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Everything posted by Deadman

  1. This might be a bigger problem. I tried the link you sent me and I had the same problem. What these people are saying is consistent with what I am having trouble with as well.
  2. Okay, thanks. Also, something I noticed recently that I seem to have forgotten my password for the archive. But when I asked for a reset email, it immediately expired.
  3. I just noticed this story has been added over the weekend. https://buffy.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092234 It’s obviously in the wrong place in terms of the story. They seem to have a fanfic about Mickey and Minnie Mouse in the Buffy section of the archive. This isn’t my story so I can’t do much on my end but figure an archive moderator could fix it. Unless I’m wrong somehow, should this be moved elsewhere?
  4. Yes, I read that in the “Adopt a Story” section. But I’m thinking of it in terms of inspiration. I’m not even entirely sure that I could contact the original authors if I wanted to. Though I’m open to the attempt. Instead I’m thinking in terms of what I mention with @BronxWench. The story would be inspired by the other author’s work but not an adoption, in the same way that my first fanfic was inspired by an AU story in a fandom I love where a character gets amnesia. It inspired me to write an in canon scenario where the same character gets amnesia. In fact, theoretically, I could tie it into a story I’ve already written. I wrote a story in which one character becomes essentially goddess of the universe, able to manipulate reality to their whim. Ultimately a multiverse was created out of the conclusion to the story. I could just say “Here’s a version of reality where this happens” and write that.
  5. Absolutely. I think I did when I originally posted it. But it was before any sites like this existed. Or at least before I was aware of them and they’re now gone. However, there are also stories that I’ve read here where they’ve posted a couple chapters and the last chapter set up something fun that didn’t end up happening. The story just stops, and I can’t get the idea of what would’ve happened next out of my head. Sometimes I even write down some plot bunnies of what would’ve happened. But I know if I were to write the actual story I wouldn’t be able to post. At least based on the way the “Adopt a Story” section explains it. So I’m starting to think about how I could write it differently to make it more my own and not dependent on the story that inspired it.
  6. Oh for sure, being inspired by a story to write your own isn’t necessarily plagiarism. For instance, the story I refer to that I wrote inspired by another involved a character having amnesia but the story was AU from main canon. So I wrote a story where that same character got amnesia but intergrated canon.
  7. I’ve been thinking about the fact that I have been inspired by a number of the stories on the site to add some stuff to stories I’ve written. Things I’ve seen on stories where characters are doing stuff to each other give me the idea to do something in my own. Not necessarily just for the site itself but also in the context of the site. There are a few where I actually kinda want to write a new chapter cause the story hasn’t updated in forever but I know, having gone through the site and forum about the whole “adopt a story” part that this isn’t something I can do. I’ve also discussed this with other fanfic writers elsewhere and many people seem to have been inspired by other stuff they read. My first story from many years ago that isn’t on this site was inspired by a fanfic that I read which made me a fan of the pairing.
  8. Still trying to figure out this part but here’s the thread for commenting on the story you can learn more about it currently here: Hope you like it.
  9. Hmm, I could probably make that work. I might just go with the other girls having some kind of underwear to leave a lip mark on. It has some fun implications because I have also been thinking about potential fun moments. I try to stay close to canon as much as possible and most of the other women in the story have boyfriends. I like the idea of having a lip mark on it for their boyfriends to find the next time they hook up.
  10. Lol, funny enough that did occur to me although I don’t know if all the characters involved will be wearing bras or even white ones. I thought about something on the panties, but that might also be only for certain characters. Also considering a specific idea based on the character. Each of them often has a thing they’re known for wearing. For instance one is known for scrunchies. But not sure how long term leaving a lip print on a scrunchie would last.
  11. So, been thinking about a story and trying to figure out a particularly fun part of the story. It’s a femmeslash story and not sure about a few things. The colour red is a big part of the main character and haven’t figured out exactly how to use it in terms of chapter titles. It’s been a weird shift from the colour of cherries to ice cream with cherries on top, and now I’m thinking about using lipstick. Different flavours and colours and stuff. However, one of the things I’m now thinking about the main character using their lipstick to leave a mark of some kind. Sorta considering leaving lipstick on the other woman’s clothes because leaving it on the skin wouldn’t be permanent. There’s no supernatural element to it so I don’t think I should go that route. Which leaves me wondering, either for the women here or the men here who’ve had lipstick left on your clothing, what would be the most fun option?
  12. Oh, my bad. I thought it was the same thing to have this post as a place to have people respond and review.
  13. Author: Deadman Title: Kendall and Veronica Go to Kinks Castle Summary: Veronica finds herself at the mercy of Kendall Casablancas after she's caught in a compromising position. Feedback: Happy to have feedback or suggestions. Fandom: Veronica Mars Pairing: Femmeslash Warnings: AFFO Angst D/s Exhib Humil FF Fingering Oral SH Solo Spank Toys WIP Anal Solo story or chaptered story: Chaptered story with an alternate ending. URL: https://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600099941
  14. From my understanding, uploading some fics isn’t available at the moment as it’s still in read-only mode. But the site is moving towards being able to upload fics soon. But that’s just me as some random person with no insider information.
  15. Lol, no fighting. I’m just still new to the use of the site, particularly the forum. So I’m asking questions about how it works.
  16. @WillowDarkling I was mainly just going to do the main stuff, such as story name, tags, summary. I wasn’t even aware you could post 10 lines. Somehow I missed that in the FAQ or wherever it is. So I was thinking about the 10 line limit. Although, what is the best practices about the 10 line limit? Is it the first 10 lines of the story? Or can I take 10 lines from the middle of the piece? Just anywhere from the the piece so long as it’s limited to 10 lines?
  17. Curious about whether I should post some of the details of the story in the “Promote a Story” section. Mainly because the site isn’t currently up for new stories and chapters yet but I’ve been thinking about adding the details here. Is that something I should wait to do?
  18. Does Davinci do a lot of sexually explicit work? Mona Lisa isn’t that explicit, or the Sistine chapel.
  19. Have all the emails been sent out yet? Still waiting for mine. Glad to hear so many people are getting theirs back.
  20. Thanks. Funny enough the top piece about the Romans in Their Decadence might work. I had the thought that there’d be a woman at the centre of the painting. That would work visually with what I wanted to achieve in the story.
  21. Cool. I definitely registered only about a year ago if I’m remembering right. Though I have a vague memory of having an account many years ago but apparently I didn’t because I had to register.
  22. I’ve had an idea for a story involving an art gallery painting that’s cursed. The idea is that the owner of the painting is the one who gets cursed. The painting is supposed to involve a depiction of sex, possibly an orgy. But I’m not an art historian or know much about visual art of this kind. So it would help if anyone could suggest a place to find the art or some details about it.
  23. Okay, I suppose it makes sense. I’m a fairly new member so I’m probably close to the end of the list. Just wanted to make sure I didn’t miss it somehow. Before the problem, I got several emails.
  24. I didn’t get an email at all requesting that I reset my password. https://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296980093
  25. Oh I wasn’t using my old password in the reset. I haven’t received an email requesting that I reset my password yet. I was trying your suggestion that if you login, that might trigger your password reset. I tried to do the reset by logging in as you suggested above, and it didn’t work. At least as far as I can see. So, you’re not allowed to use punctuation, spaces or special characters? That’s something I don’t see a lot.
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