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Everything posted by StoryJunkie

  1. Tastes somewhat like weird sawdust, doesn't it? I've never water skiied
  2. 2016 adds up to 9
  3. StoryJunkie

    Title Share

    Land of the Lost (tv series)
  4. Back, and meaner, too. Lack of forum no good for disposition. Polywolly...(might as well go with the flow. Someone's bound o get it right)
  5. g Once or twice Not all the way though, but I wonder, technically, since we were broke up at the time, then got back together, so maybe not....but he was mad when he found out about it, mad I say! Then we had the best sex in the entire millenium. Weird, eh? Mine! (remember the seagulls in Nemo?) Gossiped about someone not knowing if it was true or not...
  6. StoryJunkie

    I Am...

    I am afraid it won't be as bad as all that I am coming out of the deepest funk I've been in since 1990 I am considering stuff...much, unnamable stuff.
  7. kept his brains in a bucket When asked why he did it He replied,_______________
  8. Ack! I've started a trend. Far be it for me to break it Dazzled
  9. ^ stewing, soon to be in the land of nod < is rabidly curious about the story's plot that will get in the way of all that fun V Has nose hair
  10. Nearest I got: My sister's friend would go to one every time one of her nails broke. I've never gone car shopping.
  11. Probably. Ever had a dream with volcanos in em?
  12. Diamonds. (What. It's perfectly natural to think of diamonds right after someone says "fence"!)
  13. Well the forum was slow earlier. I got up for no odd reason just now. 2am. Was someone calling my name? Dazzled?
  14. ^thinks I will look this up. <mind is blank vwill have a witty rejoinder for us
  15. Missed. Still looking for the pat on the head, but I'm not sure I'll get it. Sweet Misery?
  16. __elastics, which I will now fling around at everyone I know, then stare innocently at the TV when they look about to see who did that? It only happens when_____________
  17. Don't you guys remember? He had a test, or had to boink the Math professor's daughter or some equally rambuctious excuse! Hey, if I say Nanaea again, will I get a pat on the head if I'm right?
  18. Frederick the Great! (of Prussia, 1700's)
  19. Zamboner (yeah, yeah, I made that up, but hockey fans might get a laugh)
  20. ^ seeks fulfillment from bright colors shaped eerily like tv screens, but not. < has to fumble about with the key board each time looking for all the ^ < and v buttons. v think practice makes perfect.
  21. Yes. Is it possible to reach a catatonic state induced by moronic question?
  22. n/g, unless dog weddings count. or squirrel weddings. Man, those squirrels were crazy. Cats too. But darn, those primates are elusive. Cooked a meal wrong on purpose just so that you could order something in.
  23. Sheesh, story of my life..first I missed the bus, so I caught the second one, then I was late for work, but (and so on and so forth) Nanaea
  24. StoryJunkie

    Last Exile

    Darn, I was hoping that you would know...(sighs) Awesome Anime!
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