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Everything posted by StoryJunkie

  1. IN one end and out the other Is it possible to have too much of anything?
  2. Bendy (Did someone accuse me of cheating, or was that the next word?) (er, and I DO think of Coplematic its a part of my job!) (It fit really well, didnt it? You're just jealous, Red)
  3. Poly stepped out, (something about an appointment with destiny) she's asked me to take her place for a moment, although I'll have a difficult time matching her wit... Quamp
  4. ___fast women, rye whiskey and wild wild horses (that was random!) If only peaches grew ______________
  5. G If I didn't sleep with the boss every now and then, I'd be eating out of the dumpster right now. (er, married to the boss, btw) I've never had a whole heck of a lot of ambition
  6. ng I'm ALWAYS the one to toss it, no matter who finishes it. I think that I like that crinkly sound it makes.... Uh, I had a question, but where did it go? Oh yeah, "accidentally" fondled a stranger in a public place
  7. You got me there. I'm pinned to the wall on this question. I think the utter blankness in my head at the moment is rivaled by only one other occasion in my life when I .. oh, yeah, I blanked out there, so I forgot. If snow fell in June, would you think that was weird?
  8. ^ will have a wondrous dream involving AR, but not remember. Will be however, inordinately cheerful tomorrow. < Sighing with disappointment that everyone is already headed for the land of nod v Considering their next words carefully
  9. StoryJunkie

    I Am...

    I am disappointed that so many of you are going to bed already. I am wondering if any of you are really on the west coast I am imagining you all naked noww (slaps self) I am nasty, although I am not particularly imaginative. (I am really only imagining your AVATARS and SIGNATURES as being naked.) (slaps self again) I am reluctantly going to bed too, since no one will play with me, and forget it, I wear a lot of clothes to bed, ever since someone fooled with my mind and altered the thing below my avatar I am lying again.
  10. BAnzai!!! AGaib
  11. ^correct. I get off on Grissom, everyone else is posing. < is extemely late for work V had coffee and a vitamin for breakfast
  12. If you mean HUman, then yes. Yes I am. Would the world be a different place if aardvarks never exsisted?
  13. Hm, we'd be the opposite of psychic if we guessed the person above us right? er, let me check who's hanging around right now....NinjaGaijin!
  14. Dang! I should have thought of that sooner! Made a gaff in a public place, and wished the ground would swallow you
  15. ........he's psychic. Contrary to popular belief, men are____________________
  16. Give it up, I'm worse than a pair of dirty underwear Quamp then, he's after me 2 out of 4 times. Although I'm not sure weekends count (er, that didn't sound right)
  17. One of my daughter's friends is pregnant and she's fourteen. She's picking out names for the kid, and I would never want to make her feel bad about her descision or judge her because of her stupidity or youth. (Still, people talk behind her back) I've been developing a theory, and although its a joke, I've noticed that once you see a pregnant woman, you notice it everywhere, and suddenly within a week or so, the news has doubled or tripled. I think its a disease we catch. Well, that only girls catch. Boys DO have boy germs and you definitely SHOULD keep away from them! LOL My mind gives me no end of entertainment. (It was a theory I developed when I was pregnant with my first kid. I suddenly noticed lots of pregnant women around) (aside): I stood out on our deck, communing with the Powers That Be, and I wondered why this all happens. Why can't we just be..neutrals? An answer was swiftly delivered by speed of thought: "Women are the repository of souls." That took my breath away. I guess I didn't address the main issue though..you being the rebel and your sister being the demure girl. It's really like this: you were probably going forth to do something rebellious, so you armed yourself accordingly. She, on the other hand, probably wasn't expecting that, and probably feels way more guilt than you. If she was anything like me (the second sister) she probably heard a lot from her parents about "what to do with the older sister?" Her reaction was to seem as straight-laced as possible, so that she wouldn't alarm them as "ahem" (sorry) you did. When I heard my parents talking (actually, arguing, raised voices and everything) about my sister, I wanted to hide in my room for the rest of my life and have nothing to do with anyone. It seemed the safest course. So, maybe that gives you an inkling into the psychology of it. Maybe I'm wrong.
  18. Darn it, the temptation grabs you by the back of the neck sometime in you late thirties, and I, (hangs head in shame) succumbed to that temptation. I will never forget the day....I saw pride fly out the window. It was a strange sight... I have never sucked my thumb
  19. ___a plastic bag rolled by like a tumbleweed on a windy prairie day Now I could do what ever_____________.
  20. Maybe...when I was drunk...a really long time ago. I COULD have. Cannot stand to do dishes, so leave the table (after eating) as quickly as possible
  21. Well, I wish I could say I was her. I've diguised myself as so many others, but no one can duplicate the Master. (Er, the Mistress?) Probably Quamp
  22. Coplematic
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