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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. All I can tell you is that there was no staff action involved in the removal. The author removed the story.
  2. Oh, what a surprise...it's snowing. Again. >.<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BronxWench


      We're getting 3-5 inches today, another round of sleet, ice, and snow Wednesday, and then again over the weekend.

    3. BronxWench


      Oh, rapture. We reached 8-10 inches today. ::headdesk::

    4. JayzinDuanne


      we got almost 2 feet on whatever day it was that it snowed so much haha

  3. For Culloch's Rest - Chapter 25: Now, you know I'm not going to tip my hand and blow the ending. I will say that popularity isn't quite the word I'd use for the cat-toy of the hour as far as some of the fey are concerned. But thank you!
  4. Pen Name: BronxWench Story Link: Culloch's Rest - Chapter 25 Review Replies: BronxWench's Review Replies - Original Fiction Type of Fic: FlashFic Rating: Adult+ Fandom: Original > Paranormal/Supernatural > Het - Male/Female Warnings: Abuse, BP, ChallengeFic, Fingering, HJ, M/F, MiCD
  5. Predictive text makes me want to scream. I bought a little bluetooth keyboard for my tablet, and I use that rather than a laptop when I'm at the pool in the summer. I get to write, and when I need a break, I have the Kindle app to let me enjoy a book. I love my little keyboard, and I'll never give it up. Even if I am one of the slooooow typers.
  6. Oh, yes! Black and white tvs.... Rotary dial phones... Yes, it was FUN then.
  7. Finding a Bit of Trust by fareys_delight
  8. I had an old Royal manual myself. I also had a reel to reel tape recorder. And now that I've dated myself thoroughly...
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