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Everything posted by GeorgeGlass

  1. This jerk stole 2 of my stories and a few others from AFF and posted them on Webnovel. Lady Freelove (author of one of the stolen stories) alerted me, and I’ve alerted the other authors. https://www.webnovel.com/profile/4304588891?appId=10
  2. I posted the final chapter of “Smooshed” on AO3 a couple of days ago. The reaction to that and to chapter 1 of “Out of Hand” has been substantial, which is delightful. Less delightful was some news I got the other day: My friend Lady Freelove let me know that my story “The Power Arcane” was plagiarized and published on Webnovel.com under the plagiarist’s name. I created an account there and reported it; we’ll see what, if anything, comes of that. On the writing front, I now have 3 priorities: the final chapter of “Depravity Falls,” chapter 2 of “Out of Hand,” and the final story of “The Power Arcane.” Which doesn’t mean that I’m not also working on a bunch of other stuff.
  3. I don’t think it matters. I tend to go with MFF, but that’s because when I write such stories, the male character tends to be the MC.
  4. Okay, three big pieces of news: Chapter 1 of “Out of Hand” is now posted on AO3. I just send the 18th and final chapter of “Smooshed” off to beta. The great merge-and-purge of AFF’s duplicate accounts is now finished. @BronxWenchdid, like, 90% of it, but I’m glad to have helped a little. This puts AFF a step closer to getting out of read-only mode.
  5. So, updates: --I’ve just sent chapter 1 of “Out of Hand” off to beta. This is the Loud House story that will complete the trilogy with “Enter the Sandboy” and “Just One Rule.” --Probably the next thing that will be beta-ready is the final chapter of “Smooshed.” I hope to have a complete first draft to send by next week.
  6. I now remember that I wrote another story that’s even more similar to your idea, save that the genders are swapped (ie, it’s about a young boy and an adult woman). It’s called “A Visit From Shota Claus,” and I wrote it for the Holiday Party here on AFF in 2018. https://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600109191&chapter=8
  7. Have you read my story “Wish List”? Because it has a similar premise to this. https://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600106927 Actually, I checked about 15 minutes before the 2-hour “server maintenance” window. But the fact that I didn’t get a “Kudos” email from AO3 this morning suggests that there was a problem before then, because I get those virtually every morning. *attempts to open valve to deflate overfull ego*
  8. Whatever the problem is at AO3, it seems to be still ongoing. I wasn’t able to log in there just now. I make no promises to do anything with it, but if you want to tell me your idea, fire away.
  9. Hi there. I don’t know if you’re having that problem on AO3 or here on AFF (where the comment feature isn’t working right now because the site is in read-only mode), but if you’d like to comment on any of my stories, you’re free to do so here.
  10. The final chapter of “Augmented” is now posted on AO3. Many thanks to @GrayNekofor his thorough and insightful beta reading.
  11. Just so we’re clear: Did one or more stories of yours get deleted, or were they just moved to a different account? In case it helps you to know this, here is the process we’ve been using to deal with duplicate accounts (ie, accounts associated with the same email address as the original account): The username of the original account is changed to that of the most recent duplicate account. Stories and reviews from all duplicate accounts are merged into the original account. The duplicate accounts are deleted.
  12. Chapter 5 of “Augmented” is in beta, so I’m now splitting the bulk of my attention among the final chapters of “Smooshed,” “Depravity Falls,” and “The Power Arcane.” I’d say the first two will be ready well before the third.
  13. So, chapter 10 of “Depravity Falls” is now posted on AO3. My next priority is the 5th and final chapter of “Augmented,” which I expect to be beta-ready today or tomorrow.
  14. Thanks, SWP1, and Happy New Year to you!
  15. A couple of quick updates: --Yesterday, I posted chapter 17 of “Smooshed” to AO3. --Today, I sent chapter 10 of “Depravity Falls” off to beta. (Chapter 5 of “Augmented” will probably go some time next week.)
  16. Chapter 17 of "Smooshed" came back from beta last week. Fairy Slayer found some serious problems with it, so I have revised the chapter and returned it to him for a second look. The AFF Holiday Party couldn't happen this year, so I have back-burnered the story I was writing for it. Right now, my focus (to the extent that I have focus) is on finishing up the semi-final chapter of "Depravity Falls" and the final chapter of "Augmented." I hope to get one or both chapters off to beta by the end of the week.
  17. Just a reminder: If you want to review one of my stories, please do it in my review response thread, NOT in the archive. Because the site is in Read Only mode, any reviews left in the archive disappear as soon as they are posted. In other news, chapter 17 of “Smooshed” is in beta, and my one-shot Loud House/Casagrandes story “Royal Wedding” should be headed to beta this evening.
  18. Posted chapter 4 of “Augmented” on AO3 last night. Just 1 chapter to go. Looks like chapter 17 of “Smooshed” will be beta-ready this weekend or early next week.
  19. In addition to working on the chapters I’ve mentioned in my recent posts, I’ve been chipping in here at AFF by helping BronxWench with merging duplicate archive accounts. That task is essential to getting the site out of read-only mode. But it’s going to take a while, as there are thousands of duplicate accounts.
  20. Thanks. At least it wasn’t that long a story. And I learned my lesson about “storing” stories in a Yahoo group.
  21. Yeah, I lost one many years ago, too. The worst part was that it was the middle story of a trilogy.
  22. These days, I draft all my stories in Google Docs (with each one set to save on my device as well as in the cloud). When they’re fully drafted, I move them to Word for final editing (as with WillowDarkling, Word is what I’m used to), then I post them.
  23. I got another empty review late last week. It's frustrating because the reviewer doesn't get an error message, so they walk away believing that they have successfully left a review.
  24. Jomahawk got back to me about chapter 7 of “Into the Third Dimension” pretty quickly, so that chapter is now posted on AO3. And chapter 4 of “Augmented” is in beta. I’m hammering away at both chapter 17 of “Smooshed” and chapter 10 of “Depravity Falls.” Each is the penultimate chapter of its story, and a lot goes on in it, so I think it’ll be another week or so before either one is ready for beta.
  25. I wrote a story a while back that you might enjoy. It’s called “Wishful,” and it’s about a young A/C repairman who gets a magic token that sporadically transports him to another world where he is a king. He has sex with alternate versions of his mom and sisters (and other women in his life) in that world, and ultimately finds his life in the real world becoming more and more like his fantasies. You can find it here: https://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600109139
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