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Everything posted by StoryJunkie

  1. It looks as if you've carefully analyzed both sides of the situation. Although I would like to say things like, you never know until you try, I don't think that positive thinking is the simple solution. We all have our struggles. Psyching yourself out is not the answer either. We are are own worst enemies. There are so many things I would like to say, but my thoughts are never organized. My mother in law was beat up on a daily basis. She brought five children into the world, one a still born, and aborted the sixth. She did not want to take bc and was "very careful" after that. My dad's mom worked so hard she didn't even menstuate in the summer. My mom's mom was traumatized by the boat ride over and her period stopped for several months, my grandfather was so sure that she was pregnant by another man that he forced her to drink a concoction that ruined her stomach. The Australian aborigines could not bring in too many children into that harsh environment and devised a totally natural method of bc that just takes a small amount of time every day if you wanted to practice it. The Romans used to discard live-borns and toss them into the city dump for the wolves, if it was a child they felt they couldn't support. The woman had no say in this. (Mind you, this was a society whose army beheaded every tenth soldier in order to keep everyone in line. Talk about military discipline.) On the farm it was a seasonal practice to bash kittens and toss their bodies into the river. We are all expendable I would apologize for the "sneer" thing, but I already apologized for it. And if a child born from you in spite of it all has half your writing talent, I would have to say: "Job well done" We cannot put ourselves in the place of God or Fate or whatever you want to call the driving force of this universe. It just doesn't make sense to me. What man has put in woman another man will take out, using surgical steel, as if it were a mere mole. I find that uncomfortably invasive. Two wrongs do not make a right. You can never convince me of it. As for advice like: "you should never bear children because you may die" I say to them: "you should never walk across the street for a bus may hit you and you may die." I am much saddened by the bloodshed on this world, abortion or otherwise. The saying about "Man's inhumanity to man" is just so true. I wondered, finally why female and male were made in the first place, for although it is pleasurable, as we can all attest, it is also the most painful. Why not be neutrals? The thought that came to me then as I watched the wind tremble the leaves of the aspen is this: "Women are the repository of souls." (Inspite of all the MPreg fantasies out there) and the thought blew me away. Earth is a temporary place. It is true that this is the "vale of tears". Do your best with what you've got. And no matter how "legalized" it becomes, it is a travesty and a crime. Man can say what he wants in the past, in the present and in the future, but the truth will never change. EDIT: I would like to point out, for clarity, especially for a subject like this that labelling people, if it is done, should be done without rancour. For instance, saying that you are "Pro-choice" implies that the "other side" is NOT pro-choice. This is a falsehood. Saying that you are "Pro-life" implies that the other side its NOT pro-life, and this also is false. The proper labels should be as such: pro-abortion and anti-abortion. Any other suggestions?
  2. ooh, its ever so fun! er, that is to say, no. I've never dressed up as a Vampire
  3. StoryJunkie

    Title Share

    Night Flight to Venus (song)
  4. ^ is some kind of wise man and should be sitting on top of a mountain or something < thinking of the next cup of coffee V wasting time
  5. I tossed my husband out onto the front lawn once. He ricochetted off of the railing, unfortunately, and came right back in. Don't mess with the Amazon. I've never driven a Mercedes
  6. film. No man is a_________
  7. After a while, everything gets pooped out. Either that, or it turns into a tumor. Can I be held responsible?
  8. elephant
  9. I wish I could say it was true, but I'm a really fast runner... has looked into the windows of parked cars...
  10. YOu get the banana! (Yes, I know I should be doing housework right now, but the lion still sleeps...) Agaib?
  11. Well, I don't fool myself into thinking that my opinion can hold back the tide. Perhaps I am a fool to stand infront of it. Does the world notice fools?
  12. 2068 (oookay...) Do we have to learn what "kame-ha" really means?
  13. I already sent a "where the fuck are you" a couple days ago. Do you suppose that was too strong? Maybe he's in jail...or worse, *gasp* his wife and kids found out....
  14. hm, I never thought of that. I hang around originals now. I really corralled there, actually. Fenced in. It's a heading without any friends.... (not that I'm complaining) *sucks it up* There, all better!
  15. Yeah, well, I won't be happy until Keith comes back. Where did that old sailor get to?
  16. And the chick in Silent Hill 3 is... Well the debate about slash stereotyping kind of died.... Meh, well, I don't read it much, although I find slash writers more (shall we say) passionate in their descriptions? There's always a submissive/dominant. Geesh, even our gene pool is filled with dominant and recessive traits. Something has to come out on top! (you may groan now). It's a nice vehicle to get out not only your horny fantasy, but also to wonder about how it turned out, because I don't know about you, but sometimes, my characters just run away on me with their uppitiness and submissiveness. It's part of human nature. Some people have a "don't care" attitude and its interesting to delve into it and find the source of it. Others dive in head-first, and again, the character bears analysis. It's all part of a good story.
  17. Lost in Space (shut up Agaib, the gay bad guy made it all worth laughing at)
  18. juggling
  19. StoryJunkie

    Title Share

    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
  20. I have, but it was a trail horse. (Follows the one in front) I've never gone on the "Zipper" or the "Salt and Pepper Shakers"
  21. ^ wishes I were, then she'd not feel so guilty < actually listening to the sound-effects from the "Underworld" movie. *splop!* *skree!* *skreech!* V taking a break from writing fast and furiously
  22. My magnifying glass was confiscated in 1969 by the RCMP and I was charged with cruelty to insects under the SPCA act of 1964. I have never seen it again. Now I crush them with my shoe. Except for the good ones, which I allow to live. Has eaten more marshmallows than allotted for the marshmallow roast.
  23. the Builder built crooked buildings. I hate to say this, but....
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