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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. For me, it depends on my setting. My original fantasy settings seem to work best when I use Irish or Welsh names. I’m also not above using Quenya or Sindarin for naming elven characters. For anything original with a contemporary setting, I try to use contemporary names without sliding into the overly unique. There is nothing at all wrong with a simple name. Fandom just means I need to stick to the ‘verse as far as naming conventions. As a caveat, my fandoms tend to revolve around CRPGs that I enjoy, so it helps to know what influenced the devs of the game. I’m pretty sure no one in the Dragon Age universe is going to have a Japanese name, although the Forgotten Realms game of Baldur’s Gate 2 does have one particular NPC from Kara-Tur named Yoshimo.
  2. BronxWench

    Black diamonds

    As our staff goes through each archive subdomain to clean up issues, they will address the black diamond problems. However, our staff is entirely volunteer, and real life scheduling has meant that our tech admin has been very stretched. Her work schedule currently averages 80 hours a week, which has delayed a lot of the clean-up in favor of more pressing tasks which keep AFF running. We have not forgotten this issue.
  3. As you requested, your account has been deleted.
  4. Trust me, if I was able to write code, I’d be working on a few projects for AFF, based on the number of people who are asking for the same thing: recognition that their stories are being read. Part of the problem with reviews, and I’m opening a can of worms here, I know, is the ever-popular cancel culture mentality. It’s unfortunately the case that some writers do NOT respond well to anything other than a complete squee. If you aren’t gushing about their cleverness, or the adorableness of their characters, or the genius of the pairing they chose from their fandom, the reaction to the review will be either a deletion of the review, a huffy author’s note mention of people who can’t accept artistic quality without complaining, or a combination of both. Even the mildest of questions can provoke a fit of pique from these writers, and after a time, most reviewers will quietly move on to another story. For myself, I adore constructive criticism. Tell me what didn’t work for you, because that’s how I can continue to hone my own writing. Squeeing about my work tells me bugger-all. On the other hand, we have reviewers who, quite simply, can’t write a review. A personal attack on the writer is not a review; it is a personal attack on the writer and deserves deletion of the review and quite possibly the reviewer’s account as well. A review berating the inclusion of something that was quite clearly covered in the story tags, tags which the reviewer managed to overlook in their entirety, is not at all helpful to the writer, and only serves to highlight the reviewer’s own lack of mental acuity. As an example, I detest scat. If a story is tagged for that particular content, and I read it anyway, I have NO right whatsoever to berate the author for having scat in the story. I’m the idiot who ignored the tags, so shame on me for being feckless. The biggest issue for me is always going to be the motivation for me to write. Do I write to collect dragon prints, or hit points, or kudos? Or do I write because the stories in my head won’t go away otherwise?
  5. I might be the odd man out here, but I actually just want to know if people have reacted to my story at all. I don’t care if they don’t love it, and I’m generally not surprised if people hate it, but I’d love a reaction. Back when I had more time, I tried to read more and I’d make a point of reviewing when I read. (Thanks to a hiccup, my account was inadvertently deleted, which left all my old reviews anonned, but hopefully that won’t matter to the authors I reviewed.) Sometimes when I was sweeping in the archive, I’d come across a new story in a fandom I might not normally have pursued for leisure reading, and I’d make a point to go back, read properly, and review. I’m fairly specific about fandoms, however, and I have my personal squicks which I will avoid diligently for leisure reading, so I might not get around to reading everything. I’m hoping I’ll be able to find more time to just read again, and when I read, I review!
  6. It’s been ages since I posted anything on FFN, and I honestly don’t remember if they did have data on individual chapters. I refuse to post on AO3, at least until they start enforcing their ToS on an impartial and non-gaslighting basis, so your guess would be far better than mine as to how they track data. We don’t have anything in place to track hits on individual chapters on AFF at this time. I’m not even sure if our archive code would be able to do that, not being even remotely capable of writing code myself.
  7. I will delete the archive account for you. @Melrick will be able to delete the forum profile.
  8. The author profiles are in one database. It’s the archival subdomains that are split into multiple databases.
  9. My concern is that this might be a benign placeholder, but database access is supposed to be strictly limited. I certainly can’t access the database to run any sort of global changes myself, although I suspect I could change pen names on a case by case basis, IF I knew the correct pen name and user ID number. But as @Desiderius Price points out, that would be tedious indeed.
  10. Dear gods. I was able to go to my own control panel, and update my pen name back to the correct one. The correction seems to be holding even after a page refresh. Unfortunately, that’s not going to work for inactive members if they’re not around to correct their pen names. Hopefully @DemonGoddess and @manta2g can fix this in the database.
  11. First of all, I hope the job was worth that intensive a background check, and that you were hired! You can repost the stories without needing to add or edit anything, as long as they’re your own stories. What we don’t allow is for people to post a story, remove it, and then repost it just to keep it at the top of the page. But in this instance, I’m sure readers would love to have your stories back up.
  12. I would need to update the email address in the database first, which I can do, for you to change the password. If you’d prefer me to delete the account, I can do that as well.
  13. The issue is most likely your email provider. We have had, for some time now, issues with Microsoft email clients, including Hotmail.com, Outlook.com and Live accounts. The security protocols Microsoft put into place after their last security breach do not allow access to our password reset function. What has worked in the past is a temporary switch to a gmail address. While I can’t access password information in the database (it’s an admin-only function), I can update email addresses. If you provide me a gmail address, I can amend your account to use that address, which would allow you to reset your password. Once you have access to the account again, you can change your email address back to your preferred provider. To keep the spammers at bay, I recommend you provide any email addresses via our staff email: tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org
  14. My understanding is that the author deleted all their online accounts and removed all their work from the Internet.
  15. We have a FAQ on how to use the Search feature in the archive here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/63121-how-to-use-search/ When you go to a subdomain, and click the “Search Archive” link, you will see various fields that can be searched. Some categories have been divided into subcategories, like “Male/Female” which makes it easier. In the case of categories which don’t have that subdivision, you can search in the tag field using the “+” and “-” boolean feature, by entering something like this: -mm. That should filter out all stories with a male/male tag.
  16. The account is gone, and thank you for the report!
  17. I’ve added the category in Books > G through L > Guild Codex Series.
  18. Story link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600110036
  19. Just to confirm, is this your profile? http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296982699
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