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Everything posted by StoryJunkie

  1. StoryJunkie

    I Am...

    I am full of leftovers I am plugging my nose because my dog just walked in and she's wet. I am amazed that I can plug my nose and type at the same time
  2. Ooh, I'm the mistress of diplomatic angst! I've never broken any bones
  3. ^ knows what a safety freak I am < puzzling over images of everyone at their pc's wearing straight-jackets and smiling happily albiet a trifle crookedly V Wants to know the secret latch to all safety mechanisms
  4. Prick (Oh, what oh what WILL be next posted?)
  5. thank you, peon Polywolly
  6. Quamp...hm, is that a sound-effect? Because, HA, you forgot to say my name like everyone else! Therefore, I will guess Polywolly (if she hasn't gone beddy-bye yet)
  7. When pigs fly. How hard can it be?
  8. Sorry, was in the can. And at work And made supper And a bunch of other things! Um, I can't say me , now right? After all I know where I am. Okay, Redsliver. (sheesh, I nearly forgot the "s")
  9. ^ is confident in my masterful teaching skills. < Can teach a lobster to boil itself V Want to learn stuff too.
  10. me neither. Didn't see the point in it. In spite of my fanfics and fics, I've never really done anything involving whips and chains
  11. ng, but I did like Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Been such a control freak that you have to have the last word every time.
  12. Somebody had to do it Why are men and women so different?
  13. ^ She meant $10 < Stunned. What if you wrote your essay like a fan-fic? The thought is boggling my mind. V wonders the exact same thing.
  14. Ah, the expanse of lawn beckons! (Quit fertilizing that stuff, it makes it grow more!) I mean, yes, yes I have. I've had my sneakers turn green from that chore before. I've never been to a wild party where people danced on the table kind of wild.
  15. bwahaha! Quamp! (I wonder if he died?)
  16. Strawberry
  17. Suck off the boss. No matter, no worries, just happen to be________________
  18. StoryJunkie


    Zoinks! For a while I could not post reviews if I wanted to. The pages took so damn long to open I just gave up, for the tooth-grinding thing was happening. (Note to self: Will have to go to sports store and get a mouth guard.) How long? Since November now? It was supposed to be ready by March? Well, May DOES start with "M", but its JUNE ALREADY! btw I noticed that I couldn't review on ffnet either lately. Some of my fav authors are there. PRobably think I'm a snob or something. I've been hanging out at Yahoo Answers, although the people there are kind of creepy. I prefer the crowd here. I feel as if I'm with a bunch of friends in my basement passing around a roach and making snide remarks that everyone laughs at.
  19. StoryJunkie


    God, Pol, your yell ricochetted off the mountains all the way into BC. Yes, nice bod, but you know, I was driving once up the hill, and saw this hitchhiker. I nearly lost my vision. I've never seen such a hot bod. Orlando rates 8 beside that guy's I don't know what. 15? He must have fallen out of heaven.
  20. I wish! Maybe e-mail one of the moderators about. I haven't been able to. Although they do add an avatar to their list for you if you e-mail them. But then, everyone can access it.
  21. If they have nothing better to do, but maybe all they want is to publish. It's futile to try and stop the wind...
  22. And so ends our sentences If I only had a brain, I could__________________.
  23. Don't know. Could you send me a picture? I wonder if anyone will notice me when I'm gone. (and no, not planning to go. Just when and if it happens.)
  24. Gerudo Village . .. . Yeah, I know its virtual, but I love the theme song when you're there. And I'm not into women. I just want to ride the horse on the shooting range.
  25. ^ is psychic. (Indeed, homenetwork is six left-over scavenged computers that take up much needed cable streaming stuff. Since the t-storm the other day, my computer keeps getting kicked off. Oh well. Kind of like flushing the toilet when someone is showering.) < Has survived one dis-heartening month. V Is laid back enjoying this break.
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