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Everything posted by Deadman

  1. I had this problem very early on and learned from it. An early story that I wrote was gone because I lost the original file. But I realized that I had it on a site so I grabbed it off them. Then the site disappeared so now I’m much more glad that I got it. Did a similar thing with Yahoo Groups before they went under. Had one or two stories that I lost the original word file, grabbed it and made sure I had it.
  2. Cool. I did something similar. I started with a long fanfic and that allowed me to realize how I was going to get into original work. I went away from fanfic for several years to write original stuff. Now I’ve come back to fanfic and it’s helped me see what I’m doing and understand my stories better. I thought you were talking about OCs in fanfic. Personally not a big fan of OCs but I get that, my main issue is when you recreate an OC that’s basically a carbon copy of the fandom main character. Lots of long stories get written with OCs as their main characters. Most of my stories were focused on fandom characters with smaller characters being OCs if necessary.
  3. Totally get that although I try to stay in line with canon as much as possible. So I don’t have to worry too much about backstory. I have a fic that I wrote the first two chapters of many years ago that is outlining an entire day per chapter. One chapter is 60 pages long and almost 20k words.
  4. Yeah, could be fun to get the feedback if you do. I’m planning on posting a single chapter of a story that I wrote that I wanted to be multi chapter but haven’t gotten around to it yet. Probably going to be writing a different story in the same fandom before I finish the one I’m thinking of.
  5. I get it. When I first started writing I didn’t have any idea how I was going to end the story. My first story was done by the seat of my pants and ended up, as I mentioned just above, over 100 chapters and 150k words not counting the sequels which also weren’t planned. By the end of the trilogy (which has since become a quadrilogy… for now) I was writing with a plan in mind but nothing written down. With the stuff that I’m posting here, it’s sort of a mix. I had one piece that’s currently up on the site which was intended to be a one shot that I wrote in a 48 hour time frame. Then I did some editing and adding, which lead to a second chapter and an idea for a third chapter but have decided not to write (for now). But I’ve also written stories that have a specific end point when I first started writing it. Also, I wrote a story a while ago with a specific ending but then ended up creating an alternate ending where the story could continue.
  6. Totally get it. My first fic was over 100 chapters, and around 150k words total. Not counting the sequels which were shorter.
  7. Funny, I went the opposite route it seems. I also tend to wait for me to figure out how the story is going to end for me to start writing.
  8. Well maybe the problem was how much you rewrote it from 108 chapters to 11. If you had instead separated it into 50 chapters, it could’ve been something people wouldn’t be intimidated by.
  9. I’ve noticed that a lot of my stories being posted here have much longer chapters than I normally write. Usually my stuff is much shorter but also a lot more chapters. Do you find people prefer the longer chapters or shorter ones?
  10. Someone was nice enough to add a review to a piece I posted in the brief time the site was out of read only mode. Because of this, I figured we should start a list of stuff you’ve been reading while you haven’t been able to leave a review. What’s something you’ve read and do you plan to leave a review?
  11. @CrossroadsMk2Yes although in positive news for @MorbidFantasyis that the archive mod has said they are looking to get it back up in the next week or so. Supposedly, we’re going to be getting emails to reset our passwords because that’s how the site is going to have to come back apparently.
  12. Well I’m not making a paycheck or a day job at the moment. So I have to find one some way. The only thing that doesn’t require other people in any direct sense, is my writing. I can just do it and hope people are interested enough to pay me.
  13. Okay, well, I was right. That’s not what I’m necessarily doing. My writing is mostly coming of age but not in the sense of Euphoria style content. I try to write SFW stuff for things I want to get paid for.
  14. I’m not sure exactly what you mean by minor half tags, but if it’s what I think it is, not really. My original stuff is meant to be adapted for television. I adapted a couple scripts into books and put it out there. But I haven’t been in a place to really get it out there for people to buy. So now that I’m in a better place, I’m working on that aspect of it.
  15. I’ve heard about the small presses that are open to erotica but I’m more interested in having my non-adult stuff be available for purchase. I tried posting it somewhere for free that I was hoping would lead to getting picked up, but it didn’t. So now I’m focused on trying to post it places that would make money or has the potential to.
  16. Well, I have a thing about wanting to keep some of my less adult oriented content separate. Not necessarily going to be upset if people found both, but I had someone who asked for it here and I decided not to share where to find it.
  17. Totally get that. I had a lot of my stuff on Yahoo Groups back when that was still a thing and started moving it over to other sites when they became more popular. Nowadays, I post most of it elsewhere but I’ve been on something of an AFF appropriate story kick. It’s lead me to post some old stuff here but also some new stuff that I’m working on now. I never considered selling my stuff but most of it I would have to edit it, change names and all that. Most of my original stuff doesn’t fit here anyway.
  18. Yeah, totally get that. I’m just curious how much competition I’m going to have for views.
  19. I’ve seen a few people talking about writing while the site is in read-only. So I’m just curious how much people are actually getting done? Not to be self-congratulatory but I’m writing quite a bit.
  20. Yeah, that’s why I’m all about writing things ahead of time. I don’t like to change my mind thanks to reader feedback necessarily, but that has more to do with the fact that the story is laid out in my head long before I ever post anything and often written months and sometimes years ahead.
  21. Oh me too. Most of the time my stories are figured out well ahead of time. I had definitely decided when the character was going to appear. But unlike some of my previous work, this wasn’t necessarily an ongoing narrative story. Although I do have those coming up when the site gets rid of the hacker, this one involves one shots. Now I’m thinking maybe I should’ve delayed the release of the chapter featuring the character until later. Maybe it would’ve given me some more reviews.
  22. Well it could also be thanks to the fact that I’m writing in a fandom.
  23. Just curious how much you think about the way to release things. As an example, my story (Scooby Gang Time) had several reviews looking forward to a particular character showing up in the story. Within a few chapters, that character showed up and then reviews dropped off. This was long before the whole hacker situation. Kinda curious if you hold things back from your readers hoping to see certain things. What’s your general policy on this in your writing?
  24. Well, I would say that I have written that stuff, but what I post on this site in particular isn’t very chaste according to your definition. I started out writing stories that don’t really involve getting physical with each other. Now I do both.
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