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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. We were talking at one point about something to replace the ratings system, perhaps a “like” or “kudos” feature that would be harder to abuse, at least in terms of downvoting a story that didn’t have the reader’s OTP, or had content (duly tagged) that the reader still found offensive even though they were alerted by the tags to its presence. (Yes, it got that petty.) As I recall, and it was a while ago, it was not something that was easy for the coder to implement, and our focus on code updates was to make the site more mobile-friendly. Encouraging reviews has always been difficult. We had to implement a policy of not allowing authors to withhold chapters until a certain number of reviews was received, because readers emailed us in droves to complain bitterly. Review demands are still prohibited, because honestly, none of us have the patience to deal with the surge of irate emails they engender. On the other hand, readers tend to expect fast updates without any consideration for real-life demands that might slow an author down, and I can’t imagine we’d want to reward a flurry of “Get off your ass and write the next chapter, dammit!” reviews. But that would involve a quality assurance review of reviews, and I don’t have the staff for that, probably because we’re all volunteers and getting paid in virtual whiskey and brain bleach isn’t appealing to a lot of folks. Now, if someone wanted to revive the AFF Reviewers Association, and had the artistic talent to create badges and banners to hand out to reviewers, that would be something I’d get behind. Anyone reviewing a story could leave a link to their review, and whoever is running the initiative could hand out badges and such monthly (weekly might be a bit time consuming). Who knows? It might be a way to get folks more active again. Another way for authors to perhaps encourage reviews is to post story updates to the Promote a Story! thread, with helpful links to the story or chapter so readers could jump to it quickly. Readers could follow that story promotion thread, and get email notification when the author posts about an update. Sometimes we lose track of a story, and this could be a way to keep it fresh in readers’ minds. I’m enjoying all this brainstorming!
  2. We had pluses in the archive back when I first joined. You could rate a story from one to five pluses, with five being the highest rating. As @Desiderius Price said, and as you recall, there was a great deal of abuse of that system. We also had the AFF Reviewers Association, which gave out tokens and banners for reviewers. It was strictly a member-run thing, and not an official campaign, but it did help spark some reviews. We do have the ability for authors to allow or disallow anonymous reviews, as a global setting for their profile, and not by individual story. I’m not a coder (as I frequently admit) so I don’t know if there is any way to implement what we have on the forum—the more a forum member’s posts are liked, the more reputation points they get—and make it a reputation point system for logged-in reviewers. I’m going to guess that it would be harder to implement in the archive, however. (I’m going to admit that I haven’t had a lot of time for reading for pleasure, so I have been seriously remiss in reviewing anything as well. I’d love to say I’ll get better about reading and reviewing, but I hate to make promises I’m not certain I can keep.)
  3. Just to confirm, is this your account? http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296964048
  4. Hi, I have found your account, I think: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296782728 This account is showing as inactive, which would mean you would need to re-activate it as shown in this FAQ: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/29595-existing-users-logging-in-for-the-1st-time-in-the-new-system/ You would need to use the email address used to create the account, which is unfortunately an iwon.com email address, and they are, I believe, no longer providing that service. So, in order to re-activate the account, I would need to update your email address. I strongly suggest you not post your email addresses on the forum, since that’s a good way to attract spam. You can email me at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org with the email address you want to use, and I can update that for you. Once I’ve done that, I’ll let you know and you can follow the reactivation steps. If you run into any issues reactivating, I’d be happy to help you work through them.
  5. I’m tagging @DemonGoddess and @manta2g in my response. I have a feeling this is a hiccup from our recent upgrade to PHP 7, since I’m seeing quite a few pending registrations. I’m hopeful they can clear the issue up quickly, so bear with us.
  6. Guest Agent, your post has been hidden deleted because story content is not permitted in the Forum. All stories are to be posted in the Archive.
  7. Mostly, people do this to bump their story up in the Latest Stories page, which seems to be what this member is trying to avoid. However, we do have rules about that sort of thing, and the story with all the blank chapters has been hidden. Thanks for the heads-up!
  8. There is a possibility that the upgrade to php7 might have affected the way browsers read the encoding. The end goal is to convert everything to a standard encoding (utf8, if I’m not mistaken). However, given that we are an all-volunteer staff, and RL has been biting hard for most of us the past couple of years, it’s going to take a while for our tech admin to go through each story/chapter to manually convert the text to the proper format. As to downloading of stories, as someone who mostly writes original content, I would strongly object to any such feature being added to the site. Personally, I think all plagiarists should be flayed, salted, rubbed with honey, and staked out atop a fire ant colony, but that’s me.
  9. For Chrome: This is the Chrome extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/set-character-encoding/bpojelgakakmcfmjfilgdlmhefphglae?hl=en After adding the extension, the encoding should be set to Windows-1252 to fix the black diamond issue. For iOS/Safari: On a Mac, open Safari, and go to Preferences > Advanced, and there should be an option for “Default Encoding.” I will add the caveat that I am a Windows user, and not conversant with Macs, iOS, or Safari. I do not know if Safari for mobile platforms has this option, and my sole Apple device, an elderly iPod Touch Gen4, is singularly unhelpful.
  10. I’m showing a Yahoo.com email address associated with the account. Is that the one you had posted earlier? (Our forum moderator removed the email address from your post before I checked in this morning.)
  11. I am showing a gmail address for your AFF account. I’m tagging our tech admin @DemonGoddess to see if she can pinpoint what’s going on.
  12. Hi, It would help me to have your pen names or archive urls, so I can find your account quickly. However, since I like a challenge, I was able to locate DemiDemon fairly quickly: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296967754 The pen name Kay is a little harder. I have one account with that exact pen name, but it is inactive, which would be why a password reset wouldn’t work. So, I’m quite certain I have the wrong account, and there are dozens of variables on that pen name. A little direction would help. We have been having an issue with the password reset link. Normally, the issue was limited to those email addressed from Microsoft’s email clients: Outlook.com, Hotmail, or Live.com. It is now also happening to members with gmail addresses, and Yahoo.com email addresses as well. I’ve already sent a query to our tech admin, and I’m hoping to hear back from her with some guidance.
  13. Thank you! It’s been removed from Books.
  14. The password reset link uses your email address, and it has to match an address in the database. The only thing I can do is to edit your email address, if you have another address you can use temporarily. You already have a gmail address, which is probably the best option. If you want to try using another email address, please let me know via the staff email so it doesn’t appear on a public forum. That address is tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org
  15. Unfortunately, I can’t change passwords myself for our members. But have you tried the password reset again after clearing the cookies and cache? The link I’ve used in the past is http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/reset.php
  16. Try clearing your cache and all AFF cookies, and then try logging out (even if you think you are already logged out) and logging in with your current password. It might be a corrupted cookie string causing an issue.
  17. Sending out wishes for a very happy birthday to my very dear friend Melrick. Unfortunately, they won’t let me ship you a Key Lime pie from JG Melon’s! :hug: :bday::wish:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Melrick


      Thanks, everyone.  I spent my birthday making my 169th donation at the blood bank and then doing a bit of grocery shopping.  Truly I live life on the edge! lol

    3. WillowDarkling


      :hug:Even though you’re in Australia, thank you for being a blood donor, Melrick. Those of us who can’t donate sincerely appreciate it. 

    4. GeorgeGlass


      Happy birthday! Now go drink some fluids. :)

  18. Links for above: Darkness Leads the Way by Chaosdreamer
  19. I deleted it. They posted it as an anonymous reviewer, so the only option is to turn off anonymous reviews, unfortunately.
  20. You won’t be able to log in if your password doesn’t meet the new requirements. You need to reset the password first, and then complete the activation process.
  21. I’ve found this account: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296830444 It looks like you do need to update the account since some information that is now required is missing. The FAQ showing how to update the account is here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/29595-existing-users-logging-in-for-the-1st-time-in-the-new-system/ Just a note about passwords; they need to be at least 8 but not more than 12 letters and/or numbers long. No punctuation or special characters are permitted, and letters are case-sensitive. If you run into any issues, let us know, and we’ll help sort things out.
  22. Wishing our very own Pittwitch a Happy Birthday. May your wishes be granted (yes, even THAT one!) 

    :wub::dancegirl2: :wish:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Desiderius Price
    3. GeorgeGlass


      Happy birthday, PW!

    4. Melrick


      Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Pitwitch, happy birthday to you.  Hip hip etc!

  23. I’m not seeing any issues with the registration based on what I can access. It can take 30 minutes to an hour for that email to be sent. If it’s been that long, you can try requesting a new activation email via this link: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/rsa.php The other thing to check is your Spam or Junk folder. Our email might have been sent there, depending on your email client’s spam filters.
  24. What was the pen name you used to register? I can try to look and see if I can spot the issue.
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