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Everything posted by Deadman

  1. I attempted to do this and it doesn’t seem to be working. Or perhaps I forgot my password, which is possible. It didn’t allow me to login at all on the site. Which is probably a product of what’s happening.
  2. No worries, do your best. Should I be concerned that I didn’t get an email at all as far as I can tell? Maybe it’s because this problem was caught before I got my email. Happy to wait.
  3. This is generally a good way to do it. Having written a few scenes like this so far, it’s been easier to know what I’m planning ahead of time in some detail. Although as I’ve gotten better at it, I get into more “without a plan” writing process. I have the participants figured out but then let the story take me where it wants to go. I even have come to different conclusions about what the story is about and how it plays out. In one story that I haven’t posted yet, I originally had it as an AU story. When I finally got down to writing, I decided that I had to integrate more canon into it. Another one involved basing it on a throw away line the character said. For the one I’m writing now, I will come up with an idea for something that happens later, write out a one sentence description, then detail it out when I get to that part. I also mapped out a series of events where different characters would get it on, had one or two lines of dialogue, then did the next one. Eventually going back and filling in the details.
  4. It certainly comes across that way. Only been a member of the forums for a few months at this point.
  5. Yes but that only just reinforces the claim you originally made. It would be a very opening thing.
  6. Well that can be taken in many different ways… oops.
  7. This is part of where I ran into a problem. Because I have a few situations where it’s a single female in a group of other women. Many of the women are getting it on with each other. Yet they’re very much focused on a single female who is at the centre of attention. I have one that I posted where one woman is at the centre of both men and women who are focused on her.
  8. Curious to know if there’s any kind of difference between the two. As some of you are aware, I’ve been writing a series of one shot stories involving characters in a “group situation”. Part of the reason why I labeled it “group situation” is because some of what I wrote didn’t necessarily fall under what I think of as a gangbang. One or two of the stories I’ve already posted would be considered an orgy. Do you make any kind of distinction between the two? Or is it a distinction without a difference?
  9. Totally get that. I was watching a TV show, only ran for two seasons. The first season there was tension between the female lead and another woman in the main group. It was more implied. In season 2 however, they just went full into it and had the two women be very obviously love interests. So it completely took the wind out of my desire to write about them as a couple.
  10. Totally get that. It’s why I never get into original one off stories generally. After writing fanfic for many years, I got into writing originals and had a similar problem. I could never just write a short story. I had to write the pilot for an original TV show and plan out like 5 seasons of content. There’s basically only one story I’ve ever written that was meant to be a short story. And even that went from a short story to what could be a feature film.
  11. Deadman

    She is the One

    I know that feeling well. I was able to finish several chapters of a story and even completed a piece. Congrats on getting so much writing work done.
  12. @Sessakag@Wide Stance Do you ever find yourself getting less interested in fanfic if you get what you want in the canon? For instance, I find that because I tend to focus on femmeslash stories, if I’m watching a TV show that introduces an FF pairing of some kind, I have less interest in doing fanfic for that fandom. It’s not impossible, but I was recently watching a show where the main pairing is FF, which is cool, but it made me less interested in fanfic.
  13. @Wilde_Guess Oh I wasn’t necessarily saying that I am different from fanfiction writers in general. I was more responding to @GeorgeGlass’s comment about how they tend to focus on animated TV rather than live action. I don’t do real people fanfic at all. What I meant is that for instance, I’m a Beronica fan in the Riverdale fandom, and Lili Reinhart and Camila Mendes who play those characters in the TV show have done a few photo shoots together. Not to mention social media posts where they are doing behind the scenes stuff. Any time I see them together, I think about one of the plot bunnies or partial stories I plan on writing. Like you, this isn’t my real name that I’m using, obviously. I use this one for my sexual stories and my real name for the more plot based stuff, not to mention my original content. I’m hopeful that my original content, both fiction and non-fiction, will be commercially successful. Though I have been thinking about the possibility of being discovered to have written stuff on here. Mostly because I used to use this name many years ago on a now defunct website and occasionally I did have my real name come up thanks to how the site worked.
  14. Pretty much everything I write has gone off the rails. My first story I just started writing and couldn’t stop until there was a trilogy. One that I have recently turned into a quadrilogy and will probably have future sequels as well. In part because to finish off my obsession with the story, I wrote an epilogue set 10 years after the events of the third story. Then I started writing a completely unconnected story… until I realized that I wanted to connect it to the original trilogy, and the new story became a 5 part story in order to make that work. Some of the stuff I’ve posted here also were intended to be one shots, only to decide that I should write it as a series of one shots featuring various characters. Now I’m working on similar one shot series for other fandoms as well (Riverdale, TVD, PLL). Plus, I am in the middle of writing a one shot for the main fandom (Buffy) and being towards the end, I had the idea to do a “spinoff” one shot. I’m also debating another “spinoff” of sorts based on one that I’ve already finished. I debated adding a fun little comment at the end of one of them which would allow for new one shots connected to this other one shot in the same fandom. Ultimately I decided to not include the comment but every so often while writing other stuff it comes into my head and I want to add it. Mainly because I haven’t posted it here thanks to the site being read only. So… yeah… I tend to go off the rails.
  15. I’ve generally felt the opposite. I started writing fanfic because I read a fanfic that was AU to the canon. The only real criticism I had was that it wasn’t canon, so I wrote an in canon version of the story. Also, I prefer live action stuff to animated stuff. I’m too emotionally detached from animated characters to really get into anything. Especially if it’s sexual in nature. It helps to have a visual reference for the characters. Several of the actors involved in my fandoms (mainly Buffy, Riverdale, etc.) have done sexy photoshoots either with their fellow actors from the show or just generally. So that gets me thinking about stuff they could do together.
  16. Well I only do that with one story, so far. I have a series of stories doing stuff like that. For that I just do ‘Character/Multiple”. But the thing I’m focused on in this particular topic is a new story in which it’s more of just three people at a time. It’s a new third person every time but never more than three. A canon pairing of enemies to lovers decides to involve some of the woman’s female friends to join them.
  17. Okay, that seems to make sense. Thanks, I will definitely put it in those terms.
  18. I wasn’t aware that we could post previews of the story in the forum posts. So it’s traditionally 10 lines? Is there an explanation of what constitutes a line? I ask because I tend to like to start my stories with short declarative statements and then context creating paragraphs. Does it have to be from the beginning or anywhere in the story?
  19. Ah, that was part of what I was wondering. There is sexual interaction between the two women. Although much of the stuff is being directed by the M. But my general thought process was to go with FMF. However now I’m thinking that MFF makes the most sense given how they’re interacting.
  20. So, I’ve written a story in which several threesomes/pairings happen and I’m wondering how to properly put forward how the pairing works. I know that it would be in the “threesome/moresome” category on the site but I’m wondering about how to order the characters. For instance, it involves a man and two women. Should it be MFF? Or FMF? Or FFM? It’s more of a spur of the moment situation for the story. Technically, one of the women is in a relationship of sorts with the man and they are adding/finding another woman for some fun. Generally, how would you order the characters or is it just a free for all?
  21. I try. I wasn’t so much saying that the mods should somehow intervene. It’s more wondering if it makes sense to be judicial about things. If 200 people login the second it’s available, all of them posting at the same time, can the archive handle that? Probably not going to happen but it might be good to think about.
  22. Maybe I’m being optimistic about writers and their ability to get things done, but this occurred to me. Because the site has been down for a while, some of us have written a bunch of stuff. We might have a lot of content to post. There’s the possibility that a bunch of people will want to post new stuff. Should we try and not to add too much for the site initially?
  23. Not to brag, but I am enjoying the fact that while waiting for the site to come back up, I’m writing a lot. I just finished the last chapter of a 7 part story. Now working on a few others. Wondering about how people would feel if while we wait for the site to come back up, I could post here about it, teasing a few details of the stories. But maybe that’s bragging and people don’t want to hear about it. Thoughts?
  24. Well funny enough, this site is where I’m expanding to because I’m writing some fun stuff that I don’t want elsewhere. So I’m happy to wait however long it takes. Just wishing I could help in some way.
  25. The site is currently dealing with a hack that happened. So there may be some problems while it gets fixed.
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