Just a couple of points here, not to step on a good rant, but...
We don't encourage flame wars on the review boards here. That makes for very cranky mods, and here at AFF, we DO actively moderate.
Which brings me to point two. We're not affiliated with any other site, so issues on those sites aren't something we can address, nor do we want their issues to come and play here.
Now, taking off my mod hat for a moment, and speaking as an author and not-frequent-enough reader, there are so many reasons that stories get abandoned. Sometimes it's lack of direction. Sometimes it's profound writer's block. Sometimes it's real life intervening and causing an author to be unable to devote time to writing. But whatever the reason, writing is hard work, folks!
Feed the writers you love with helpful reviews that let them know what works and what doesn't, and be patient if there's a delay with a normally updated story. And if a story hasn't been touched for over ten years, it's a safe bet that the author won't be updating it anytime soon. Save yourself the aggravation and click past if unfinished stories drive you crazy. Me, I just get plunnies.