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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Per your request, your account has been deleted.
  2. I feel like I should break out of my bloody holiday mode, although Yule lends itself so well to death and despair.
  3. I’m in! I might even manage something vaguely fluffy this time. Maybe. I can be fluffy, sometimes.
  4. For everyone celebrating today, a very Happy Thanksgiving. 

    I am thankful for my family, both real life and my extended online family. I’m thankful for a warm home, and food on the table. I’m thankful for so many things today, and grateful, too.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      I totally forgot that it was Turkey day today! :D Happy Thanksgiving to you, love, and to everyone else who celebrate it. :hug: 

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I’m still rushing to try to meet my nano goal, as this is the last good weekend to do so.

    4. CloverReef


      Happy thanksgiving, my American neighbours! 

  5. BronxWench


    I do believe the Yahoo group page is still working, although you might have to join to see anything, as I recall. I admit I don’t use Yahoo, and haven’t for a very long time. The story you’re looking for was not posted here on AFF, as far as I can tell. I’ve looked in the staff records, and can find nothing. I do know this author also published for sale, although I don’t know the pen name used for that work. Perhaps the story was published?
  6. Per your other thread, I’m hoping all is well.
  7. I’m glad you were able to solve the issue! Happy writing!
  8. I think it was back in 2012? Or thereabouts. Then there was the HF purge, which was not quite as dramatic or frantic, but still busy enough.
  9. It goes through spurts. Some weeks, Cartoons is more active than Naruto or Games. Other weeks, Harry Potter outstrips Originals. But the last time we had mad activity was when FFN decided to enforce their ToS regarding mature content. Quite honestly, I am hoping they never decide to do that again, or at least confine it to one subdomain, please.
  10. BronxWench


    sagewhistler’s profile There are some links to various websites on the profile which might help.
  11. I would never disavow a review, but DG doesn’t need any more work for my sake, really.
  12. That’s not a project I’m going to ask our techies to take on. They have far more important work to do, and the reviews are still there. Just anonymous.
  13. Sadly, I lost all my stories and all my reviews. I do have many reviews copied over onto the review replies threads, so that’s good. I also keep several forms of backup for anything I write, so I still have the stories themselves. But my issues shouldn’t be indicative of anything wrong with the site itself. I just think it was a glitch with mine, and now that my anon reviews are working again, we’re all good! My biggest regret from the snafu is that reviews I’d left over the years are all now marked as from Anon, so I hope those people I reviewed remember that I did love their work.
  14. DG hasn’t has to run the script for a while now, not since the more recent code updates. I had some issues with my account recently, which might have resulted in my settings going back to the new account defaults, and it never occurred to me to check the anonymous reviews setting. It read “yes” but wasn’t allowing anon reviews. Selecting “yes” and updating seems to have set it properly to accept anon reviews.
  15. I wonder if it’s something to do with the “yes” state being a default, but not really activated unless you specifically set it?
  16. I will say my visual aids are largely not explicit. I find I like to collect images that feed a mood, or a facet of the world I’m building. For the Tales of the Seaborn Crown ‘verse, I collect steampunk images, mostly objects, Carnivale masks, costumes, and other things that flesh out the little details. I might save various bits of armor, or weapons that amuse. The explicit stuff doesn’t need visual aids, other than perhaps a pretty toy here and there. I like chastity cages lately...
  17. The happiest of birthdays to our very own @DemonGoddess! I hope you at least get the day off today, or get to go home on time so you can celebrate! :hug: 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      Happy birthday, @DemonGoddess. Hope you have a great day, and get to relax a bit. :hug: 

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Celebrate by reading some birthday smut!

    4. GeorgeGlass


      Hope you had a good one, DG.

  18. Hi, I’ve written this up for deletion. You do have quite a few stories posted between these two accounts. Those will also be deleted as well.
  19. Huh. I checked my account, and I am allowing anonymous reviews. I clicked “Yes” again, and updated it, so maybe it took this time?
  20. I am something of a pantser when I write by myself. When I co-author with someone else, I keep copious notes, but left to my own devices, I let my characters tell the story. It’s not even remotely efficient, but it’s how my brain works best when I don’t have someone else to bounce ideas off. The only thing I might make notes for are certain elements of the backstory, like pantheons, place names, and a very, VERY rough timeline. Otherwise, I wing it madly. I also do collect pictures as mental prompts, which I save to private boards on my Pinterest, just to fuel the imagination a bit, or aid me in describing something. I’m very visual in many respects, even if I prefer not to describe my characters in such minute detail as to rob readers of a chance to imagine the characters themselves.
  21. For Indigo: First of all, thank you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This has always been a favorite of mine, maybe because it does tug a bit at one’s feelings. I was deliberately vague about what precisely was wrong with her, although the consensus seems to be dementia, and I won’t say it’s not. And you did actually catch the paradox of their lovemaking—for him it’s most definitely a bid to recapture their old intimacy, while she is merely trying to cling to what she remembers of their past. I won’t apologize for the feels, however. It means I did my job as a writer, because I was able to coax forth that reaction, and I’m pleased I pulled it off. But thank you, again, for the read and the review.
  22. In my time here, I’ve seen very few instances of severe trolling or flaming. I really believe it occurs in certain subdomains more than others (and in some not at all) and generally revolves around someone daring to write something other than the OTP of the reader, or in some way bashing (or failing to bash) a specific character. Think Weasley-bashing in the harry Potter subdomain, or the fixation on Sasuke cuckolding Naruto in that subdomain. Aside from those instances, the flaming and trolling has been minimal here, maybe because we tend to moderate actively and we deal with flamers and trolls quickly. We do have limitations here that other sites don’t have, such as not allowing authors to reply to review on their review board, but one advantage to our forums is that only the author needs to be a member to create a review reply thread. Non-members can read and reply freely, and we’ve completely fine with including the url to your review reply thread in the story. I sometimes include it as a footnote AN, just a quick lime letting readers know (right above that handy link) that I do like reviews, so please drop me a line. I do allow anonymous reviews, and I’ve never really regretted doing so, even given that I’m sure to piss people off on a regular basis as a moderator who might have warned their story or even hidden it. But concrit? Good solid concrit is my favorite thing in the world, and I still haven’t forgiven Shadowknight12 for vanishing and not leaving me his wonderful, and very useful concrit. Snarky paladins aren’t what they used to be, that’s for damned sure.
  23. BronxWench

    kim possible fic

    KimberlyAnnPossible That story is not published here, and I can’t find any record of staff action with regard to the story. It appears the author removed stories from the site back in 2010 but that’s all I can find.
  24. What we look for in a resemblance clause is something like the following: “Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is unintentional.” “Any resemblance of events or people to real events, or real persons, living or dead, is coincidental.” It’s similar to what you’ll see on the front page of a fiction book, by the ISBN number and copyright information. You can copy those examples, or write your own, as long as it’s clear that you’re not writing about real people as your main characters. Mentioning a famous person or place in passing is fine, like having a character go to a well-known restaurant chain. I hope that helps, and happy writing!
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