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Everything posted by StoryJunkie
2161 I get all the neat numbers!
I love you arora, may your ship remain unsinkable! Religious veiws can be the most powerful ones in human relationships. Even two people who belong to the same religion will have different views and disagree, so if you agree, then it is good. If you disagree, do all that you can to safe-guard the relationship and do not let your ego interfere with it, no matter what you think is right. It's just not worth it. My husband joined a cult soon after our 2nd daughter was born and I just prayed, that's all. You wouldn't believe how quickly things fell apart and it turned out that the head guy there was having his way with every woman on the farm. What a shock to everyone but me. I didn't say anything for a long time, but any mention he made after that about it really hurt, and I would get angry for no reason. Some of our worst arguements were about religion, and finally I thought, to heck with this, I'm going to write. So I did. Its more important to me to have peace in the relationship than to impose my views on him. He knows how I feel anyway, after all these years, so sometimes all it takes is a look.
I just remembered something that I did when I first started out. Around the 3rd or 4th story I ever posted, I copied the e-mail addresses of 25 people who were online with me at the time I posted and sent out an invite to read my story. God, I was desperate. I told them, though, that they didn't have to review if they didn't want to.
me neither, but I've never been to a concert either. Not unless you mean the Symphony, which I think you don't.... I've never asked for directions (I always have a map!)
X-men Evolution (the cartoon)
^ is flattering herself and me < Can Sometimes think in a straight line, however, has been told she has convoluted thinking patterns, a Polite way of saying she's nuts! V thinking of pizza or politics
Ask A Stupid Question, Get A Stupid Answer!
StoryJunkie replied to StoryJunkie's topic in Forum Games
when I stop being an adult Why must everyone live so far apart? -
2138 yeah, my baby finger is weak. Typing 1's kind of tickles.
Buy a lottery ticket, and we'll split the spoils! (ar-de-bar!) Charging Handles?
Well, that's right, I am using hindsight in the "they gave me anything I asked for" statement. Back then, I didn't ask for much. Most of my clothes were hand-me-downs and thankfully, my elder sister had good taste. We grew our own vegetables and were not allowed to watch very much TV (no cable!) The games we played were with cards, or we kicked around in the snow, leaves, sand or whatever the season brought. And I read alot of books. Alot. Yet, I could not afford to buy them. How odd. I didn't feel poor. (very scary avatar, btw)
Wasn't her name Beth? I joined a couple weeks before she left, and I think they were just starting up the coffee-mugs and t-shirt store. (is that still around?) I think Jaxxy was still here then and so was Apollo. If you look at their url, the numbers that represent them are very small. (My number, for instance is 1296778524 and I joined in Aug 2005. Kara, who joined in Oct 2002 is 304) (Apollo is 13, btw, kind of weird, eh?) Change is part of life. Sometimes you succeed, sometimes you don't. Sometimes you surprise yourself and everybody around you. Sometimes you crash and burn spectacularly. What ever happens, I'm glad I was here for even a small part of it.
hm, when I first discovered there was a virtual outlet for my writing, I immediately was struck with an idea, an idea that had been lurking inside me, apparently for some time. I HAD to write it out and post it! What a marvelous experiment, I thought to myself! My main concern was, how long do I make each post? The greatest reward for me was how many HITS the story got. I'd visit several times a day and check out how many hits the story got. I posted on a site that showed how many hits per chapter and found to my dismay, that most people hit only the first chapter. Maybe 10 peeople read the story to the end. Then I came here, and really, I was such a hit counter, the reviews seemed like icing on the cake. The more I read other story's reviews, however, the more I wanted some like that, so I began to really plan out elaborate cliff-hanger endings. My head was in a spin. I was like, on drugs or something. When it came to reviewing, I found a different sort of high. I started trying to write reviews that would out-do anyone else's review. So my challenge to myself became: how to say in as few words how the story affected me, yet leave the author feeling as if what they had done was worth it, and at the same time not dissect the living hell out of it? Honestly, I go back and look at some of the reviews I've left and just glory in the sheer poetry of them. They were a thing to admire.5th one down on the page is prize-winning As for recieving reviews, I remained and still remain ambivilent. I love getting any sort of attention, although, in truth, I sometimes think my work lacks a certain passion, even, at times, cohesion. Except when Eric dies. It was a really good death scene. I re-wrote it a couple times just to hone the impact, and it was really worth it. It didn't matter then, if no one reviewed. Sometimes it's the silence at the end of the symphony that speaks louder than the applause. I knew I did good, and I was happy with it. At other times, I am very needy, but I find I become that when I enter into a rapport with my reviewers, and they become regular reviewers. A fan following if you will. It's sad to lose that following if you've gotten used to it. Well, to a mild extent, yes, I had a following. When it was gone, I did go through some withdrawal. OOps Think I've gone on long enough. Probably rambled a bit, but there, I've shared a bit of myself.
being dead I hope that I ___________
yes, yes I was guilty, in retrospect. My brother, into the glass door. I did open my mouth, but at the last minute, decided that it was too late. (and well, Agaib, I'm able to get drunk on 1/2 a beer, so the cid was probably something already naturally in my system. You should be me...all the pretty colors!) G or NG: Has let someone do something stupid--i.e. step on rake, trip over hose, walk into a closed sliding glass door, etc--even though there was plenty of time to stop them. (that was such an interesting concept, I thought I'd ask it again)
Can't hold a tune. Poly?
Ask A Stupid Question, Get A Stupid Answer!
StoryJunkie replied to StoryJunkie's topic in Forum Games
They are slimy, yet smooth, tasteless and lumpy, and you have to swallow in one gulp. Followed by champagne to get rid of the taste. Does that remind you of something in particular? Why couldn't I jump off the school roof without breaking a leg?. -
2129 Yeehaa! Yes! I did indeed appreciate it, but as you know, I can get high on just about any typed character!
^ knows his tastes <hated beer too, when I first tasted it (blech!) V Knows I'm lying to some degree or other
Yeah, that Pol, what a gas. Anyway, about the allowance, my kids know that if they work, they get it, if they don't, well too damn bad. If they want something, they have to save. (Usually its Christmas or birthday money, but that counts) I just hate supporting the local candy store. If they need money for clothes, the older kids get enough for a pair of jeans and 3 shirts, they have to budget themselves, cause I don't go with. (I may embarrass the hell out of them by my mere presence.) I also let them go to the pool or the theatre upon occasion, but that's about once every two months, more in the summer. When I was growing up, I got whatever I asked for, but I had to weed the lawn or take care of the back 40
Ask A Stupid Question, Get A Stupid Answer!
StoryJunkie replied to StoryJunkie's topic in Forum Games
the mould broke. What's the square root of 7? -
G tried LSD once. Nothing happened. Everything was the SAME. The SAME, I tell you! (I was like: "that didn't work, do you suppose you could give me another hit?" "Sorry, darling, all out." Everyone else was grooving and I was like, normal. Never did it again. Didn't see the point.) Got out of doing the dishes (or some other chore) by suddenly having to go to the bathroom and stayed there 1/2 an hour.
I am no longer allowed to eat "see-food"
Dr Strangelove (movie) (Peter Sellers)
Ah, so what you are saying, is that when you roll 1, that doesn't count, so you go again and if it rolls even another one, you take that one rather than roll again. Well, that skews things, because obviously, the chances of counting 1 in a roll are actually one in 71.4. Your average roll would not include 1. So your average roll, per se is not 3.5, but 3.3333333etc. (the sum of the sides minus 1 divide by 6)
I liked the probing part...(goes and looks up said reviewer)