often pushed my own boundaries. As an example, I generally didn’t focus on a specific character in my main fandom, but more recently I have, particularly in my recent stories. Now I’m doing similar stuff with it in other fandoms.
  23. That’s interesting. I don’t think that stripper is one of the story codes, or performances in general is one. At least from what I can see. I suppose the closest thing is exhibitionism which I think is what I used for my fic so far.
  24. Oh it’s not that I can’t imagine it. Just a personal preference for women to use them. Funny enough, there’s actually a movie about a guy who’s cock becomes self aware and moves around on its own to find women.
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