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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. 27841
  2. If you're using Microsoft Word, you should use the Paste from Word option in the Rich Text Editor. This will preserve all the formatting in your document, which will NOT happen if you paste as plain text. This FAQ explains it nicely.
  3. 27839
  4. 27837
  5. A lot of us use the Writers' Corner threads.
  6. 27835
  7. 27833
  8. 27830
  9. 27826
  10. 27824
  11. 27822
  12. All I can tell you is that there was no staff action involved in the removal. The author removed the story.
  13. 27820
  14. Oh, what a surprise...it's snowing. Again. >.<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BronxWench


      We're getting 3-5 inches today, another round of sleet, ice, and snow Wednesday, and then again over the weekend.

    3. BronxWench


      Oh, rapture. We reached 8-10 inches today. ::headdesk::

    4. JayzinDuanne


      we got almost 2 feet on whatever day it was that it snowed so much haha

  15. 27818
  16. 27816
  17. 27812
  18. 27810
  19. 27808
  20. 27806
  21. 27804
  22. For Culloch's Rest - Chapter 25: Now, you know I'm not going to tip my hand and blow the ending. I will say that popularity isn't quite the word I'd use for the cat-toy of the hour as far as some of the fey are concerned. But thank you!
  23. 27800
  24. Pen Name: BronxWench Story Link: Culloch's Rest - Chapter 25 Review Replies: BronxWench's Review Replies - Original Fiction Type of Fic: FlashFic Rating: Adult+ Fandom: Original > Paranormal/Supernatural > Het - Male/Female Warnings: Abuse, BP, ChallengeFic, Fingering, HJ, M/F, MiCD
  25. Predictive text makes me want to scream. I bought a little bluetooth keyboard for my tablet, and I use that rather than a laptop when I'm at the pool in the summer. I get to write, and when I need a break, I have the Kindle app to let me enjoy a book. I love my little keyboard, and I'll never give it up. Even if I am one of the slooooow typers.
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