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Everything posted by StoryJunkie

  1. StoryJunkie

    I Am...

    I am aware that Agaib once again avoided saying pussies, and now Soulsearcher did too I am remembering my cat leaping at a hapless moth that fluttered into the house last night. I am of the opinion that there is nothing so intense as a cat hunting.
  2. Chicks
  3. Next time I'll pay attention and count. Last time my eyebrows disappeared into my hairline. Why do people think they can tame tigers?
  4. Is weird if you're not Christian Happening upon the bodies, I __________________
  5. I suppose ADD is better than what I've got. (Honestly, do you think megalomaniacs are born or do they develop randomly, like lottery balls?) *note: was once a stay at home mom. Went insane. Insane, I tell you.
  6. "Sex Life of a Fish" Chapter 7 First Kiss Not enough room here. Try this link. All true. Far as I can remember. But Agaib, as if I would put something sexy here without permission from the one who spanks me lol
  7. yes, but you're a DOMINANT nerd!
  8. no, i meant femnazis, lol. I EXPECT guys to be *ahem* or have dominant traits. However, some girls are pretty aggressive. Nothing would happen in this world if the fire didn't burn under some peoples' feet.
  9. This is one of those cut diamond subjects, isn't it? No matter the angle, it is mesmerizing. Last night I was thinking strange thoughts, and finally I concluded that delving into the mysteries of the joining of men and women (whether something comes of it or not) is like joining the two halves of the whole, although, on our own we are whole, and on a societal level, we are whole. I think that "humanity" is incomplete until man and woman come together somehow. Whether the man is compliant, or the woman, whether they take turns, whatever happens, finding a way to do it is like taking the road of life one step at a time. So long as you don't go off the beaten path and get lost,...(well, then again, you might find some vista that no one else has yet discovered.) To those who remain agressively independant, I wonder how realistic it is to take pride in trying to make yourself better than anyone else. It is better to be humble and quiet. Those you step on on the way up the ladder are the same ones who will help you on the way down. If there's one thing I know about life: it has a breath-taking array of valleys and mountains.
  10. yeah, he looks as if he could do damage...
  11. That IS scary! Reminds me of that orc and human game, what the heck was it called? What about the chick in the tree on mine? She looks half dead to me....I found her at deviantart.
  12. I liked "exploded" AGaib?
  13. I don't think I ever did. g/ng: let the air out of someone's car or bike tire
  14. 2308...AGAIB! Where'd you learn to count!
  15. iron ore is to caterpillars. There's only one way out of ____________
  16. Till death comes knocking. Have you been satisfied in every way?
  17. No longer allowed to moon anyone after the school bus incident
  18. Zelgadis? Not exactly pretty, but he does loose the ugly at some point during the series
  19. Uchiha Sasuke (so its his LAST name, big deal)
  20. the mysterious contest between ninjas that shows who can disguise him/herself the quickest when someone unexpected comes into the room when you are in the middle of assassinating someone. Why would ninjas do that?
  21. StoryJunkie

    I Am...

    hm. I am considering venturing into the AFF site and reviewing stuff. I am too comfortable to move for a cigarette, but I do want one.
  22. nah, but I'll give you something too, once I think of it. Polywolly?
  23. Mai Hime!
  24. first I start with an opening line No, wait, I think of a theme, something I'm really passionate about at the moment, then it kind of burns a hole in my brain and it won't leave. 'Now, HOW can I put it?' I ask myself.... Then, I start with the opening line. When I know how it ends, then I can begin....
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