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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Hi, and welcome to AFF! First question: We have no problem with you crossposting your work to multiple sites, including AO3. Many of our members post elsewhere as well as on AFF. Second question: If you’re not using the same pen name on other sites as you do here, a quick author’s note at the top of the first chapter, to let readers know you are the same person as your AO3 persona, is generally enough. If someone comes forward at some point and claims to be your other pen name, that would be an issue, but we do have members who use a unique name here to write under, because we host adult content. Third question: We do ask that tags be used for even a single instance of most things, but we don’t require that certain tags like WIP or Completed be used. It’s been our experience that readers can find any number of things upsetting if they encounter them unwarned, and that’s the purpose of tagging something. We’re particularly vigilant about tags which are very likely to be disturbing: Rape, Minor1/Minor2, Incest, Abuse, et cetera. Those really are trigger issues and we never want readers to walk blindly into that content. If a tag is missing that we feel is required, we do contact you and even if the story is hidden until the tag is added, we don’t summarily delete stories for a missing tag until you’ve had at least 40 days to make the correction from the date of the initial warning. We’re actively moderated, and we aim to response within 24 hours to any inquiry, or email about a correction. Fell free to ask any questions you have—we’re happy to answer!
  2. MeLovesYaoi removed all stories from AFF some time ago.
  3. The first thing I always suggest is that you check your Spam or Junk folders to see if we’re being redirected there. Anything with “adult” in the address often gets shunted by the email provider, or your Internet service provider if you use them as your email provider. Adding us to your address book or contacts list helps keep us out of the spam folder. If that’s not the issue, you might want to review your forum profile settings for notifications. Those are actually a great deal more involved than the archive’s Yes/No options, and you may be able to resolve the issue by updating your settings. If none of that applies, or helps the issue, @Melrick (our Forum Administrator) might be able to offer more assistance.
  4. Oh, I do hope it worked. This used to be simpler, really… but if it doesn’t work for you, we can ask DemonGoddess061 to make the change in the database directly. You would need to email her directly at technicalsupport@adult-fanfiction.org. She’s the only one who accesses that email address. We’ve been having issues with Hotmail, Outlook and Live email addresses. Microsoft hates us.
  5. Hi, @Nightwing You can reset your password from your Control Panel, but that seems to be having certain technical issues, especially with certain email providers. Yours might be okay, so give it a try and if you have issues, let us know.
  6. It’s all well and fine for you to post that, but I need BladeofHell56 to give that permission in writing, via email directly from him (not you or any other potential writer) to my staff email at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org. Without that written permission, we won’t allow the story in the archive.
  7. Formans Familia by Michally was taken down by the author from every site where they had posted it. We ask that if anyone has a copy, they do NOT offer it here. We respect the author's wishes to have the story removed, and ask that our users do the same.
  8. If you’re using any elements of BladeofHell56’s story, I will expect written permission from BladeofHell56, delivered to the staff email address, giving clear consent. Otherwise, the stories will be deleted from the archive. I’ll quote from our Terms of Service for you: “You understand that when posting User Submissions, you are stating that any work submitted under your User Account is your own personal work and has not been in any part copied or plagiarized from any source. Furthermore, you understand that you are not to post anyone else's work without the express permission of the original copyright holder unless said work is part of Public Domain.” While futas in Naruto are nothing new, the concept of rare non-futa characters as presented in BladeofHell56’s story is unique enough to warrant permission to use it.
  9. It’s never a bother, and I’m happy you’re able to access everything again!
  10. If this is you, then it was the Microsoft email you used, the Live.com email. We can update that email address for you, or if you can still log in to the old email account, you can edit it yourself in your Control Panel. If you want us to update it, I’d suggest emailing us with the correct address to use. This forum is public, and spambots can harvest email addresses posted here. You can reach us at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org.
  11. Whatever the issue it, it appears to be happening to users who have Hotmail, Outlook, or Live.com email addresses. So far, I’ve not heard of any resolution, other than to reinforce my refusal to trust Microsoft to get anything right these days.
  12. Any real person who would appear in the public venue, like a politician, sportswriter, musician, chef, YouTube personality, et cetera falls under the “Celebrity” umbrella. I’ll add that in that subdomain, we are scrupulous about tagging, since the stories involve real persons. Because there is always the possibility that a friend or family member could come across the story, our disclaimer requirements are very specific as well. You can find those here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/3560-what-is-needed-in-a-disclaimer/
  13. There’ve been a few things since we amended the code to make the site more mobile-user friendly, and not all of them have been as functional as we non-mobile device users would like. I don’t know if DemonGoddess still needs to runs that daily query or not, but I’ll alert her and see what she can tell us.
  14. Can you give me the pen name, or the url, so I can take a look?
  15. Links for above: It Is Good To Be Kagome by KogasAngel
  16. Given that the 12-16 week period fell in the holiday season, I’d give them to the middle of March. At that point, I’d poke them for a decision.
  17. I’m not finding anything here on AFF for that name. It’s not surprising, since I’m assuming it was a false name used for the purpose of stealing other people’s work. However, if you find out anything more, please let me know. As a published author, I really, REALLY dislike thieves. Pulling your work does feel like letting the bad guys win, at least to me. It’s ultimately your decision, of course, but I’m rooting for you to keep your stories up.
  18. The sad truth is that there is no way to prevent someone from copying a story. Other sites such as FanFiction.Net have tried various methods to prevent copying of stories but we’ve found stories posted here that were copied from that site. Archive Of Our Own provides download links, which certainly doesn’t help matters. We’ve been asked why WE don’t have those links, and the answer is that we don’t like plagiarists. What we can do here is remain vigilant. If you want to give me what information you have regarding the person who stole your story and sold it on Amazon, I can certainly look into whether they have an account here or not. You can email that to tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org, and I will investigate it promptly.
  19. Aside from the age restriction, there’s no reason you can’t write a celebrity-based fiction as dark as you want. We’ve had some pretty dark celebrity-based stories on AFF, and I will confess that the ONLY time I’ve walked away from a story in tears on this site was a celebrity-based story, very early in my tenure as a moderator here. It was dark even by my standards, and I enjoy dark themes. Now, for the second part...my recommendation is that you post that link only once in the review thread here, but most definitely NOT in the story itself. Since the story can also be posted here, you can always chat about it on our forum, and our review reply threads are open to readers even if they don’t belong to the AFF forum.
  20. AFF is mobile-friendly, but I would strongly recommend downloading a free app for word processing like Google Drive, to allow you to properly save your word. You can copy and paste from pretty much most word processing software into AFF’s Rich Text Editor, tweak the format a bit, and publish from a phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer. While you could write directly in the Rich Text Editor, it doesn’t have the ability to save your work, and if the program closes before you actually publish the story, it’s lost. For more information, you can try this FAQ: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/63417-how-to-upload-a-story/ (As an update, the recaptcha is no longer required, which makes it even simpler to post that story.)
  21. My personal feeling is that it’s better to name both fandoms. While it’s the same overarching ‘verse, there’s enough of a difference to support disclaiming both specifically by name.
  22. That may have done it. I have to admit, I’m not as versed in Android as I should be. I’ll remember this for next time I get a question, though, so thank you!
  23. I’ve no idea why it worked, but I’m glad it did!
  24. I’m back from vacation, and ready to start planning the next one. :blink:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. InBrightestDay
    3. CloverReef


      Next time I’m coming with you. 

    4. JayDee


      I hope you had a good vacation! I hope the next one’s cool too.

  25. Crows. Ask Elderspawn about the sea of crows in the parking lot. Definitely all my fault, that one was.
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