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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. We ask that you not request pdfs or other hard copy formats of stories that have been taken down by the author. This thread has all the information we know, however.
  2. 27928
  3. 27925
  4. 27923
  5. 27921
  6. 27918
  7. 27916
  8. The story has been taken down from AFF, but I'm not seeing any record of staff action. The author has changed their pen name, however, from tmntfangirl84 to pandasize. There are no published stories for that account. T
  9. It's another RTE, then? I'm curious, because I know AO3 also has the line duplication issue in its RTE. I'll have to poke about and test it, but the "Paste from Word" option should preserve the formatting, including the style setting. One of my Luddite tendencies is that I still like the illusion that each "enter" is a carriage return, so I have "No spacing" as my default style in Word.
  10. 27908
  11. 27906
  12. How do you add content on that other site? I'm going to guess it's not an RTE?
  13. 27904
  14. I find myself using the third pass to catch those irritating little quirks, like using the same adjective twice in a paragraph. I do find myself fussing more over things I publish online, because anything I submit to a publisher, if accepted, is going to be reviewed by an editor. The editor will place my nose firmly to the grindstone, and make me fix what I missed. The advantage of that, however, is that I can be taught, and I try not to make those mistakes again.
  15. 27900
  16. If you use Word 2010, the "Normal Spacing" style setting will give you a blank line between paragraphs without adding another paragraph break.
  17. 27897
  18. I think that's a common problem for many of us. One trick I use to keep from over-editing is a three-pass rule. I write the rough draft, and then I'm allowed three passes over the completed story or chapter. The first pass is always grueling, and focuses on grammar and syntax. The second pass is for flow and content, and the third pass is to tweak and polish. After that, I'm done. No more tinkering and over-tweaking. It's posted, and hopefully, it's acceptably error-free. If not, well, someone will be sure to tell me where I screwed up, and I can always fix it.
  19. 27895
  20. 27893
  21. 27887
  22. 27885
  23. 27883
  24. 27881
  25. 27877
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