I think its a crime.
Looks as if mine was the only "no" vote. However, I find this does not daunt me in the least. I think its a crime against women, I think its a crime against men, I think its a crime against the spirit. I think its a crime against humanity. I think its the worst sort of crime because you pay someone to do it. I think its a crime against the future. I think its pure arrogance to think that you are more important than those who are coming, those who would use your body for fodder. That is all our bodies are. Fodder for the next generation.
I am not afraid to say this. I sneer at weaklings. Those who are afraid of raising a child. What is life for? Is it a selfish thing? or is it a thing to share? Sure, its' like one of those "lesser of 2 evils" thread, but letting life thrive can only bring reward. Cutting it off brings only regret.