For Indigo:
Thank you! Your prompts are amazingly good at bringing out these stories, so, really, I'm very grateful! It is a bit sad, but I was never terribly good at happy endings, as I've been told many times. I'm just happy that it works
For Indigo:
Thank you! I have to admit, the monthly prompts really do seem to wake up my muse of late, which I hope is a good thing. But this is one that's been tugging at me for a while, and I'm glad you enjoyed.
Pen Name: BronxWench Story Link: Indigo Review Replies: BronxWench's Review Replies - Original Fiction Prompts Used: All
Type of Fic: Short Story Rating: Adult Fandom: Original > Original - Misc > Het - Male/Female Warnings: AFFO ,ChallengeFic, Fingering, Oneshot